Sentences with phrase «education justice sector»

AEJ brings grassroots groups together to bring about changes in federal education policy, build a infrastructure for the education justice sector, and build the capacity of organizations and youth leaders.

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«The UNODC, EU and UNICEF have indeed dispensed and are stil dispensing huge financial capital to training and legal research in the justice sector in Nigeria and the idea to establish the Judicial Research Centre is therefore their overall effort to deliver a home based continuous education and research avenue in all legal and justice issues.
In April 2012, NICE announced that, following a topic referral from the Department of Health, people working in health, youth and criminal justice, education and social care sectors would be given NICE guidance on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions for the prevention and early treatment of mental health problems of offenders.
Volunteers with specific skills were given demand driven work in the education, health, justice, community and private sectors alongside partners such as SURF, the Survivors Fund which supports survivors of the Rwandan genocide.
Not that I am doubting the good intent behind social justice, but the voluntary sector's job would be so much easier if we had an education system that worked and did nt neglect students with practical talents.
Indeed one senior politician compared Rhodri Morgan (Carwyn's mentor in public sector studies) with Ramsay Macdonald and another loyalist Valley's MP told Carwyn directly that it was a pity that he didn't pay more attention to health and education in Wales instead of devolving police powers, with criminal justice to follow.
«It requires contributions from all sectors — including education, economics, housing, health care, criminal justice, social services, and environmental services.
Fourth, they must strengthen the role of health, security, education, justice, and other relevant sectors by creating and implementing policies for prevention and response across these sectors, and integrating violence prevention and response into training efforts.
It is important to note that breaking the cycle of trauma will require a collaborative effort among leaders in the education, health, social services, child welfare, criminal justice, and community development sectors.
What does it look like when partners from various sectors such as education, health, housing, justice and business pool their resources to help families get their children to school every day?
In October, the White House and four federal agencies — Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Justice — launched the cross sector Every Student, Every Day initiative with a goal of reducing chronic absenteeism by 10 percent a year.
Education is just one sector with racial disparities, but the same root causes affect outcomes in health care, criminal justice, child welfare, banking, housing, employment, and other areas of society.
107; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; 29 C.F.R. Part 1614; Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government; Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low - Income Populations; Executive Order 13087, Further Amendment to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government; Executive Order 13160, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Sex, Color, National Origin, Disability, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation, and Status as a Parent in Federally Conducted Education and Training Programs; Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009; Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations governing the processing of complaints of discrimination in the Federal sector; and EEOC decisions, procedures, guidelines, and program and management directives.
The book demonstrates how those who work outside traditional financial capacity building in education, health, housing, workforce training, justice and other sectors play a critical role in removing barriers to financial health and well - being.
This initiative is unique because it brings together justice sector institutions as partners in the creation of a large - scale online public legal education resource.
In addition to parallel legal education systems and outdated curricula, lack of educational materials, research centers, legal clinics, and a dearth of qualified professors have held back efforts of legal education reform in Afghanistan, which, if addressed, could significantly improve the justice sector.
Structured in 11 categories, World Bank's collections of publications comprise, among others, annual reports, independent assessments, journals, technical guides, economic and sector focused guides (tourism, education, justice, climate change) and specialized articles.
Last year alone, 3000 justice sector volunteers delivered justice education projects in partnership with schools and community organizations province - wide
The program will draw on NCSC's decades of experience advancing legal education and training for justice sector professionals, legal educators, and students across the region.
You agree that legal education and information groups won't make any headway unless other players — schools, parents, the justice sector — get on board?
Contributors also stressed the need to actively address the social determinants of health, and suggested the health and health research sectors may need to play a facilitating role, inviting other sectors — such as education, justice, local government — to collaborate and maximise the impact of their collective efforts to bring about change.
Suicide and self - harm are a symptom of larger issues, she says, and we need to not be working in silos but need to work across sectors such as health, justice and education.
Aboriginal professionals working across sectors such as health, housing, education and justice could use the animations as a tool to introduce topics relevant to the people they are working with in order to support them in exploring the key messages contained in the animations.
These include increased stress, mental ill - health and suicide, systemic racism in education, sports, justice and the public sector.
A cost - effectiveness analysis was also performed that included costs to the health, social care, education and criminal justice sectors.
We contacted individual Belgian employees from different sectors (e.g., healthcare, banking, education, and justice) by means of a convenience sampling approach (i.e., using the researchers» personal network and word - of - mouth communication).
We need respectful engagement with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, particularly with the sector leadership, in key areas such as health, criminal justice, employment, education, early childhood and economic development.
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