Sentences with phrase «economic predictions»

It is said that economic predictions fail because they try to predict the tide by measuring one wave.
All of which illustrates both the futility of making economic predictions and the futility of the philosophy behind carbon taxes, credits and trading.
Ella Moss presents MORE ON THE GREAT FINANCIAL DISASTER OF 2010 Â «Zodiac Times posted at Zodiac Times, saying, «economic predictions from the pen of an astrologer»
My big gripe with economic predictions over the past five years, is that forecasters use the old closed economy simplifications that worked when the US was a unique capitalist economy, and international trade flows did not affect the total picture much.
It's a LeftWatch column from Matthew Parris in the Times, as he mocks Blanchflower, Portes and Mason for wrong economic predictions (plus Kaletsky and Wolf)
But events in the Middle East and gloomy economic predictions cast a shadow on the show.
Investors who build this portfolio using low - cost index funds, as I recommend, don't have to rely on anybody's ability to choose stocks or make any short - term economic predictions.
Peter, It was my impression that it is not the area of responsibility of Climate science to provide economic predictions.
There is a basic reason why economic predictions fail and it relates to Gruber's assumption that people are stupid.
As I'm not an economist, I have never gone around making economic predictions, based on my own political preferences, though lots of people on the right, left and centre do this.
My big gripe with economic predictions over the past five years, is that forecasters use the old closed economy simplificati...
Louis - Philippe Rochon has written a provocative blog post for the CBC titled «Top 10 Economic Predictions for 2015.»
While Tetlock's research covered geopolitical and economic predictions, the relevance to business is pretty obvious.
Lindsey, an adviser to George W. Bush, is urging Paul Krugman and Larry Summers to put their money behind their economic predictions.
The economic predictions from the annual gathering known as Camp Kotok resemble two smart people trying to steer a canoe: lots of zigging and zagging to get back to the same place.
With a Ph.D. in economics and a focus on the principles of free - market capitalism and «Austrian» economics, Mark Skousen has often gone contrary to the crowd in his investment choices and economic predictions — and has often been proved right.
Economic predictions should not be viewed as facts, but as an educated guess.
Any economic predictions made back then, including those based on the 5 - year - old Social Security program, would be completely unable to account for everything that has happened since.
The one thing all these attempts at political and economic predictions have in common is a refusal to acknowledge that events will always occur that will completely flip the world on its axis and challenge our most basic assumptions.
Recent changes to economic predictions had been due to factors outside the Treasury's control, such as the dollar - pound exchange rate and high energy prices.
Important piece, because people watch PIMCO on the tube, and think that they make money off of their economic predictions, which are often wrong.
Market commentators are continually thinking up new ones, based on recent market strength or weakness, historical market patterns, political or economic predictions, changes in tax policies — the list is endless.
Plus, peace of mind from a fixed rate can be worth it even if the economic predictions are wrong.
Economic predictions are based on estimates and are subject to change.
Actually, Herman Kahn's economic predictions were astoundingly accurate.
One major problem with the IPCC is that they do nt have any serious economists, or anyone who is capable of pointing out the gross errors in their economic predictions.
Based on Hansens» fudged 1981 CO2 hypotheses computer models were assembled and used by the IPCC for economic predictions.
If we looked at the problem as purely a question of what response is merited by the state of the science and the economic predictions, we would probably all be on the same page.
When an economic prediction is made, people, especially the influential, react and modify their behavior, almost always invalidating the prediction.
Economic predictions, it should be noted, are just as vulnerable to time as weather predictions.
Economic predictions, news, insights & humor for the Great Recession.
Economic growth: Who knew that Polar Vortex would put the deep freeze on 2014 economic predictions?
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