Sentences with word «ectotherm»

In contrast, under the same chilly conditions, the tongue movements of ectotherms, which rely fully on a muscle - based system, slowed by 42 percent.
«We've done very well at saying climate change will have an impact on ectotherms, but we've done less well at saying how they will be effected,» said Manuel Leal, an associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Missouri and one of the paper's authors.
To get around those limitations, Hirt and her colleagues looked at previously collected data for a wide variety of creatures, including ectotherms (so - called cold - blooded animals) as well as warm - blooded endotherms.
Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude.
In fact, the pesky ectotherms never really went away: a TV animation has survived with a few blips since 1987, and Mr Bay and co obviously reckon there's still a big market for their reptilian charms.
Adaptation and acclimatization to ocean acidification in marine ectotherms: an in situ transplant experiment with polychaetes at a shallow CO2 vent system
Climate change and associated increases in water temperatures may impact physiological performance in ectotherms and exacerbate endangered species declines.
«While laboratory studies of the effect of temperature on the physiology and behavior have provided significant insights into thermal ecology of ectotherms, the time is ripe to take this knowledge outside the lab to further develop climate change models,» he said.
Against this background we here explore the sensitivity of a tropical ectotherm, the butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler 1879), to experimentally simulated heat waves using ecologically realistic diurnal temperature cycles.
«I would have to agree with the authors, that ectotherms are at much higher risk than endotherms,» Sinervo said.
Ectotherms are cold - blooded animals like reptiles that can not regulate their internal temperature and must depend on their surroundings to heat up or cool off.
Snakes are ectotherms, so their relationship to climate is a lot more direct than, say, mammals, so we know [the climate impacts] in a much more straightforward way,» said Polly.
Lizards are cold - blooded, or ectotherms, frogs too, as are insects, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria.
The researchers argue that most studies that look at the effects of climate change on cold - blooded animals, or ectotherms (animals whose body temperature depends on environmental temperature), treat optimal body temperature as the primary or only driver of activity.
Fruit flies are ectotherms and rely on external sources for body heat so their body temperature is close to surrounding temperatures.
The latest study, by researchers at the University of New Mexico, or UNM, claims that dinosaurs fit in between warm - blooded mammals called «endotherms» and cold - blooded reptiles called «ectotherms
Most mammals, humans and dogs included, are endotherms, which means they generate the heat they need to regulate their temperature internally (ectotherms, on the other hand, maintain their body temperature using external sources, for example, a lizard who lies on a hot rock to heat up).
Different species have various methods for regulating their temperature but animals can be largely categorised as either endotherms or ectotherms.
Reptiles and amphibians are ectotherms, meaning they rely on their environment for bodily warmth.
Climate: Bark beetles, like all insects, are ectotherms (an organism whose body temperature varies with the temperature of its environment).
The use of CTmax is a standard approach to assess upper thermal tolerances in ectotherms and is particularly useful for comparisons across species (Beitinger et al., 2000).
There was an upregulation of heat shock proteins, protein chaperones, and genes associated with DNA damage and aerobic metabolism, which are all characteristic of an acute temperature stress response in ectotherms (Kassahn et al., 2009).
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