Sentences with phrase «educating whole persons»

Much of the criticism of the Common Core should be understood against the backdrop of an increasingly industrial model of education in the U.S., in which educating whole persons for lifelong growth is replaced by a view of education as just another industrial sector, on a par with any other sector.
Such universities set for themselves a rich goal: to educate the whole person, to develop students inside as well as outside the classroom, to enlarge the mind and the heart... Continue Reading»
The service creates a strong sense of unity in our common goal of educating the whole person.
Volume III, Number 2 Educating the Whole Person for the Whole Life — Gerald Karnow, M.D. Understanding the Etheric Organization in the Human Being: New Insights through Anthroposophical Research — Michaela Glöckler, M.D. Endangered Childhood — Joan Almon
The educational philosophy is to educate the whole person and promote personal responsibility and accountability.
The Learning Wheel is the about educating the whole person, the attributes students will demonstrate and how students relate to each other.
This tradition, grounded in the values of Jesus, educates the whole person while emphasizing family spirit in a nurturing, caring environment, attentive to the moral, spiritual and religious development of students.
When we resolve to provide educators and administrators with the resources they need to educate the whole person, and we commit to providing all young people with knowledge, skills, confidence, empathy, and compassion, we will be making the highest and best investment in our shared national and global future.
The Citadel calls students their Corps of Cadets, and they strive to educate the whole person, creating future leaders.
Educating the whole person - mind, body, and will; teaching unconditional positive regard for others; service learning, retreats, field trips, and parent engagement.
Areas of specialty: Educating the whole person - mind, body, and will; teaching unconditional positive regard for others; service learning, retreats, field trips, and parent engagement.
Our high school and middle school's philosophy is based on «educating the whole person: academically, emotionally, socially, and culturally,» and has proved to be a winning principle.
Otis College focuses on educating the whole person through curricular and co-curricular learning outcomes across the campus.
The college proved to be an important precursor to and prototype for many models of creativity and collaboration today, as it was their purpose to educate the whole person, with an emphasis on the role of the arts and creative thinking in every profession.
A vibrant community committed to educating the whole person, TWU has been developing leaders of character and competence for 52 years.
Practicing positivity, building love, and increasing well - being are particularly beneficial in the contexts of sustainability, social responsibility, the body - mind - spirit connection, positive health promotion, educating the whole person, and celebrating strengths.

Not exact matches

There are more democracies and fewer despots than ever before, and people on the whole are getting healthier, wealthier, and better educated.
My friends and i go to a christian church and some of the Muslim students have gone with us just to see and learn for them selves what it is like instead of going off rumors and here say... Unless you have experiences something on your own you have no right to talk smack about it... The reason the world is the way it is is because people are to stuck up THEIR butts and THEIR way, to even try and become educated about anything else... im not saying convert or change your ways... But be educated about something before you talk because if your not you really look like a fool... ever religion, race, culture,... they have their good people and they have their bad people and you CAN NOT judge a whole race, religion, culture... off one group... that just being single minded!!!
But most educated people believe that the gains to income from capitalism's triumph have been modest, that the poor have been left behind, that the Third World has been made miserable in aid of the enrichment of the First, that population growth must be controlled, that diminishing returns on the whole has been the main force in world economic history since 1800.
Whatever is done to educate a person to respond to excellence and to abandon futile and self - defeating self - seeking is a contribution to mental health and thus to the welfare of the person as a whole.
The theological work which will be most useful in the years ahead will be that which works out its motifs in correlation with the whole range of the biological, behavioral, and social sciences, and does so in language which has the widest possible touch with ordinary modes of speech common to all educated persons.
As an educated country we should take more time to educate ourselves on outside culture and religions and not make ignorant judgments against a people as a whole.
You'll find every way to worm out of an answer because any answer will just show you for what you are, an ignorant person unwilling to educate yourself and accept that while a god could potentially exist, it wouldn't be from a man made religion, you have been brainwashed your whole life, and would be terrified to accept this.
Also, the old food pyramid didn't do enough to educate people about the importance of whole grains.
Educating those who find facts inconvenient when set against a more appealing ideology isn't foolproof, either, and if the people doing the educating are cracked then the qualification isn't going to make a whole lot of diEducating those who find facts inconvenient when set against a more appealing ideology isn't foolproof, either, and if the people doing the educating are cracked then the qualification isn't going to make a whole lot of dieducating are cracked then the qualification isn't going to make a whole lot of difference.
A) it makes them look legitimate if an actual educated person is willing to engage them in debate B) since most people don't understand reasonable debate, they know they can just gish gallop the whole time and make the actual educated person look bad by their inability to counter seven thousand simultaneous claims per topic
Similarly, you can drop a ton into education without it showing appreciable impact on outcomes for 20 years as you need a whole generation of kids to grow through that upgraded system and into the workforce, and if the economy is depressed or the new jobs aren't there then you just have a bunch of better educated people facing hardship.
Josh's goal is to educate people about the immense benefits of clean, whole plant body care.
Most people are starting to realize that not all fats are bad, and that perhaps there is a connection between high levels or carbohydrates and high insulin levels, but even the most educated dietitians and health experts have trouble letting go of those «healthy whole grains.»
Naturopathic Doctors treat the whole person, educating patients to become partners in their own healing.
Become empowered read the Writs because we must «educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.»
Vanessa enrolled at NTI and received her certification as a Certified Nutrition Therapist in 2016 with a passion to educate and inspire people to achieve whole health and regain balance.
What we should be looking at is promoting natural whole food and educating people about the dangers of refined and processed foods — and that includes commercial meat / chicken.
What may be surprising is how many of these educated, professional people are single: 43.8 % of adult residents identified as such in the 2016 census.1 Of course, knowing that you're in good company is one thing - meeting the kind of Ottawa singles you really want to date is a whole other story!
A whole - person approach involves educating a child's mind (growth and development), body (health and energy), heart (strong relationships, vigor and passion), and spirit (finding meaning and opportunities for contribution).
People at the school believed in educating the whole child: mind, body, and spirit.
The program was developed as an outgrowth of the school's historical philosophy of educating the whole child by giving prime consideration to developing moral and spiritual values, a positive self - image and an appreciation of the uniqueness of each person.
We must educate the whole - person and have a whole - school approach to building character, knowledge, purpose, life skills, and well - being.
Hynes advocates for a whole - child approach where the «purpose of schooling is to become educated and to improve your well being as a person
Take the classic example of the Harvard educated business person who has been top of his class the whole way through, but he hasn't had the emotional experience of failure.
Maybe next time people as a whole will be a bit more educated or at least do research and find things out for themselves instead of following everyone else.
It'll take a whole lot of people getting a whole lot more educated about what's happening with climate crisis, what is happening with clean tech, and what role we each play in the mix before we can get cracking on serious improvements world wide.
Relative to the whole population, a smaller number of people are highly educated while South - Africa has also suffered a brain drain, because highly educated people have striven to find a safer environment to live in and provide for their families.
Of course, if only one person knows, s / he could educate the whole group of 12.
James is one of the many voices out there educating people on why whole life insurance isn't for everyone.
The trend here is getting painfully obvious: people educated in investments don't think whole life makes for a good one and some of us would actually be compensated well for selling it to you.
Hynes advocates for a whole - child approach where the «purpose of schooling is to become educated and to improve your well being as a person
I am a teacher by training, and at heart, and it has given me a massive opportunity to promote issues, share resources, educate people about a whole range of topics, and to learn from them as well.
The session will outline ASCD's Whole Child Initiative efforts to change the conversation about education and move from a vision for educating the whole child to action that results in successful, well - rounded young people, ensuring that each child, in each school, in each community — and in each country — is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challeWhole Child Initiative efforts to change the conversation about education and move from a vision for educating the whole child to action that results in successful, well - rounded young people, ensuring that each child, in each school, in each community — and in each country — is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challewhole child to action that results in successful, well - rounded young people, ensuring that each child, in each school, in each community — and in each country — is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
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