Sentences with phrase «economic units»

We say it all the time, but it doesn't exist as a viable economic unit.
In some scenarios, the household economic unit as a whole must be taken into account.
In the human scheme of things, those animals are economic units whose death is inevitable.
The Advocate General had opined that a controller should be treated as a single economic unit for these purposes if free processing services provided are cross-subsidised by revenues generated by advertising which link the two limbs of the business [Opinion, 66 and 67].
Animals on factory farms are treated not as living creatures, but as economic units in a mechanized production system.
Furthermore, he emphasised that Google should be viewed as a single economic unit for the purposes of establishing the territorial applicability of the Directive, irrespective of its distinct data processing activities or the data subjects to whom they relate.
The 1966 Royal Commission on Taxation declared that the family should be considered the «basic economic unit in society» and the focus of Ottawa's tax efforts.
They will gear education to the enjoyment and well being of their people rather than to competing economically against other economic units.
Coupling doesn't mean make yourselves one, coupling means making your new economic unit stronger.
This mistaken belief that American savings are wholly a function of American household preferences arises because most economists — and, it seems, policymakers — can only imagine American households as autonomous economic units, and are seemingly incapable of imaging them as units within a system in which there are certain inflexible constraints.
The IRS has stated that you can group together passive income activities into economic units.
Most families are also economic units that bear legal responsibilities for their members» shelter, clothing, education and medical support, and these economic responsibilities generally extend over long periods of time, usually for at least several generations.
However, this Keynesian effect of economic stimulation only works on a large scale; within smaller economic units, economic stimulation may not work because money can more easily flow out of the system.
Data recorded from the foreign exchange market by IES Economic Unit suggests a fairly stable local currency, as the Ghana Cedi closed trading at Ghs 4.55 to a U.S. Dollar, with a depreciation of 0.89 %.
Interactive multi-choice quizes for the different economic units.
By the twentieth century, when the individual had replaced the family as the primary economic unit, the tie between sexuality and reproduction weakened further.
As prices converge through deeper linkages among the above, it would further drive economic integration between Canada, the US and Mexico, making the three a stronger regional economic unit.
We have forgotten to what degree the wealth of our natural resources and the fortuitous circumstanc that we conquered a continent just when the advancement of technics made it possible to organize that continent with a single political economic unit, lay at the foundation of our prosperity.
Nations continue to function as political and economic units for some purposes, but the European Community is doing so for others.
(Canadian women economists Shelley Phipps and Frances Woolley have contibuted to our understanding of the complex reality of families considered as economic units.)
Like so many others, the Augustinian cloister had in fact taken on a life of its own as a social and economic unit in a society devoted to the maintenance of the policy and economy of the Church with all its complicated and expensive structures.
Like all of the world's major metropolitan areas, greater Chicago is a single economic unit.
These economic units measure either gain or loss.
The power of the global corporations is derived from their unique capacity to use finance, technology, and advanced marketing skills to integrate production on a global scale in order to form the world into one economic unit and a «global shopping centre.»
Organized churches are economic units & the preacher is out to show off with a bigger church than his / her fellows & have a comfortable income.
Economists recognize this, and often speak of households as the economic units instead of individuals.
The answer is that economic units, such as firms, are free to do what is in their interest, and that they are free from governmental restrictions.
Perhaps continents would serve as the economic units for these purposes.
There is, of course, no need to reduce the economic units aiming at basic self - sufficiency to tiny ones.
For example, if each economic unit acts for its own advantage, and if there are no established rules to restrict them, each will continue to contribute to global warming.
Those emissions can be traced and accounted for in the carbon accounts of the economic unit, and specific patterns and relationships can be identified amongst the myriad of self - organising economic units and subsystems.
After you're married, you take up life as an economic unit, and a number of important things will change.
This term means a monetary system where the government of a definite country standardizes their economic unit of their account that is the currency, to be easily converted into fixed weight of gold and vice versa.
She uses and transforms the genre of self - portrait to point towards contemporary aporias of the artist as an economic unit, asked to simultaneously show and hide her labor, her body, her face.
The IPCC estimates, over time, the economic impact of governments implementing climate policy could add up to between three and 11 per cent of «global consumption» — an economic unit similar to GDP.
What transpires from the facts of the case is that, although not married or under a civic partnership, mother García and father Peña enjoyed a stable and durable relationship with a 6 - year old common child, sharing a «household» and forming an «economic unit» (para. 27).
Costeja was the data subject, the website containing the material was the data processor, but Google Inc. and Google Spain (Google Inc.'s subsidiary) were one economic unit and therefore Google was the data controller because it indexes and links the data on its computers.
The token will be used as a sort of «gas» for transactions, which will fuel all transactions on the network whether it be data or an economic unit.
The public divorce dismantles an economic unit.
Courts now view the marriage as an economic unit, and in general courts are more concerned about economic misconduct — such as the dissipation of marital assets — than they are about marital misconduct — such as infidelity.
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