Sentences with phrase «education policy wonks»

Whenever I hear education policy wonks arguing about the topic of student suspensions, I'm reminded of the Rorschach tests I learned -LSB-...]
Whenever I hear education policy wonks arguing about the topic of student suspensions, I'm reminded of the Rorschach tests I learned about in Psychology 101.
Every two years, education policy wonks like me wait with bated breath for the release of data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Two years ago, when I wrote about top tweeters, I posted two lists: One for education policy wonks, and another for teachers.
Not sure which book to buy the educator or education policy wonk in your life?
With the votes finally counted almost everywhere, the fancies of education policy wonks turn to ESEA / NCLB, long overdue for reauthorization — and the subject of many aches, pains, and kvetches.
The «best practices» method that is gaining popularity among more - impressionable education policy wonks and that Tucker used in Surpassing Shanghai simply can not support causal claims about «what works.»
To people who are not education policy wonks, «the level 2 inclusive» means the number of 15 - year - olds getting five GCSEs A * to C, including English or Welsh and maths.
But Eden, a longtime education policy wonk who spent time working for Rick Hess at the American Enterprise Institute before landing at Manhattan Institute (and who still co-writes pieces with Hess on occasion), can't justify why he ran with this shoddy work.
She, like many education policy wonks, has her reservations about the Common Core.
(Underscoring how divisive this issue is among right - leaning education policy wonks, take a look at this post on Jay P. Greene's Blog, where Jim Stergios takes issue with Porter - Magee's arguments.)
Great educational apps recommended by people who are tech experts, education policy wonks, parents, or all three.
Twenty three education policy wonks (or teams of wonks) answered this question as part of Fordham's 2018 Wonkathon
But educators and education policy wonks should read it nonetheless, because it provides one of the most compelling depictions you'll ever find of poor teenagers struggling (often heroically) to make the transition from high school to adulthood.
«Principals and schools didn't seek innovation status to make wholesale changes,» lead researcher Kelci Price told a crowded room of lawmakers, education policy wonks and others during a legislative briefing Wednesday at CEA headquarters.
Education policy wonks and observers are so pessimistic, they've declared it will never be updated, though it's already seven years overdue for a rewrite and considered broken by those on the left and the right.
By setting up systems of competition, Social Darwinist struggles between students, between teachers, and between schools, these education policy wonks are distorting the educational process.
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