Sentences with phrase «edifying about»

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In the latest less - than - edifying episode of the Trump / Comey saga, it's emerged that the former FBI chief wrote a memo of a meeting with the president in which the latter spoke about the beauty of Russian prostitutes.
That video and scores of other videos comprise his library of edifying, educational and inspirational content about entrepreneurship — all available at Valuetainment, a media brand he conceived and founded.
Once set within this grace - filled frame, feminist speech about sin (like all rightful sin - talk) is rhetorically pitched as edifying discourse.
Sorry, but I just can't find anything at all redeeming or edifying or remotely valuable about «preaching».
Perhaps you are tired of so much talk about suffering — but an edifying talk never tires of it, no, a mother may sooner tire of nursing her sick child than the edifying talk of speaking of suffering.
SORRY about my triple type for I am in error of edifying myself before posting!
But here we may reasonably suspect a certain amount of embroidery, the more so since Matthew has also an edifying story about the traitor's remorse and grisly end — a story, by the way, inconsistent with another account of his death which is found in the Acts of the Apostles, not to mention a third divergent account which we know to have been handed down traditionally in the early church.
Can what a homosexual (who's trying to justify his behaviour) says to me about my conduct as a Christian edify me?
After reading Michael Heiser, and many of your posts (which are so edifying), I am excited about the possibilities you have listed.
And if you focused on learning about God, theology, or increasing in knowledge of scripture, you were frequently and often rebuked (knowledge puffs up, love edifies), and instead of «selfishly» learning theology, you should be out converting people (increasing numbers).
The author of the Ephesians is not talking about some future horizon so much as the actual and present means for edifying, for «building up» the Church; so that she can preach the fullness of Christ's message of salvation and so serve the holiness of its members.
Written by C. S. Lewis from the perspective of a senior devil mentoring a junior devil in the ways of temptation, The Screwtape Letters edifies the reader even as it engages difficult and ugly truths about human experience and total depravity.
Paul taught in Ephesians 4: «11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;» Without apostles and prophets we can not come to a «unity of the faith» nor be perfected in Christ.
«Last night I had a very in - depth conversation with a number of very committed, focused local elected officials from the city of Hartford and I was edified in so many ways, in detail, on a granular level, of some of the fiscal challenges far beyond the knowledge that I had on this topic,» Ganim told an audience of about 50 people.
Following the publication of the latest honours list, there is absolutely no doubt about it any longer: even doing I'm a Celebrity is more edifying than doing the Lords.
USA About Blog FOCUS on Christian Education: engaging, equipping, and edifying Christian educators.
Chesterton, IN About Blog Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently - crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church.
About Blog Christ and Pop Culture seeks to acknowledge signs where the Christian Faith meets the common knowledge of our age by discussing and demonstrating exactly how we ought to think about and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culAbout Blog Christ and Pop Culture seeks to acknowledge signs where the Christian Faith meets the common knowledge of our age by discussing and demonstrating exactly how we ought to think about and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culabout and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culture.
As a cinematic experience, it's about as edifying as spending 90 minutes looking over the titular character's old photos; and when the credits roll and the lights go up, Bettie remains a blank Page.
The blond, bare - chested hero and his confident companion don't miss a chance to edify movie viewers about the amazing animals found in the land down under.
by Frank R. Stockton is about a fairy tale king who edifies his subjects through public trials wi...
I consider literature to be edifying in some way, encompassing a theme or themes that cause the reader to think about some aspect of life; I didn't find any of that here, just escapist fiction.
I think Mark Waid's post about the subject is quite edifying:
Thought is banal, but it is not devoid of edifying, that is necessary to start a serious thinking about respect to life and understanding.
Chesterton, IN About Blog Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently - crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church.
But the genius of Büchel's work is that rather than try to stage vaguely edifying educational initiatives about Islam or mosques, making the kind of feel - good «social practice» art that is the bane of so many biennials, he just went ahead and helped make the real thing.
By 1958, however, as Sylvester later confessed, he found Bacon's most recent work to be so inferior that he felt «totally disillusioned about him».21 The sudden and edifying appearance of Bomberg on the critic's artistic radar that same year was, therefore, surely bound up with this contemporaneous crisis of confidence.
Thinking about a curriculum means a consciousness toward edifying.
- 24 hour a day step by step tutorial videos - A wonderful range of mediums - acrylics, colored pencils, drawing, oils, pastels and watercolor - Lessons that teach about tools and materials example, making color charts and what specific brushes and tools and equipment do - A range of positive and edifying personalities as teachers - A wide range of projects and / or subject matter - A love of and belief in what each one has come together to do for other artists — to help others become better artists
Unfortunately, his desire to talk about «climate instability», rather than «global warming» is a rhetorical trick meant to persuade rather than edify.
Less edifying here is the puerile debate about nuclear power.
But at the first Tea Party rally I attended, at the Washington Monument earlier this year, the crowd — bristling with placards about the Second Amendment's being the correction — was treated to an arm - waving speech by a caricature English peer named Lord Monckton, who led them in the edifying call - and - response: «All together.
Chesterton, IN About Blog Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently - crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church.
About Blog Christ and Pop Culture seeks to acknowledge signs where the Christian Faith meets the common knowledge of our age by discussing and demonstrating exactly how we ought to think about and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culAbout Blog Christ and Pop Culture seeks to acknowledge signs where the Christian Faith meets the common knowledge of our age by discussing and demonstrating exactly how we ought to think about and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culabout and interact with pop culture.We desire to be a faithful presence, honoring God and edifying our neighbor as we wisely participate in culture.
IG: shelfesteem About Blog Christian Shelf - Esteem exists to connect believers with books that entertain, encourage, and / or edify.
Chesterton, IN About Blog Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently - crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church.
USA About Blog FOCUS on Christian Education: engaging, equipping, and edifying Christian educators.
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