Sentences with phrase «ecosystem shifts»

From your perspective, how has the venture ecosystem shifted since then?
Many biologists and fisheries experts say it's vital to leave the region alone because big, poorly - understood ecosystem shifts are under way.
Our work highlights that detailed time - series of biochemical baseline and trophic structure records among different ecosystems will be crucial to identify rapid ecosystem shifts in response to climate change.
The average temperature soared 9 degrees Fahrenheit, entire ecosystems shifted to higher latitudes, and massive extinctions occurred on land and, most telling, at sea.
Other beneficiaries include fish as ecosystems shift from a benthic focus (sea floor) to a pelagic one (water column).
«The toxic events also tend to coincide with previously established marine ecosystem shifts.
Only under the scenario where the global warming is limited to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial temperatures do ecosystem shifts remain inside the limits experienced during the last 10,000 years.
«Climate change means major ecosystem shifts for the Mediterranean Basin.»
Equally interesting is that a large swath of the Middle East, Central Asia, southern India, Indonesia, interior China, the Great Plains, are likely to see not much ecosystem shift.
To say nothing of the warming trends also noticed in, for example: * ocean heat content * wasting glaciers * Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheet mass loss * sea level rise due to all of the above * sea surface temperatures * borehole temperatures * troposphere warming (with stratosphere cooling) * Arctic sea ice reductions in volume and extent * permafrost thawing * ecosystem shifts involving plants, animals and insects
Scientists fear melting sea ice could one day make killer whales the Hudson Bay's top predator, a startling ecosystem shift and a blow for Inuit populations already reeling from dwindling polar bear numbers.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, we argue that if these synergies involve local stressors, then environmentally mediated ecosystem shifts may be greatly ameliorated by managing local stressors.
Dramatic changes in species composition may establish other equilibrium energy flows which involve other species compositions than before (ecosystem shift).
In their analysis, the researchers used common financial principles to illustrate how fishing communities can buffer against market and ecosystem shifts.
«Warming and ocean acidification don't happen overnight and it may be that some of the ecosystem shifts they facilitate will take years to become visually apparent,» Simon Freeman, a postdoctoral fellow with the American Society of Engineering Education who has also done a series of underwater recordings, said.
Ecosystems shifting a yard a day The changes that are expected ahead will happen much faster than the rate at which species and ecosystems typically are able to adjust, Field said.
While only a few recent species extinctions have been attributed to climate change, natural global climate change at rates slower than current anthropogenic climate change caused significant ecosystem shifts and species extinctions in the past millions of years.
This focus overlooks direct and indirect effects of CO2 on non-calcareous taxa that play critical roles in ecosystem shifts (e.g. competitors).
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