Sentences with phrase «education as a mantra»

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Last year, as a master's student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the importance of collaboration among teachers was a mantra.
Living by the mantra «pedagogy before technology», Dr Cowling works to help teachers and academics innovate with technology, improving student motivation and learning outcomes, and leveraging technology as a tool to improve the overall education process.
If we were having a conversation, as teacher 6402 avers, about «what's important for students, wouldn't we be talking about what the actual state of affairs is in public education and how to learn from its successes to address and correct its weaknesses instead of arbitrarily latching on to the «our schools are all failures» mantra of NCLB and Rhee's equally arbitrary popourri of corporate / market - based «ideas» that go along with it?
Simply force - hiring more teachers isn't going to improve outcomes, and it will reinforce the «good money after bad» mantra about public education when the results of class size reduction aren't as significant as expected.
As states explore new approaches to school accountability, C - SAIL has interviewed dozens of state officials and found a popular new mantra in state departments of education: Accountability should now be «supportive, not punitive.»
He also has the same mantra as I do — helping young adults get the right financial education to make smart financial decisions, to in turn, live wealthier lives.
«Blockwalking has evolved to where if we don't hit 3,000 homes with our blockwalk in a month, we didn't do it right,» says Norwood, adding that animal control officers can now act as on - the - spot blockwalkers with a mantra of «education before citation,» first offering low - cost veterinary services or other resources and writing a citation as a last resort.
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