Sentences with phrase «economic security»

Economic security is a situation where a person or a country has enough money and resources to meet their basic needs and handle unexpected financial challenges without significant worry. It means feeling stable and confident about one's financial situation to live a comfortable life. Full definition
Our goal is enhanced economic security for everyone we serve.
Very large disparities in family economic security by race and ethnicity persist.
In the aggregate, military pensions were an important source of economic security in the early years of the nation.
For the most economically marginalized communities, where affordable alternatives to fossil fuels are too scarce, this is a vital economic security issue.
Women may also conclude that there is greater economic security with the father.
And I think people are really concerned about their own economic security.
Life insurance gives economic security to you and your loved ones in case of an unfortunate event or inability to earn because of bodily disabilities.
Economic security also has a hand in attracting and retaining highly skilled early childhood teachers.
If these ladies don't have good economic security, they will not concentrate on your material possessions or success.
Whenever a key commodity encounters instability, it can threaten global economic security.
Credit unions encourage their members to save regularly to build economic security for themselves and their families.
As a fourth requirement, a just and lasting peace requires economic security for all men.
Too many women in that income bracket marry for economic security instead of taking care of themselves by whatever means necessary.
Either way, the minimum condition is that the rules of world trade be seen by all actors as respecting their collective economic security.
That search for political stability and economic security desire leads to billions in gold being purchased around the world when there is trouble in important areas.
True economic security in this completely off grid, passive solar hand built home, Old order horse powered community borders three sides.
Increasing labor force participation is often a goal of policymakers who seek to improve family economic security and promote equal opportunities for women.
They sell their freedom and economic security for temporary promises of money and cell phones.
We all want greater economic security, which spending a $ 1 billion a day in oil imports doesn't secure.
One must have a good economic security and look after his health very well.
The instability in the oil industry has not only been a threat to global economic security, it also has led to the restriction of commercial real estate debt in some areas.
Data profiles are available for every state and for the nation as a whole, and are designed to help states measure how they are faring in using key public nutrition programs to reduce hunger and improve the health and economic security of low - income families.
End the Feminization of Poverty: A program to provide economic security for working mothers, women, and all New Yorkers should include:
Social support and connections to services such as mental health, as well as increased economic security, reduce parental stress and therefore the likelihood of prolonged elevated stress reactions that can undermine the baby's development of strong brain architecture.
Curtis Skinner, PhD, director of Family Economic Security at NCCP, noted that while some of the differences across policy dimensions are predictable based on political affiliation, the above examples show that many safety net issues are not.
Rowan O'Grady, President of Hays Canada, speaks about economic security with Business News Television.
Access to affordable child care helps families achieve economic security, offers children stability and the opportunity to thrive, and strengthens California's economy overall.
Through global, confidential and collaborative peer - learning groups, the WPO accelerates business growth, enhances competitiveness, and promotes economic security.
The national economic security net of self - reliance and protection, whatever there is, is rapidly eroded in the name of open market.
a) is less destructive to the natural world b) enhances economic security c) is pro-social d) optimizes physical and emotional health e) is consistent with American energy independence f) repairs the credibility of the American people and the nation at home and abroad.
Cash transfer programs, for instance, are an important means of improving economic security and access to maternal and child health care for pregnant women and new mothers, particularly for women living in poverty.
On April 7th, 2017, the Broadbent Institute released exclusive new polling from Stratcom, looking at Canadian opinion on economic security and levels of support for progressive policy measures.
The program is the idea of the city's 27 - year - old mayor and will be primarily funded by the basic income advocacy group Economic Security Project...
In other words, what is the likelihood that our college graduates were already in a position for future economic security anyway, and where does that leave our students that simply can't afford it?
In addition, Anne led the creation of WKKF's Family Economic Security portfolio, and managed their civic engagement portfolio and the launch of their mission - driven investing program.
New KIDS COUNT Data Book Shows Improving Health, Declining Economic Security for Children in North Carolina
«We need to fix health care in this country, and we could do that by creating a network of nationalized community health centers to deliver basic great primary care to everybody, and by creating that, we can create economic security, greater health in this country and we can make America great again,» she explained.
Yet despite the fact that U.S. unemployment rates were so low that employers found themselves obliged to hire and train people from society's most marginal groups, «corporate restructuring [has] produced widespread anxiety about economic security among middle class Americans.»
National economic security nets of self - reliance and protection, wherever they exit, are rapidly eroded in the name of the open market, as the weak economic agencies in every nation are exposed to the market plays of the globally powerful economic agencies.
I also don't buy that his budget is «aimed at strengthening economic security for seniors, workers, families, and the poor.»
«When women stand together for affordable child care, protecting reproductive health, raising the minimum wage and ensuring equal pay and basic economic security for families through paid family leave and paid sick days, we all do better.»
Kristin: MomsRising is working on all of those family economic security policy priorities in cities, counties and states across the country, educating leaders about what's happening with moms, and educating the media, as well as reaching out to moms and letting them know that they're not alone in their struggle, and that together, they can make change.
George Miranda, International Vice President and President of the Teamsters Joint Council 16, noted that pre-K and after - school programs «provide critical economic security to New York City's working families.»
Mitt Romney wants to rush 40 % Chinese - owned pipelines from Canada through the USA to ports on the Pacific, giving China control over Canadian oil the USA knows is vital to US economic security.

Phrases with «economic security»

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