Sentences with phrase «edge of extinction»

Ongoing illegal hunting and habitat disruption is forcing the species to edge of extinction in England.
«We're filing our second lawsuit in three weeks on their behalf because these very rare animals are on the razor edge of extinction due to federal mismanagement, persecution and neglect.
The Irrawaddy dolphin is one of the most endangered species in the world but a new survey has revealed that one key population could be at the very edge of extinction.
You've already coasted through the first weeks of 2017 and if you're like many, your new year's resolutions may be teetering on the edge of extinction.
Alan Stone, president of the APA in 1976, concluded that social psy and social activism, «carrying psyc on a mission to change the world, had brought the profession to the edge of extinction» (Wilson, 1993, p. 402)
In the 1880's, the «White Fathers» encouraged the mass slaughter of buffalo in order to drive the Indians to the edge of extinction.
Are these churches on the edge of extinction?
These beautiful animals which were once widespread have been driven to the edge of extinction by human ignorance.
Killing whales for commercial purposes had driven Australian whale populations, especially those of sperm and humpback whales, frighteningly close to the edge of extinction.
While a Loss sends them to the edge of extinction.
The programs already have brought whole species of animals to the edge of extinction and threaten still others.
In The Edge of Extinction, he argues that, as John Lennon put it in another context, we had better free our minds instead.
His exploration of «the edge of extinction» is evocative, local and personal.
Some giraffe subspecies already are teetering on the edge of extinction
There are many animals on the edge of extinction that we should be helping instead.»
Even though climate change is likely to affect areas near the poles, tropical insects are already living in conditions that verge on being too hot for them, which means they could be teetering on the edge of extinction.
In other words, vaquita are bycatch — the unintended victims of fishing — and this has brought vaquita to the edge of extinction.
Pimm says their method predicted that 4.5 species would be lost — and today, four have been lost and one teeters on the edge of extinction.
Just like this California condor, which — though teetering on the edge of extinction — still soars near the Grand Canyon in Arizona and in the state it was named after.
This paradox not only applies to the circumstance in which some ecological treasure gains value as it becomes rarer but to the inverse case as well, in that something endangered will lose value as it creeps back from the edge of extinction.
Imagine if we can develop protocols to take advantage of the best of technology and build on the most efficient proven practices so that species on the edge of extinction today are recovered a century from now.
Doc offers a eulogy here that comes straight from the darkest fears of one hovering on the edge of extinction (Walken comes away without any major blemish).
The Sibert Award winning author and illustrator for Kakapo Rescue explores a species on the edge of extinction.
During decades of research for my historical novel Galway Bay, based on the life of my great - great - grandmother Honora Kelly, I saw again and again how the Irish, driven to the edge of extinction, somehow survived.
The National Dog of Cuba, the Havanese was once teetering on the edge of extinction.
It was with a strong American interest in the 1970's, and only 11 dogs in the country, that dedicated breeders were able to bring these dogs back from the edge of extinction to become one of the fastest growing breeds.
Some, like the Lower Keys marsh rabbit, Key Largo woodrat and some subspecies of beach mice, are teetering on the edge of extinction.
When island fox populations on the northern islands plummeted to the edge of extinction in 1999, Channel Islands National Park and the Nature Conservancy established captive breeding facilities on San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands «as insurance against the loss of foxes from golden eagle predation.»
Irradiated Boston was a mix of abandoned buildings that stood as evidence of a far - gone world, and the desperation and hope of one crawling back from the edge of extinction.
The trophy will pop after completing «The Edge of Extinction».
The Dwarven stars are slowly dying — putting the race at the edge of extinction.
Sci - fi fans will also enjoy the backdrop to the action, which is a millennium - spanning saga which encompasses global civil war, an ages old alien threat and humanity in need of salvation as it teeters on the edge of extinction.
Pushed to the edge of extinction by a «corruption» that creeps into villages and towns within the World Tree, players will create a tiny but mighty character, craft fantastic and powerful weapons, level up, and explore a chaotic, monster - filled landscape!
«Meanwhile, with the world at the edge of extinction, we can not afford to wait for the mass.»
Then suddenly, in the last ten thousand years — a mere 0.4 % eye blink of time — our population increased over 1000 times, we decimated the earth's stocks of non-renewable resources, we cut down over 90 % of the planet's forests, we fished her oceans to the edge of extinction, and we live in a near - constant state of conflict with each other.
Global war has to come before Catastrophic Climate Change, as it will distract people from prosecuting those who have brought us to the edge of extinction with their geoengineering, particularly atmospheric spraying.
The Forbes article's poetic paean to Aeolian energy nevertheless voiced consternation that a 300 - megawatt «green» turbine project might kill some of the magnificent California condors that are just coming back from the edge of extinction — and the project might be cancelled as a result.
This is also one of the ducks living on Midway Atoll, part of a project to create bring the species back from the edge of extinction.
Yellowstonewas a beauty spot precisely because the Indians hunted the elk and moose to the edge of extinction.
In an extraordinary 13 - part series co-produced by acclaimed actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio and award - winning producer Craig Piligian, viewers will meet the people of this amazing town, seeing the daily struggle of a community as it fights its way back from the edge of extinction and learning how the lives and livelihood of Greensburg's citizens will be changed by this massive reconstruction effort.
These are goals that would go a long way to help shark numbers recover, and bring these important apex predators back from the edge of extinction.
This photography project brings attention to the beautiful species and the entirely preventable diseases that are bringing them to the edge of extinction.
Water buffalo, pygmy hog, Hoollongapar Gibbon, Golden Langur, Hispid Hare are few breeds that are on the edge of their extinction.
Who would have thought the fax machine would be on the edge of extinction?
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