Sentences with phrase «edited by other humans»

Just FYI, the bible you consider the words of god, are nothing but words of mere mortals written over a long period of time then edited by other humans to fit their agenda of money, power, and to gain pagan followers.

Not exact matches

robert, you do know those words were written by humans to control humans, then edited by more humans to make money, control more humans and to convert other humans to christanity right?
The other story from last year flagged by Science Committee leaders claimed that IARC omitted evidence that went against its conclusion that glyphosate likely causes cancer in humans and edited a draft review significantly before it was released to the public (Greenwire, 20 October, 2017).
Some scholars argue that the Chinese scientists have crossed an ethical line by editing the human genome, but others welcome China's comparatively liberal regulation of this area of experimentation, which allows genetics researchers to push the scientific envelope.
Ethicists have renewed the call for caution in handling gene - editing CRISPR, which has the potential not only to cure congenital and other serious illnesses but also can make permanent changes in human genome that can be heritable by a person's offspring.
As we've seen with standard transgenic techniques and other gene - editing technologies, if you develop a product for human consumption, it will be rejected by elements of society.
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