Sentences with phrase «economic purposes»

Just because the government isn't involved in creating a domestic corporation for economic purposes doesn't make whatever arrangement evolves from these needs evil.
But it points out the dangers of reforms which only take short - term economic purposes into consideration.
The university's liberal Protestant leaders supported this national economic purpose not only by virtue of their class location but also as an extension of their religious hopes.
The human being is pictured for economic purposes as caring only for the consumption of goods and services.
In addition, be cautious about fully accepting information from people whose sole economic purpose is to encourage you to buy a pet or a pet specific product.
«Rent» is used to refer to an income that is generated that exceeds what would be needed to meet the same economic purpose given an alternative set of institutional arrangements.
The Western church thus provided a context in which the natural world could be freely exploited for economic purposes.
Beyond tha, I would simply say, stay diversified, and make sure that the munis that you buy have an unshakable economic purpose behind them.
There is in addition to this political work, as the Harvard Business School dean suggested, the task of shaping the culture's moral ethos, of reconnecting religious and ethical values to the pursuit of wealth so that it has a genuinely economic purpose.
So seemingly «weird «legislation is not the result of some federalist conspiracy or EU power grab, it's integral to the core economic purpose of the EU.
This means that the new peak in household debt is far less worrisome than the levels we saw in 2008 and more likely part of a much needed boost in overall debt servicing more productive economic purposes.
Passive securities, for most economic purposes, are a different commodity from control securities, albeit they are identical in legal form.
Most professionals recommend that the refinancing be distinctly separate from the exchange process, serve an independent economic purpose, and be done after some time has lapsed.
The salt has been used for economic purposes since the time of the Inca.
What exactly «aboriginal title» means was also defined in the Supreme Court's decision: control of ancestral lands and the right to use them for economic purposes while ensuring the lands are maintained for future generations.
Designed to provide a practical cryptocurrency, useful for everyday economic purposes, Havven uses a stablecoin model to maintain a steady value.
It also could provide a means whereby other influential factors could be investigated and addressed, such as differences in the social and economic purposes of broadcasting, the social sources of violence and how media portrayals interact with those causes, how the restraints and traditions of media production cause the media to pick up particular cultural images while ignoring others, and how particular audiences respond to and use media images.
Methane recovery - Methane emissions, e.g., from oil or gas wells, coal beds, peat bogs, gas transmission pipelines, landfills, or anaerobic digesters, are captured and used as a fuel or for some other economic purpose (e.g., chemical feedstock).
Independent economists say it's a mystifying piece of tax policy that has no clear, long - term economic purpose and few — if any — recent comparable examples.
He called for a «shared national economic purpose», saying he wanted to work with business to meet «all long - term challenges by making the reforms you need and the modernisation you require and the country requires for economic success».
«One of the big concerns is if you use it just to impose trade restrictions for economic purposes, rather than national security purposes, then you are sort of defining our economic security as our national security and every other country can do the same thing,» said Rufus Yerxa, president of the National Foreign Trade Council, which represents multinational companies on trade issues.
«It clearly is going to create artificial incentives to engage in transactions that have no economic purpose other than to reduce taxes,» says Looney.
This was set solely for political rather than economic purposes.
«Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are ahead of B.C. in terms of encouraging farming and food processing to support, expand, and sustain their agriculture sector for environmental, health and economic purposes,» said Dix.
«Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are ahead of B.C. in terms of encouraging farming and food processing to support, expand, and sustain their agriculture sector for environmental, health and economic purposes.
Britain's Empire was coming to a close but they desired the territory for economic purposes (Oil was just being discovered here and found to be useful).
I have already indicated how liberalism has been implicated in the subordination of politics to economic purposes and institutions.
Let me note that some economists who recognize that personal consumption is not a good measure of economic well being say that it is good measure of market activity and that, for some economic purposes, it is important to measure this.
The point, then, is that a basic assumption of economic theory is that human beings are, at least for economic purposes, rightly to be understood individualistically.
But fundamentalists have ignored his apolitical stance and his true calling as teacher of truth and salvation and corrupted his message to serve their own political, social and economic purposes.
Even if we maintain those barriers created for political purposes, our countries need to open up those borders for economic purposes, he said.»
Mr Brown told business leaders it was about, «taking government out of areas where it need not be and government guaranteeing economic decisions are made as they should be, for long - term economic purposes, not for short - term partisan gain».
David Cameron's government has no economic purpose except cutting the budget deficit.
Professor Alan Reid observes how the emphasis on democratic purposes has been trumped by individual, private purposes that result in such things as marketing of schools, residualisation of public education and the growth in disparity of resources between schools, and by an economic purpose that casts students as human capital to be enlisted in the cause of economic recovery and growth.
And, from a theoretical standpoint, it measures the same thing, except that it is an asset measure, and that M3 incorporated repos and eurodollars, which I think are off the balance sheet for accounting purposes, but should be considered for economic purposes.
There are many projects that seem to have no economic purpose, but might have political purpose.
Without knowing exactly what you own, I can't say it with certainty, but I can say it is likely that you will come out okay if all you hold are munis that have an economic purpose.
In another incident, they deemed a derivative deal legal where there was no economic purpose to the deal... it just altered accounting and taxes.
So long as a municipal bond has an economic purpose behind it — a necessary city, county, state, or project, defaults are rare.
Mika Lammi: Here's a handy quote from our web site: «Being a political player in the economic life of the city, the company provides services prescribed by the economic strategy, develops the economic life, creates networks of cooperation partners, and is in charge of marketing the region for economic purposes.
Thus, Smith warned, despite the horrendous record of human, economic and environmental destruction left as a legacy by these centrally planned governments, «the world is moving decisively toward central planning for ecological rather than economic purposes.
No environmental or economic purpose is served by limiting banking to two years, as current Senate legislation would do.
The term land use is also used in the sense of the social and economic purposes for which land is managed (e.g., grazing, timber extraction and conservation).
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