Sentences with phrase «education ought»

Is the CDP an example of what character education ought to be — or of what ought to replace character education?
We have designed our course to be as entertaining and engaging as possible, because we sincerely believe that education ought to be fun, not boring!
On Monday, Valerie Strauss published among the most lucid explanations I have read of what's wrong, how the new law reproduces much of the same policy as the old No Child Left Behind, and what those of us who value our nation's system of public education ought to be saying as we respond to these policies.
I believe the Department of Education ought to be able to create high standards and evaluate whether or not we're achieving those standards for our kids.
Restoring Opportunities: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education ought to be required reading for the White House and leaders of the «My Brother's Keepers» project.
Now we know that every student is unique with different learning styles, so education ought to look different for different students.»
Seat time is clearly a rule left over from our factory - based education system built over a century ago, which legislatures and departments of education ought to abandon.
Washington — The National Institute of Education ought to devote a greater percentage of its dollars to efforts to define a common core of knowledge for American students, a panel of nine prominent educators told Secretary of Education William J. Bennett last week.
Supporters of public education ought not make «hey parents, suck it up» their rallying cry.
«Articulating a vision for what education ought to look like in the future should be central work for a school of education,» he says.
In conclusion, Overill suggests that the TV and movie viewing habits of incarcerated criminals perhaps intent on self - education ought to be monitored closely with a view to understanding how behaviour might be «adjusted» following their release.
«But it has also led to standards being defined largely and relatively unquestioningly in terms of what is most marketable, even though what constitute standards and quality in education ought to be a matter for debate.»
But it's a critically important investment by the state because, as Governor William H. Seward said in 1839, «The standard of education ought to be elevated... education is the chief of our responsibilities.»
As John Milton put it, education ought to be a holistic endeavor, a labor «to repair the ruins of our first parents.»
The studies in question introduced material modifications into the «Berlin» type, and the modifications in turn have led to serious incoherences in widely accepted pictures of what theological education ought to be.
None of the other values — of intelligence, creativity, conscience, or reverence — that education ought to promote has any meaning at all apart from the basal fact of human survival.
«Someone once asked Woodrow Wilson when he was President of Princeton University what the function of a liberal education ought to be.
Incarnational education ought also to involve event - centeredness.
Religion as ultimate loyalty is profoundly relevant to public life, and the institutions of public education ought to promote it actively and explicitly.

Not exact matches

But individuals ought to get an education in what this rule is all about.
Yet for the next several years, through my baptism, my church wedding (yes, to the Christian who gives gifts of underwear), through my continued efforts to write poetry, and even during my first bout of seminary education, I went about my life tense with the secret that I did not know how to pray as I ought.
Reflecting on his experience of attending seminary after first gaining considerable experience in the parish, one older participant wondered if maybe we're doing it backwards»; in other words, perhaps schools ought somehow to require practical experience before — or at the beginning of — formal education (such an arrangement would, of course, run counter to essentially all currently respected educational theories) For himself, he said, the practical application of what was being taught in seminary was plain in light of his experience of parish ministry.
Through his religious education every mature Christian ought to be able to distinguish between the actual dogma of the Church and theological opinions that may be changed and improved, between immutable divine law and changeable human law.
And if moral education is first and foremost an immersion in a particular comprehensive social tradition, then we ought to pay a great deal of attention to what concepts and practices we admit into our traditions, and which ones we deliberately weed out to the best of our ability.
A true theologian ought to prove his education also by planning òwithin five or ten years to acquire an idea of the history of spirituality by reading Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, the great medieval mystics, Francis de Sales or Berulle and Charles de Foucauld, to mention only a few names.
That a congregation is constituted by enacting a more broadly and ecumenically practiced worship that generates a distinctive social space implies study of what that space is and how it is formed: What are the varieties of the shape and content of the common lives of Christian congregations now, cross-culturally and globally (synchronic inquiry); how do congregations characteristically define who they are and what their larger social and natural contexts are; how do they characteristically define what they ought to be doing as congregations; how have they defined who they are and what they ought to do historically (diachronic study); how is the social form of their common life nurtured and corrected in liturgy, pastoral caring, preaching, education, maintenance of property, service to neighbors; what is the role of scripture in all this, the role of traditions of theology, and the role of traditions of worship?
«This news doesn't come exactly as a shock, but it ought to be shocking to the world of Catholic higher education,» Dreher wrote.
I can't yet figure out how to make good use of the Internet (though I suspect that someone who took on the calling of typing in enthusiastic reviews of good Christian books on the Web site might make a remarkable impact), but I'm sure videos ought to play an important part in the kind of education I've been trying to describe.
Manners ought, then, to be a subject of major concern in education.
Education has been and ought to continue to be the major agency for social mobility.
Nobody doubts the place of education or of economic betterment in this list of life's liberators, but there is one force which ought to be in this list which many people do not think of putting there — religion.
Liberal studies ought not, of course, to comprise the whole of education.
In a democracy of worth mass media ought to be frankly regarded as agencies of education and should be made an integral part of the work of the institutions of education.
Every institution of education — the home, the school, the church or temple, the industrial shop or laboratory, the museum or library, the mass media — can be and ought to be an agency of religious instruction, engaged in the one saving work of emancipating persons from bondage to selfish desires and idolatrous attachments and of directing them toward the life of devotion to that in which their being and well - being are grounded.
They became intellectual and cultural commonplaces, generally accepted characteristics of what education «ought» to be, no matter how it was actually conducted.
A liberal education, Freedman went on to say, «ought to make a person independent of mind, skeptical of authority and received views, prepared to forge an identity for himself or herself, and capable of becoming an individual not bent upon copying other persons — even persons as persuasive and influential as one's father.»
I suggest that for historical reasons Christian theological education in North America is inescapably committed to two contrasting and finally irreconcilable types or models of what education at its best ought to be.
You ought to have plenty of gumption to raise kids and give them a good start (such as education).
More education is needed to convince people that they ought to fear God who, as Jesus taught, can punish soul and body together in hell (cf. Matthew 10:28).
A basic High School education in math, science, aracheology, history and classical literature ought to have cured you of the mental delusion that is religion, but apparently not.
These morons ought «occupy the schools they went to» for giving tham such a lousy education and turning them into little utopian leftists.
In this context the pathos of a November 2009 Catholic Education Service (CESEW) comment is unmistakeable: «CESEW does not have authority over pupils at non-Catholic schools, so queries relating to any such schools ought to be directed to» the government (cf John Smeaton's blog, 22 March).
Yet we ought not treat education like a simple input - output situation, in which the right learning environment can program our students to be Christians.
Unless theology in this sense is possible, theological education is impossible and ought to be given up.
The distinctive function of theological education in this area is one of interpreting, learning, and teaching how theory and practice are related and ought to be related through the clarification of that kind of justice which can, and ought to, guide praxis.
Christian universities ought to be challenging assumptions that to my mind are undermining education today, assumptions, for example, that people have rights and / or that life is about happiness.
«But there's some sense to the notion that if a player's not interested in an education and not good enough yet to be in the NBA, he ought to have some place to play.»
While they are it, they ought to explain why in July the state board of education renewed a $ 12 million, five - year contract with Lanter Co., one of the firms involved in this sickening tale.
Though the bill is called the «Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016,» very few aspects of it would actually improve child nutrition; indeed, if you care about kids» health, there's a lot in the bill that ought to worry you.
Liberals, on the other hand, believe that the good life ought to be accessible to everyone, and that the State ought to provide certain services, such as health care and education, in order to make such a life possible.
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