Sentences with phrase «edge of sanity»

His greatest feat is perhaps just losing weight and appearing to be on the frayed edges of sanity at almost all times, but he does not stimulate much feeling with his tenacity and determination against what feel like doomed odds.
In Edge of Sanity (1989), Perkins plays Dr. Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde)-- and maybe Jack the Ripper.
Andrew is pushed to the very edges of his sanity and his abilities, and the very real argument for how to teach talent and inspire genius becomes a battle of wit and stamina.
The frail edges of his sanity begin to unthread as he claws for the truth.
THEN I realized, in her pedigree she lives on the Crisp Edge of Sanity... so it always has to be nurtured and hung onto lest she fall to the other side and realize Pillow Fluffers are smart, inspired, talented, creative and can actually smile and relate to their clients.
Rather than cut - scenes and forced jump - scares, the Amnesia series wrapped fragile players within its grim embrace, beckoning them to explore and survive amid the darkness as it pulled at the frayed edges of sanity.
When new data emmerges that challenges the status quo, current paradigm adherents attack the offending scientist and his theory, to the edge of sanity.
I was waiting for the culminating meltdown to really send me over the edge of sanity today.
This pattern continued for the next several weeks, making me wonder almost every night if labor was starting and pushing me to the edge of my sanity many nights.
I know I'm falling off the edge of sanity.
Popping Xanex pills like candy and never getting too far away from a good stiff drink, she teeters on the edge of sanity for most of the movie.
what can possibly bring a person over the edge of sanity?
Noni Jean (Gugu Mbatha - Raw) has a beautiful voice, but the pressure to use her talent to become a super star may drive the young woman to the edge of her sanity.
What they saw was something they won't soon forget — a terrifying vision of a man pushed past the edge of sanity.
Natalie Portman is stunning as Nina Sayers, the increasingly brittle and volatile star ballet dancer who teeters on the edge of sanity, bristling against Mila Kunis in lithe, purring form.
It follows a domineering teacher (J.K. Simmons) as he drives aspiring jazz drummer (Miles Teller) to the edge of sanity.
He captures a man on the edge of sanity for whom control is key.
Still under psychiatric care, Pat balances on the edge of sanity, when at a dinner at his best friend's house, he meets Tiffany (Lawrence), a young woman who, after her police officer husband's untimely death, teeters, too, on the brink of breaking.
It is, after all, a fly - on - the - wall viewing of the final week of a broken, beaten - down teenage girl, teetering on the edge of sanity, cursed with a secret that will eventually lead to her demise.
He finally, after 23 years, agreed to play the part once again in 1983's «Psycho II,» a move the led to him getting cast in Norman Bates - type roles in movies such as «Crimes of Passion» and «Edge of Sanity
Really, it becomes either a film that will torment you for the «what could have been» to the edge of sanity, or it turns into a flick that is perfect mocking material, with scenes here and there that actually achieve watchability.
«We were headed for the edge of sanity... like we were aberrations, phantoms.»
Edge of Sanity is paired with another late period Perkins movie, Destroyer (1988).
The film follows a domineering teacher (Simmons) as he drives aspiring jazz drummer (Teller) to the edge of sanity.
So much of the movie relies on Chris's growing suspicion, and Peele knows how to keep him teetering on the edge of sanity.
As his proverbial manhood becomes increasingly squeezed in a vice on the job, his patience for Dupree's antics have him close to going over the edge of his sanity, testing their friendship and his own marriage.
«Phoenix is frighteningly believable as a man teetering on the edge of sanity, and putting his noxious talents to the best use he can» — Chris Knight, The National Post
«We were headed for the edge of sanity,» Thomas Nickerson (with Gleeson portraying him) says.
A puppy's natural activities of running, chasing, biting, chewing, peeing, pooping, jumping, digging and barking can take you to the edge of your sanity if you are not prepared to deal with them.
He will guide you through the past of your captor as you find out what it is that drove this once good sorcerer over the edge of sanity.
The sheer amount of zombies cascading over each other while chasing the player was terrifyingly reminiscent of World War Z. I also really enjoyed the fact that they pegged the main character as someone who has lost just enough to have gone over the edge of sanity.
While in the magnetic, arresting and simultaneously appalling presence of No, No New Museum, the viewer is trapped in Nauman's funhouse — teetering at the edge of sanity and fascination.
A favorite book of mine, Crazy Times (1982), by Abigail Trafford, sums up the effect of a breakup for both men and women: «Divorce puts you right on the edge of sanity... You don't have to commit suicide or murder your spouse to know how crazy you feel» (p. 41).
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