Sentences with phrase «edge of the bed»

My husband and I would sleep at the very edges of the bed as my son tossed and turned all night.
When I was a child, after finally learning to fall asleep in my own room, I'd go to bed alone, sleep all night and then wander into my parents room early in the morning squeezing my body onto the very edge of the bed next to my mom until it was time to wake up.
Ben is an effin» stove pipe, so I lay on the furthest edge of the bed to avoid the heat!
baby sleeps between mom and edge of bed without anyone else in the bed (no pets, siblings, or dad... I know, sorry)
The scalloped edge of the bedding and the unique chandelier add notes of charm.
But since I wieghed more than a hundered pounds and he weighed ten he would fall into the dip I created and bump into me making me move over agian, and I'd wake up wedged along the very edge of the bed.
When I decided to finally break it to my mom and dad, I remember sitting on the edge of their bed, nervous to tell them I was planning to take on such a huge endeavor.
For those who lack upper body strength, place your hands on the edge of the bed and your toes on the floor, leaning in a high plank position for incline push - ups.
This is perhaps why one of the most arresting moments of her 60 Minutes interview was the recounting of her reaction when she returned to the hotel room in which she met with Trump to find him expectantly «perched» on the edge of the bed.
Marichuy, when I first bought my house and only had one pet, something used to sit on the edge of my bed as I took a catnap when I didn't have to rush off to school after working 8 hours.
No more was something sitting on the edge of my bed, no more noises coming up the stairs.
As he slumped on the edge of the bed, fearful, weak and aghast at what was occurring, a simple message erupted repeatedly into his consciousness: «Everything will be all right!»
Golda, his wife, was seated on the edge of the bed wiping his brow.
So he pours himself a double shot and drinks it as he sits on the edge of the bed.
If they are hosting a dinner, they roll onto the edge of the bed, grab their smartphone and check social feeds, noting an especially appetizing photo of a squash casserole their friend was showing off from dinner last night.
Fearing the wrath of Warner and his allies, Blazer began moving computers from place to place, often conducting business from the edge of his bed, wearing only his boxers and an oversized Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
He'll fall asleep just sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.
Actually, it is their surprising strength that can get them into trouble, when they suddenly roll over near the edge of a bed or push off a
Actually, it is their surprising strength that can get them into trouble, when they suddenly roll over near the edge of a bed or push off the changing table with their legs.
I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment and just breathed with them, watching the deep calm of their sleeping faces and the sweetness of it all was nearly painful.
Actually, it is their surprising strength that can get them into trouble, when they suddenly roll over near the edge of a bed or push off a changing table with their legs.
Move from lying down with them to sitting on the edge of the bed.
Midwife, Penny, is sitting on the edge of their bed watching and ready to help if necessary.
Or do you maybe have an older child or toddler who likes to bed share but has a tendency to roll too close to the edge of the bed during the process?
Everyone else's toddler will sleep better than yours (says the person writing this on their phone, clinging on to the edge of the bed, with a small foot in their ear)
For two years now, I've gotten used to sleeping, frozen, literally hanging on to the edge of the bed.
I complain all the time about how she is a bed hog and I can't sleep without her sprawling on top of me, and pushing me up against the edge of the bed.
No matter how careful you are, it might happen one day — your baby rolls right off the couch, falls from the diaper - changing table or slips from the edge of your bed onto the floor.
I think this is incentive to make my own, since it would let me sleep easier with him not near the edge of my bed or between us.
I don't mind hanging off the edge of the bed during family snuggle time, but I mind if I'm hanging out uncovered!
Edge support helps prevent your mattress from collapsing when you sleep near the edge of the bed.
When sleeping, the rails act as a barrier in case the child rolls over too close to the edge of the bed.
My toddler loves to sleep on the edge of the bed.
At home, sitting up on the edge of a bed with your feet on a chair is good, because someone is there to catch the baby and this simulates the position you'd be in at a hospital (that said, you should assume whatever position feels comfortable).
Dr. Sears» sited also notes that you should push the mattress against the wall, or place a guardrail at the edge of the bed, to make sure baby doesn't roll off the edge.
We have a king size bed, and I purchased a side rail so there is a safe barrier between me and the edge of the bed.
I really wanted to have a water birth and I made it to the bathroom, to the edge of the bed and realized that I am not gonna sit down from the bed to half way around and I got my hands on my knees.
After my baby was born, I sat on the edge of the bed with my husband, exhausted.
I began working through the contractions by sitting at the edge of my bed and bouncing on my birthing ball.
We dutifully video monitor and check on her - especially in the early days to make sure she didn't crawl under a pillow or roll too near the edge of the bed - we had heard so much about so - called «SID» that we feared her smothering etc..
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