Sentences with phrase «ecosystem change without»

Climate change amplifies existing risks to our natural resources, and many species will struggle to keep up with the rate of ecosystem change without continually evolving habitat conservation.
Many species will struggle to keep up with the rate of ecosystem change without continually evolving habitat conservation.

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Without involving «the whole ecosystem,» she says, «you have no hope of being able to scale the initiative; so you need to involve corporates — even better if they are big corporations — as they will have the power to impose a change in the way we trade, because of their negotiating power with suppliers and clients.»
[76] Reintroduction of sea otters to British Columbia has led to a dramatic improvement in the health of coastal ecosystems, [77] and similar changes have been observed as sea otter populations recovered in the Aleutian and Commander Islands and the Big Sur coast of California [65] However, some kelp forest ecosystems in California have also thrived without sea otters, with sea urchin populations apparently controlled by other factors.
An Ecosystem Solution Without the ecosystem - level changes of pig removal and bald eagle restoration, fox recovery was notEcosystem Solution Without the ecosystem - level changes of pig removal and bald eagle restoration, fox recovery was notecosystem - level changes of pig removal and bald eagle restoration, fox recovery was not assured.
Reintroduction of sea otters to British Columbia has led to a dramatic improvement in the health of coastal ecosystems, [143] and similar changes have been observed as sea otter populations recovered in the Aleutian and Commander Islands and the Big Sur coast of California [144] However, some kelp forest ecosystems in California have also thrived without sea otters, with sea urchin populations apparently controlled by other factors.
In the new issue of the journal Science, a dozen environmental scientists make a case that current methods for extracting coal from America's mountaintops remain too harmful to humans and ecosystems to be permitted without big changes.
Between the poles of real - time catastrophe and nonevent lies the prevailing scientific view: Without big changes in emissions rates, global warming from the buildup of greenhouse gases is likely to lead to substantial, and largely irreversible, transformations of climate, ecosystems and coastlines later this century.
Climate scientists Michael Oppenheimer and Kevin Trenberth also took issue with Koonin's assertion about the impact of human activity, saying, Warming is well beyond natural climate variability and projected rates of change are potentially faster than ecosystems, farmers and societies can adapt to without major disruptions.
Dana: «Climate scientists Michael Oppenheimer and Kevin Trenberth also took issue with Koonin's assertion about the impact of human activity, saying, Warming is well beyond natural climate variability and projected rates of change are potentially faster than ecosystems, farmers and societies can adapt to without major disruptions.
JS: In the Himalayas, there's very rapid warming to the point where their whole ecosystems, environments, land use and agriculture are changing without them really realizing what's happening.
We appeal to all nations to develop and implement, without delay, effective and fair policies to reduce the causes and impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems, including mountain glaciers and their watersheds, aware that we all live in the same home.
But this will prove impossible without rapid action and societal change, as the global population continues to grow and more ecosystems are lost every year to agriculture, urbanization, mining, and logging.
Translating the above to climate science, if you tell me that in 100 years earth inhabited by your children is going to hell in a handbasket, because our most complicated models built with all those horrendously complicated equestions you can find in math, show that the global temperatures will be 10 deg higher and icecaps will melt, sea will invade land, plant / animal ecosystem will get whacked out of order causing food supply to be badly disrupted, then I, without much climate science expertise, can easily ask you the following questions and scrutinize the results: a) where can I see that your model's futuristic predictions about global temp, icecaps, eco system changes in the past have come true, even for much shorter periods of time, like say 20 years, before I take this for granted and make radical changes in my life?
Without action to stave off climate change, up to half of the plant and animal species in some of the world's most biologically diverse ecosystems could become locally extinct by the end of the century, according to a new report.
• Even without major change in atmospheric and oceanic circulation, local shifts in centers of production and mixes of species in marine and fresh waters are expected as ecosystems are displaced geographically and changed internally.
Without action, climate change will cause the extinction of countless species and destroy some of the world's most precious ecosystems.
In Bill McKibben's Rolling Stone article on Global warming's terrifying new math, McKibben notes that we can emit no more than 565 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere by 2050 if warming is to be kept within the 2 degrees margin which represents an upper border to what our ecosystems can adapt to without disruptive change.
Part of the reason the law - firm ecosystem has changed so dramatically in a single generation is greed: The most profitable partners steadily discarded their underachieving colleagues, because they didn't want to share the spoils... Within the next decade or so, according to one common hypothesis, there will be at most 20 to 25 firms that can operate this way — the firms whose clients have so many billions of dollars riding on their legal work that they can truly spend without limit.
Another drawback is that without ecosystem - wide support, the PoW change could lead to another fork like Bitcoin Cash and divide the community even further.
The error was in believing that they collectively had the ability to change the bitcoin protocol without any additional support as they represented a critical mass of the bitcoin ecosystem.
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