Sentences with phrase «economies and society needed»

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Stiglitz said that while CEOs aren't going to solve inequality on their own, the reason they exist in society is to grow the economy, and more are realizing they need to make changes.
But we do know that employees need to know more about how the machines that run our economy and impact our society work.
The fact is, we need these whippersnappers, and we need them participating in society and the economy, not sitting on the sidelines.
Now that «we've finally recovered from the recession,» Williams said, it's time for the private and public sectors to «step up and take the lead in making the investments and enacting policies needed to improve the longer - term prospects of our economy and society
Kurien and other economists are not saying that Indian economy is not in need of reforms, but they point out that the «thrust of any alternative reform measures must be towards the welfare of the largest segments of our society
They are realising that they need an autonomous method of thought and action to construct and promote their view of the world, of society, of ethical principles, of the economy, of the social institutions.
Nevertheless, it is «the productive capacity of modern economies» that has made at least some peace between the social meaning of fit (which requires that society's needs be met) and the more personal meaning of fit (for which work is integral to one's sense of self).
An example being how we are to maintain a healthy world economy when fewer and fewer percentages of our population are needed to grow all the food, manufacture all the goods, and service all the needs of society during a time, within the next 60 years, of ultimately a shrinking population.
There was a long - established system of rights and proprietorship; it was a society which was a large step on from subsistence economy, through trade, banking and regular communications, This stability needed to be called provisional because of the bitter resentment of property and monopoly rights felt from time to time by apprentices, journeymen, the generally less privileged, and by the peasants throughout the countryside.
It forecast that «almost all our economy and society» will be affected by the momentous changes taking place to our north and warned «a whole - of - Australia effort» was needed to deal with a social and economic transformation as «profound as any that have defined Australia throughout our history.»
He has argued that in view of the global race for development, a Ghanaian president needs time to implement his programmes and also plan the economy At International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS) conference on the theme «Democracy Justice and Development in Africa: 50 Years after Independence», former president Kufuor criticized the framers of the Constitution for failing to undertake adequate research before deciding on the duration for Presidency.
So, as a human society, where so much of the emphasis has been on preparing and improving the productivity of the workforce, and people's lives center around the labor they contribute to economies, what do you do when you don't NEED everyone to work?
I am not arguing that the elderly, the disabled, etc., need what reasonable people can agree is a basic decent level of health care appropriate to our society and the state of our economy which keeps them alive, but you are advocating giving free health care that exceeds what someone who pays thousands of dollars in insurance premiums every year can receive!
We must take this opportunity to ensure Wales gets the powers it needs to help build a stronger economy and fairer society
We need a strong economy so that we have the finances to be able to improve our public services and build a fairer society.
As we need a leader who can offer a vision of a fairer society and economy.
I think what he needs to do is to embrace that model of a market - based economy where we are supporting business success, but where we also want to see a socially inclusive society with principles of social justice where we're creating opportunities for people and leaning against inequalities of society in everything we do.
I think what he needs to do is to embrace that model of a market - based economy where we are supporting business success, but where we also want to see a socially - inclusive society with principles of social justice where we're creating opportunities for people and leaning against inequalities of society in everything we do.
Members of the shadow cabinet will instead trumpet three key messages over the weekend: that the Tories are best placed to stabilise the economy, with a credible plan to cut the fiscal deficit; that they embrace aspiration and opportunity for all; and that society needs to change.
We need to fund modern services and take some of the strain off the NHS by creating a society where everyone has a role in promoting health,» says David Stuckler, Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, Oxford University.
We need a new approach to health that recognises on the one hand the enormous contribution health and biomedical sciences make to the economy, and on the other that every part of society has a role to play in improving health.
«We need a vision of the kind of economy and society we want to be,» Finkel says.
This connection to the growth of our culture, society, and economy is all the motivation I need to face up to the challenges of working in such a dynamic environment.
We are willing to make a transformation to low - carbon economies, but we need support,»» said Guy Edwards, research fellow at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society and co-director of the Climate and Development Lab at Brown University.
Before such strategies are implemented, their potential impact on environment, economy, and society needs to be tested.
One of the questions that nag all school leaders is whether our nation and its schools can meet the current national challenge of providing all students with the skills they will need to thrive in our rapidly changing economy and society.
Education systems will not deliver to the economy and society if they are too exclusive, and we need to keep reminding leaders making political choices on this.
If this set of principles, and others along similar lines, are to be accepted and adhered to, humanity needs to reconceptualize and reconfigure economy, society, and polity.
Imran Khan, chief executive of the British Science Association, said: «As a society, we need more and more young people who are curious about, and comfortable with, science — not least to ensure that we have a competitive economy and vibrant culture — so we hope that this report encourages more young people, teachers, schools, and parents to explore science and technology through the CREST Awards.
Vicky Gough, Schools Adviser at the British Council said: «With more than one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, it is vital that more of our young people learn this valuable language in order to give them the advantage they need to live in a global society and compete in a global economy.
The following statement of purpose uses several helpful words and phrases: «The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy» (Ministry of Education, 1991).
Four webinars will take place May 14 — 15, exploring how today's school, policy, classroom, and student decisions affect what our children, societies, and economies will need and become tomorrow.
As economies and societies change, the educational demands will too — and they almost always lead to a need for higher levels of knowledge and skill, as well as differing kinds of them.
If Secretary Clinton wants to talk about education in terms that evoke accountability, I challenge her to only do so when similarly challenging our society and our economy to be equally accountable for opportunity and for providing the resources needed for equitable opportunity to become our norm.
Continuing on our current path and ignoring this problem would be bad for the economy, for society, and for the hundreds of thousands of gifted children who now lack the opportunities they need to thrive.
ASCD's first - ever Whole Child Symposium (WCS) has concluded, but you can still hear from experts about what is needed today for children, societies, and economies to be successful tomorrow.
Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society — Where We've Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go
Our students need to learn English in order to become successful members of their economy and society.
New languages, models and forms need to be conceived to address the impact networked society and an evolving global economy have had on today's young generations.
Paulo Herkenhoff eloquently affirmed that «Pape's approach was driven by her poetic bent, and by her need to know more about indigenous societies and the economy of their symbolism.
Choosing sustainability is about our future, our earth, benefiting local business, being aware of social issues that need attention, growing our economy and society in a new dynamic way, and to replenish our environment.
Unfortunately whilst certain political commentators / manipulators and leaders sow confusion about the issue of climate change and anthropogenic emissions, and also state that taking formal action would be «bad for our economy», the firm policy required at global / regional level, the correct signal to society / industry and the global action needed will not happen.
One of the major limits to climate change adaptation is the context in which it needs to take place and efforts to slow or reverse negative impacts need to engage the long - term place based change in economy, nature, and society.
Our experts develop the strategies, tools and policy advice needed to respond effectively to the impacts of climate change on people, societies, economies and the environment.
This policy document outlines a vision for Africa and articulates the continent's climate needs via a 6 - point climate strategy which have the potential to enable African institutions to renew their engagement with climate change impacts and craft effective policies that will help to facilitate climate resilient societies and economies.
In Africa in particular, where vulnerability is high, there is a clear need to mitigate adverse impacts of extreme weather events on society, the economy and the environment.
Other compelling reasons to begin taking action include the potential for catastrophes that defy the assumption that climate change damages will be incremental and linear; the risk of irreversible environmental impacts; the need to learn about the pace at which society can begin a transition to a climate - stable economy; the likelihood of imposing unconscionable burdens and impossible tasks on future generations; the need to create incentives to accelerate technological development the address climate change; and the ready availability of «no regrets» policies that have very low or even no costs to the economy.
They have not yet had the same impact as the Black Death — but as we saw in New Orleans in 2005, it does not take the bubonic plague to destroy social order and functional infrastructure in a financially complex and impoverished society... Once you understand the transition in this way, the need is not for a supercomputed Five Year Plan — but a project, the aim of which should be to expand those technologies, business models and behaviours that dissolve market forces, socialise knowledge, eradicate the need for work and push the economy towards abundance.
Low - and some middle - income countries still need support to develop data collection, and adopt and finance strategies towards a just transition to an environmentally sustainable economy and society that includes everyone from all groups of society,» says Catherine Saget, the lead author of the report.
But a new movie from the International Society for Ecology and Culture puts it in some unusually simple terms — maybe what we really need to be focusing on is happiness.The Economics of Happiness, directed by Helena Norberg - Hodge, Steven Gorelick, and John Page looks at our globalized economy and asks whether it is really delivering on the promises that have been made.
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