Sentences with phrase «economic processes»

On the other hand, a society in which conscious control of economic processes is undertaken for the common good encourages the growth of moral personalities.
What we see in our country today is a perfectly good economic process — the mechanisms for producing and consuming goods — made into a religion.
This book examines the ways in which contemporary artists represent economic processes.
This is because different types and sources of greenhouse gases result from different economic processes and play different roles in the climate system.
Modern economics assumes that money is only «a veil», not intervening in economic processes as such.
By qualifying the present economic process as global apartheid, Fr.
I've been writing about this issue off and on for three years now, because economic processes are messy, and tend to generate messy returns, not smooth returns, particularly once the easy arbitrages are glutted with yield - seeking investors.
They are considered as being expendable in the global economic process.
Rather than a political failure, the decline of manufacturing employment is a natural economic process that many industries, like agriculture, have gone through in past eras.
According to the national economics standards, students should be taught only the «majority paradigm» or «neoclassical model» of economic behavior, for to include «strongly held minority views of economic processes risks confusing and frustrating teachers and students, who are then left with the responsibility of sorting the qualifications and alternatives without a sufficient foundation to do so.»
Alex Racelis is an agroecologist, and uses a systems approach to examine the ecological and socio - economic processes embedded in the sustainable management of agricultural and natural resources.
Unless we have CCS as a viable economic process it's going to be very difficult to see cutbacks in the medium term.
Strong general education promotes greater cognitive skills that pay off in dealing with new economic processes (as seen in our recent paper with Guido Schwerdt and Simon Wiederhold).
In addition, events of the 21st century, such as increased terrorism and multinational economic processes, press educators and educational leaders to change curriculum and learning in order to help our students develop intercultural competence.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This edited volume examines how economic processes have worked upon social lives and social realities in Latin America during the past decades.
In 1972, the United Nations organized the first major Conference on the Environment in Stockholm, called «Man and the Biosphere», which stated that the technological and socio - economic processes associated with «development» were compromising the quality of life on Earth.
NEMO will focus on novel enzymes for hydrolysis and novel microorganisms for cellulosic ethanol production to identify the most eco-efficient and economic process options for cellulosic ethanol.
Expansion of value is the cherished goal of economic process.
By a curious semantic reversal, freedom in classical «liberal» economics meant the absence of deliberate human intervention in economic processes.
The Gross Domestic Product shows directly the economic evolution of the European Union, while the unemployment level is a key indicator that shows the social involvement in the economic processes.
As an economic process, financialization makes money through debt leverage — taking on debt to pay for things that will increase income or the value of assets: for instance, taking out a loan for education or a mortgage on a property to open a store.
We should have put every freed slave through intense education and brought»em up to speed and involved them in the economic process as entrpreneurs, small business owners, and members of the corporate world.
An economic process defines for millions of Americans what it is to be truly human, what the meaning of life is, how to avoid guilt.
For most social scientists, the debate over the meaning of globalization focuses on whether it is centrally and fundamentally an economic process.
(The sophistication of names, acronyms, such as WTO, TRIPS, TRIMS mystify the economic processes for most people).
Other social scientists have resisted the exclusive focus on the economic process as well as the overly benign interpretation of its effects.
Religion is not likely to die out, he says; it may even flourish among reactionary groups critical of political and economic processes.
The economic theory should be reformulated so as to consider the contribution of the economic process to the richness of experience of the producer on a par with the contribution to the richness of experience of the consumer.
These passages show beyond doubt that self - interest plays a crucial role in Adam Smith's understanding of economic processes.
But, then, why did he recognize a significant and positive role for public authority in the functioning of the economy and why did he advocate reasonable wages and living standards for the workers, instead of leaving these to be determined by the economic processes themselves?
«We could do it very simply, with a very fast and economic process that is easily incorporated in patient care,» Venneti says.
«Children are the most vulnerable subject in economic processes,» Menchini says.
We have but one planet, and both the physical and economic processes that are driving climate change have enormous inertia.
Method development comprises construction and analysis of mathematical models that describe complex scientific, technical as well as socio - economic processes, the development of efficient algorithms for simulation or optimization of such models, accompanying development of visualization, large scale data management and data analysis techniques, and transfer of algorithms into efficient software and high performance computing techniques.
Ideal for business studies and economics as a topical resource to get students talking and thinking about the economic processes at work today.
The contemporary view of education distorts the purpose of schooling, by aiming not at the development of individual as ends in themselves, but as instruments in the economic process
Our markets are hindered by over-complex regulations that debilitate the political and economic processes they were created to support; the rule of law has become the rule of lawyers.
Her narratives instead capture individuals struggling amid their physical environment — shacks, trash heaps, gleaming skyscrapers — and broader political and economic processes... The collective turns out to have been a mirage, a mistake.
What makes them traditional publishers is the economic process (contract, royalties etc) rather than the printing technology.
Unions introduce inflexibility into the economic process which has a huge cost, eventually.
I am confident when I think my goods and services have adequate demand, and my assets are going to throw off cash flow because the economic processes they depend on have adequate demand.
Postcommodity works to forge new metaphors capable of rationalizing our shared experiences within this increasingly challenging contemporary environment; promote a constructive discourse that challenges the social, political and economic processes that are destabilizing communities and geographies; and connect Indigenous narratives of cultural self - determination with the broader public sphere.
Yet carving out an identity only in opposition to economic processes — such as gentrification, economization, precarization, valorization — determined by an external, yet all - too - close center also means, in a very subtle way, deferring to these processes.
Broaching both urban design and architecture, networks of commodities and economic processes, history and psychoanalysis, the works and environments of Manfred Pernice often have a precarious and incomplete character and evoke thoroughfares or storage sites that may be either physical or mental.
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