Sentences with phrase «economic privilege»

It fashions society into an economic organization in which production for profit becomes the central enterprise, in which the economic relations of men are regarded as their fundamental relations, in which economic privileges are most highly prized, and in which the resultant classes of men are set to struggle with one another for the economic goods.
I think as a culture we've spent the last several generations barreling forward, improving the definition of what's best for our kids with every knew piece of knowledge or economic privilege gained.
Now, the matter of personal and familial legacy takes a sardonic turn toward interrogating contemporary Argentina, and a handful of young women whose economic privilege and daily malaise outweighs a tangible contribution to society.
There are some who believe that time and custom, prescriptive right and continuity of possession are good grounds for retaining territory or economic privileges or various forms of property.
Democratic movements, on the other hand, reflect a religious spirit, when in the name of truth, equity, and universal rights the idols of race, class, economic privilege, party, and nation are tumbled down.
On the other hand, when protests are weakening, connected companies see their economic privileges increase.
According to 2012 statistics, the average annual household income in the United States is approximately $ 50,000, meaning that most of the indie devs we surveyed are well above average when it comes to economic privilege (in the top 34 % or so).
«From a Eurocentric vantage point, black figures are almost always interpreted as an exception to the array of white - skinned figures who dominate not only artworks, but positions of historical, political, and economic privilege,» said Senior Curator of Contemporary Art Kristen Hileman.
A typical lawyer's student loan debt averaged more than $ 140,000 in 2016, and becoming a lawyer is no longer a surefire path to a life of social and economic privilege.
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