Sentences with phrase «education policy landscape»

This brief recommends seven ways for supporters of deeper learning to take advantage of the changing education policy landscape, as authority shifts from the federal government to states and local districts.
«The Chief Statistician has concluded that we are unable to publish the «Local Authority Budgeted Expenditure on Schools 2011 - 12: Wales and England Comparison» bulletin this year due to the current changing education policy landscape in England and the large numbers of schools moving to academy status in - year and therefore out of local government control,» the spokesperson added.
There are three primary questions to consider that will help clarify decisions among the ever - changing education policy landscape and lead to consistent improvement with fewer dollars spent:
Evidence suggests that this growth will continue; this has implications for our priorities within the school curriculum and the education policy landscape.
In 2014, Quality Counts took a hiatus from issuing summative grades in order to step back and reassess the education policy landscape.
Viewing the education policy landscape from 30,000 feet — a Secretary's - eye view — may suggest that the implementation of Race to the Top and related reforms has gone smoothly.
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