Sentences with phrase «economics out of publishing»

It takes the «dirty» market economics out of publishing.

Not exact matches

The study, published as a QMUL School of Economics and Finance Working Paper, looked at the period from 1998 to 2007, when English schools used a process called «borderlining» to regrade exams from students who narrowly missed out on a higher Key Stage result.
An analysis that minimizes these sorts of problems, and is the most sophisticated of the tests of union impact, was carried out a few years ago by Harvard economist Caroline M. Hoxby and published in the August 1996 issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
North Carolina researchers analyzing another large data set found similar results in 2007.27 More recently, in a study published by the Institute of Labor Economics, researchers and university economists found that low - income black male students in North Carolina who have just one black teacher in third, fourth, or fifth grade are less likely to drop out of high school and more likely to consider attending college.
Studies published in the best economics and education journals have shown unequivocal evidence of excessive teaching to the test and drilling that produces inflated measures of students» growth in learning; cheating on tests that includes erasing incorrect answers or filling in missing responses; shifting of students out of classrooms or other efforts to exclude anticipated poor performers from testing, or alternatively, concentrating classroom teaching efforts on those students most likely to increase their test scores above a particular target, and other even more subtle strategies for increasing testing averages.
Photos and illustrations and super cool font treatments are expensive and now that I have to pay for it myself, I see that the economics of publishing simple don't warrant that kind of expense unless you expect to sell 500,000 copies — and unless you're Stephen King, you can't start out with that expectation.
More recently, Tol has had some bitter exchanges with Bob Ward, of the London School of Economics, who had pointed out that one of Tol's published papers contained serious errors.
The New Climate Economy report, co-authored by Nicholas Stern, is published on Tuesday but it echoes the warnings first set out in stark terms in his landmark review of the economics of climate change in 2006.
But he has been recognized more for his speaking and writing about how broken the legal publishing business is, and how out of alignment its billing is with the economics of law firms and their clients.
New York About Blog The Revealer publishes writing that reflects upon religion as a key point of intersection between beliefs, practices, politics, representation, economics, and identity, where the important forces that shape individuals, societies, and their relationship to each other, play out.
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