Sentences with word «ecoroof»

Ecoroofs increase habitat for birds and insects and provide much needed greenspace for urban dwellers.
Ecoroofs also absorb carbon dioxide, cool urban heat islands, and filter air pollutants.
Ecoroofs replace conventional roofing with a living, breathing vegetated roof system.
The result is a growing interest in using ecoroofs and roof gardens.
Both major metro areas embrace green roof technology, or ecoroofs as they are known in Portland, for all of their benfits — particularly storm water management in the oft rainy Pacific Northwest.
An ecoroof significantly decreases stormwater runoff, saves energy, reduces pollution and erosion, and helps preserve fish habitat.
An ecoroof consists of a layer of vegetation over a growing medium on top of a synthetic, waterproof membrane.
Portland uses green streets, ecoroofs, trees, and other green infrastructure to manage stormwater, protect water quality and improve watershed health.
Ecoroofs and rooftop gardens abound in this neighborhood.
Linda Dobson and Emily Hauth from Portland's Bureau of Environmental Services led a fascinating tour of Portland's green streets, ecoroofs, bioswales, and several other examples of natural infrastructure and biocarbon solutions that capture CO2, save money, create jobs, and enhance our communities.
In famously rainy Portland, we protect the Willamette River from storm water runoff by filtering and absorbing all of our rainwater in bioswales and our ecoroof.
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