Sentences with phrase «economy functions»

No modern economy functions without ready access to credit and cash.
It is the study of the price indexes to understand how the whole economy functions.
The actuation system allows this full range of advanced economy functions without modification of the hardware since the transmission actuation system can operate fully independent from the combustion engine running or being off.
Innovation economies function in the opposite fashion of free trade.
Not only is the EU signing these deals, but the absence of the US from the world stage under Trump means it is starting to dictate how the global economy functions.
On Virgin flights, premium economy functions as business class, while the term business is used for the most forward cabin.
Donald Trump's election victory provides the best opportunity that is likely to occur to push back against the green lobby before they assume permanent control of the climate / energy policy area and with it the continued survival of the free enterprise system in the US and the fossil fuels that provide the energy that make a modern economy function.
It added: «Blockchain technology has the potential to help the economy function more efficiently and securely.»
But just as the personal computer, the Internet, and the smartphone transformed our economy in ways unimagined at their onset, AR will change how industries and our economy functions.
If central banks had targeted higher average inflation, on the other hand, interest rates would also have been higher, allowing central banks more space to slash rates to keep the economy functioning.
Read my reasons — and they have everything to do with labour supply and keeping the economy functioning — in this piece I wrote for iPolitics.
Clearly Homo economicus is a useful abstraction for many purposes, especially for the analysis of the way the economy functions.
«This is the bread and butter that makes our economy function
The sacred texts of Jews, Christians, and Muslims all call for a Jubilee every 50 years to redistribute wealth and forgive debts, not just for moral reasons, but to make the economy function again.
Europe and North America already badly need foreign hands to keep societies and economies functioning.
And we need to take the deep relationship between energy and how our economy functions seriously if we're going to devise a sustainable strategy.
This will help keep the economy functioning, and that is one of my greatest concerns; if the economy ceases to function in a manner conducive to implementation of needed solutions, we all fail.
You help people find great jobs that feed families and help our economy function.
It added: «Blockchain technology has the potential to help the economy function more efficiently and securely.»
That's how the economies function and grow.
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