Sentences with phrase «ecosystem impacts»

But it would take an extended sequence of cool, wet winters to meaningfully replenish depleted groundwater aquifers, improve upon the truly abysmal Sierra Nevada snowpack in recent winters, and alleviate some of the long - term ecosystem impacts of California's ongoing record «hot drought.»
While the primary contribution is in improving our ability to anticipate how earth system interactions will modulate the rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the fact that the models require simulation of land and ocean ecosystems make them extremely valuable for a range of applications in ecosystem impacts and feedbacks as well.
The resulting aquatic ecosystems impacts may ultimately contribute to changes in the Arctic Ocean, the report said.
One study found that these compounds could affect aquatic ecosystems by interfering with photosynthesis or sugar transport in plants, for example; it also found that the by - products of acesulfame, another artificial sweetener that has also been used as a tracer but may be less stable in the environment, may have greater ecosystem impacts.
Fertilizing the ocean with iron to promote plankton blooms also gets high marks for danger because of the potential for unintended ecosystem impacts.
Says Sun, «This is the first study that incorporates water consumption, water scarcity, and ecosystem impacts into an analysis that conveys the pressures on water resources.
Schimel presented his work to forecast and understand land - ecosystem impacts on the carbon cycle at the global scale as part of the Frontiers in Global Change Seminar Series, June 21.
Ecosystem impacts include changes in basic processes such as photosynthesis; large - scale shifts in the distribution of plants and animals; and increased threats from fire, pests and disease.
How does grasping the underlying causal structures of ecosystems impact students» understanding?
Effects of harvest and climate change on polar marine ecosystems: case studies from the Antarctic Peninsula and Hudson Bay C Hoover — 2012 — Future simulations of the Antarctic Peninsula identify large reductions in ecosystem biomass of all species due changes in environmental conditions and an overall reduction in krill, with minimal ecosystem impacts from harvest.
Among other things, there are distributional issues and natural ecosystem impacts to consider, For that matter, as Amartya Sen points out, simple aggregation of costs and benefits does not always make sense as a measure of social welfare.
The net terrestial ecosystem impact is not much more relevant to the issue than the fact that the net of oceanic uptake and fossil fuel impact is also small.
Invasive potential and possible ecosystem impacts of artificial life and biomimetic robots 3.
Risks such as customers switching to other suppliers that offer products with lower ecosystem impacts or governments implementing new sustainable procurement policies
``... Potentially profound ecosystem impacts may have resulted from a decline from 96,000 gray whales to the current population....»
Beyond health, additional impacts of emissions such as ocean acidification, biodiversity loss, ecosystem impacts of nitrogen deposition, and changes in visibility are omitted, suggesting that these damages are conservative and leaving ample opportunities to further improve the comprehensiveness of social cost metrics.
We're unlikely to tear them all down, but math can help us figure out how to reduce their ecosystem impact
«You have marine impacts, ecosystem impacts, and public health impacts,» said David Beckman, co-director of the National Resource Defense Council's national water program.
Subramaniam and Juhl, along with colleagues in the Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) consortium, began studying interactions around oil seeps after the Deepwater Horizon oil well disaster in 2010, to better understand what happens to oil during catastrophic gushers and to find ways to better respond to similar disasters in the future.
The study, which was quite challenging and dangerous to do, adds to a growing body of evidence that mass mortality can have ecosystem impacts.
Regardless, scientists believe that feedbacks are likely to increase the ecosystem impact of individual disturbances, which may have substantial implications for changes in distribution and heterogeneity of forests in the future (Bonan 2008; Vose et al. 2012; Richardson et al. 2013).
However, research to date suggests that measures such as functional diversity or biomass of functional groups may not be directly related to ecosystem impact, due to spatial and ontogenetic changes in function.
«But it is by definition an underestimate of sensitivity because biological interactions (like bark beetles in coniferous forests and bleaching events in corals) show major ecosystem impacts can occur on top of and as part of vegetation or ecosystem impacts,» Lovejoy said.
Of course, the absolute temperature does matter in many situations (the freezing point of ice, emitted radiation, convection, health and ecosystem impacts, etc.) and so it's worth calculating as well — even at the global scale.
Second, the ecosystem impacts of increased fire suppression would be substantial as many ecosystems depend on large fires, even severe fire patches to maintain ecosystem health (based on numerous fire ecology studies globally).
As another example, the CEQ Chief of Staff made about 100 revisions to the final draft of the FY 2003 Our Changing Planet, some of which substantially changed or deleted text relating, for example, to decision support on mitigation and adaptation options, integration of climate science with comparative analysis of response strategies, ongoing regional assessments of global change consequences, and the relationship between energy - related emissions, climate change, and ecosystem impacts.
This is all hard to quantify with a single statistic, in part because the conditions vary from project to project, but also because there are just so many areas of the ecosystem impacted.
Global Weirding (3:48) Monsoons (2:09) Vegetation (2:57) Impacts of Sea Level (2:01) Antarctic Ice Sheet (2:52) Greenland Ice Sheet (3:55) Paleo Sea Level Changes (2:11) Water Vapor and Storminess (1:02) Hurricanes (3:14) Extreme Weather (1:40) Ecosystem Impacts (2:31) Human Impacts (1:41)
The ICO Transparency Monitor does not aim to add another opinion on respective teams, token models, or their ecosystem impact to the discourse.
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