Sentences with phrase «economically expedient»

The question for us to consider is whether we possess the political will and moral courage to do things other than continue down the politically convenient and economically expedient «primrose path» so adamantly and relentlessly pursued by too many leaders of the global economy.
Apparently, too many people in my generation of leading elders are not only too conservative and set in our ways, but also wish to live without having to accept limits to growth of seemingly endless economic globalization, of increasing per capita consumption and skyrocketing human population numbers; our desires are evidently insatiable; we choose to believe anything that is politically convenient, economically expedient and socially agreeable; and we act accordingly.
As an afterthought, when lending is consonant with whatsoever is economically expedient and politically convenient, then consideration is given to underwriting projects that support the workings of the natural world.
They eschew good science, reason and common sense in favor of the politically convenient and economically expedient.
Perhaps leadership in our time has too often chosen to ignore whatsoever is somehow real in order to believe whatever is politically convenient, economically expedient, socially agreeable, religiously tolerated and culturally prescribed.
After all, who can resist offerings of great wealth, power and privileges that accrue to those who go along with what is political convenient, economically expedient, religiously tolerated and socially agreeable.
The leaders in my not - so - great generation wish to live without having to accept limits to growth of seemingly endless economic globalization, increasing per capita consumption and skyrocketing human population numbers; their desires are evidently insatiable; they choose to believe anything that is politically convenient, economically expedient and socially agreeable; and they act accordingly.
We need to grow consumer confidence in independent authors by treating authorship as something meaningful rather than economically expedient.

Not exact matches

It would have been both economically sensible and politically expedient to get the pain over as early in the parliament as possible and give the economy as much time as possible to recover.
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