Sentences with phrase «education specific content»

This type of connection will also be specifically designed to protect children from harmful content and allow schools to access a range of education specific content and resources.

Not exact matches

When we create content at IDC to support our clients» content - based marketing efforts, we first indentify our clients» target audience (buying persona) plus buyer cycle stage (i.e., general awareness / education, preference, purchase and post-purchase; within each stage there are specific tasks or «jobs» you prospects / customers need to accomplish such as, short list creation, business case development, final recommendation and decision, etc.) We also consider our clients ideal outcome or action they want their target prospect / customer to take once they interact with the content or messaging.
For instance, the study of Mattar et al. revealed a marginal increase in EB at six months after delivery among the group which received a prenatal educational intervention highlighting the benefits as well as the management of breastfeeding issues as the main content of the educational material (booklet), video, coaching session and counselling, compared to the group receiving only the booklet and the video, and the one recipient of only routine prenatal care, concluding that that educational material alone in the prenatal period is not enough and that specific prenatal education that addresses breastfeeding following a single meeting through counselling can significantly improve
The tests include open - ended questions to better assess students» content mastery; and, with some exceptions for special education students with specific testing accommodations, the tests will be administered entirely online to students statewide within five years.
Some of the many benefits a Postpartum Doula provides for you and your baby include: Better infant care skills Positive newborn characteristics Breastfeeding skills improve A healthy set of coping skills and strategies Relief from postpartum depression More restful sleep duration and quality Education and support services for a smooth transition home A more content baby Improved infant growth translates into increased confidence A content baby with an easier temperament Education for you to gain greater self - confidence Referrals to competent, appropriate professionals and support groups when necessary The benefits of skin to skin contact Breastfeeding success Lessen the severity and duration of postpartum depression Improved birth outcomes Decrease risk of abuse Families with disabilities can also benefit greatly by learning special skills specific to their situation Families experiencing loss often find relief through our Doula services Improved bonding between parent and child.
A campaign about education in the northeastern U.S. targeting a specific elected official may not hold my attention with content that calls out a particular politician by name (they're not MY rep, after all), but if the content also contains stats that I find relevant to education discussions where I live, then suddenly even a regional campaign can be relevant on a national scale.
- 11 hours of video content through digital download - both theory and application including specific shoulder work for overhead athletes and random meatheads - detailed explanation about the individual differences of hips, how to fine tune your squat and deadlift set up, and how to improve your assessment and training programs - 1.1 continuing education credits provided through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)- 60 day money back guarantee
The Peace Education Foundation (PEF) provides a grade - level - specific curriculum for prekindergarten through grade 12 that has a unified sequence of content and skills.
In the past we could assume that what students learn in school will last for their lifetime, so teaching specific content was at the centre of education,» Schleicher said.
Our learning - science content, which several of our member deans will be implementing in their respective schools of education, elaborates on each of the points mentioned above, draws specific connections to classroom practice, and carefully documents the underlying research evidence.
Many higher education institutions have the resources to conduct some sort of exit survey that asks for student feedback regarding the content of the course, the set - up of the course, their specific instructor, etc..
To familiarise participants with the rich educational content within Discovery Education Espresso for a specific purpose
To familiarise participants with the rich education al content within Discovery Education Espresso for a specifieducation al content within Discovery Education Espresso for a specifiEducation Espresso for a specific purpose
To provide opportunities for participants to utilise the rich educational content within Discovery Education Espresso for a specific purpose
The TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) Program offers a six - course, 26 - credit add - on license pathway that allows MAT students in content - specific areas (e.g., English Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, and Science Education to meet requirements for a Massachusetts licensure endorsement as Teacher of English Language Learners (ESL).
To improve principal knowledge and preparation, the authors of the report recommended that the state require early childhood education - specific education or experience before granting certification, develop and expand course content at principal certification programs that focuses on pre-K, and provide more ongoing professional development for principals.
His specific areas of course instruction include foundations of American education, instructional design, program evaluation, student assessment and NCLB legislation, content area literacy, literacy foundations, teaching writing in elementary and middle school settings, social foundations of education, and literature in the classroom.
Participants will apply learning theories, content knowledge and the pedagogical repertoire of skills acquired in the MAT / ME general education courses and specific special education courses.
Once a framework had been established, committee tasks were to then: (1) «zoom in» and break down specific targeted sections of the draft LPFs into what we called more detailed «mini progressions» for a smaller grade span, often adding some additional «interim steps» (progress indicators) to the mini progressions; (2) use the more detailed and focused mini progressions to design sample instructional modules (with a series of 4 ‐ 6 detailed lessons) illustrating how a teacher in the general education classroom might move students along this smaller grain ‐ sized learning progression using best practices in instruction; and (3) draw from best practices in instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities to incorporate suggestions to each lesson plan for how to make the academic content more accessible for all students.
It is now recognized that such stand - alone courses are not sufficient to prepare effective technology - using teachers; hence, many teacher education programs have evolved to include content - specific technology courses (Niess, 2001), technology - based field experiences (Dawson & Nonis, 2000) and technology requirements in student teaching (Strudler & Grove, 2002).
On five occasions, Twitter also provided a means for participants to consult other educators in their specific content areas regarding course content, as the music education major did in his question.
When leaders from a variety of content - specific education organizations met at the National Technology Leadership Retreat 2001 to discuss technology's role in education, they were asked why more teacher educators were not integrating educational technology in their instruction (see Bell, 2001, for the full list of participants, as well as other issues discussed).
Visiting teams include specialists or university faculty with expertise in the content or focus area, Academic - Year Governor's Schools directors and teachers, local gifted education coordinators, and other professionals directly involved in the specific fields.
Endorsements — Components of a teaching license that indicate the specific subject (s) or content area (s) an individual is qualified to teach according to state Board of Education regulations.
It is recognized that to do so requires a deliberate course of study, including coursework in a specific content area, and research and active immersion in the community of student and faculty scholars within the program and throughout the School of Education, the University, and the profession.
This article provides examples from teacher education materials that were developed using an approach that integrally develops teachers» understandings of content, technology, and pedagogy to prepare them to teach data analysis and probablity topics using specific technology tools.
Arizona offers a k - 12 special education license that doesn't account for grade and subject content specific knowledge
Competency - based education is a strategy that awards academic credit to learners who demonstrate content mastery in a specific subject.
Secondary education typically requires 30 semester credits in a specific content area and six credits of education coursework.
To ensure that special education students are capable of accessing varied information about the world around them, Maryland should also include specific requirements regarding literacy skills and using text as a means to build content knowledge in history / social studies, science, technical subjects and the arts.
In order to become a certified teacher in Alabama, the Alabama State Department of Education requires that all teaching candidates complete the Basic Skills Assessment requirement along with any content - specific competence assessments (Praxis Exam) required for their level of instruction.
A total of 17 national education associations sent leaders to the retreat «four content - specific teacher educator associations, five content - specific teacher associations, two educational technology associations, and six general (non-subject-specific) teacher and teacher education associations.
As a result, your Education Broadband default setting is to block YouTube and other streaming media content except for those specific videos that have been designated as educational.
Connecting the teaching of argument across all of the English language arts while facilitating discipline - specific content and reasoning epitomizes for me a classic education and is what I most admire about the Common Core.
Niki Davis, the special issue editor, invited articles from a variety of perspectives, including those associated with intercultural education in specific disciplines and content areas, equity and social justice, and the use of technology to enhance multicultural and international education.
Additionally, teacher education should model effective uses of content - specific technology and provide opportunities for technology - related instructional decisions beyond the typical stand - alone technology integration course.
(e) The board shall establish the information needed in an application for the approval of a charter school; provided that the application shall include, but not be limited to, a description of: (i) the mission, purpose, innovation and specialized focus of the proposed charter school; (ii) the innovative methods to be used in the charter school and how they differ from the district or districts from which the charter school is expected to enroll students; (iii) the organization of the school by ages of students or grades to be taught, an estimate of the total enrollment of the school and the district or districts from which the school will enroll students; (iv) the method for admission to the charter school; (v) the educational program, instructional methodology and services to be offered to students, including research on how the proposed program may improve the academic performance of the subgroups listed in the recruitment and retention plan; (vi) the school's capacity to address the particular needs of limited English - proficient students, if applicable, to learn English and learn content matter, including the employment of staff that meets the criteria established by the department; (vii) how the school shall involve parents as partners in the education of their children; (viii) the school governance and bylaws; (ix) a proposed arrangement or contract with an organization that shall manage or operate the school, including any proposed or agreed upon payments to such organization; (x) the financial plan for the operation of the school; (xi) the provision of school facilities and pupil transportation; (xii) the number and qualifications of teachers and administrators to be employed; (xiii) procedures for evaluation and professional development for teachers and administrators; (xiv) a statement of equal educational opportunity which shall state that charter schools shall be open to all students, on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or academic achievement; (xv) a student recruitment and retention plan, including deliberate, specific strategies the school will use to ensure the provision of equal educational opportunity as stated in clause (xiv) and to attract, enroll and retain a student population that, when compared to students in similar grades in schools from which the charter school is expected to enroll students, contains a comparable academic and demographic profile; and (xvi) plans for disseminating successes and innovations of the charter school to other non-charter public schools.
A customized HOUSSE route can also help new secondary special education teacher candidates to become highly qualified in multiple subjects by offering efficient means by which they could gain broad overviews of specific areas of content knowledge, such as content - driven university courses.
Current federal law makes clear that the U.S. Department of Education may not be involved in setting specific content standards or determining the content of state assessments.
Among other things, the legislation would impose continuing education requirements on college and university faculty, require specific content in subjects like classroom management and using data to inform instruction be added to undergraduate curriculum, and revise the student teaching experience.
Question: As a charter school, I understand that we have to create an annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC), but not necessarily comply with the specific content requirements contained in the Education Code.
Valencia and Wixson have gathered scholarship from three disparate sources to produce the first integrated review of policy - related research on literacy education: (a) policy analyses that examine policies about literacy in the framework of systemic reform; (b) measurement and evaluation studies, conducted by psychometricians, that examine the assessments mandated by policies; and (c) studies by literacy researchers that attend to policies and literacy - specific content.
The assumption that all data can be simplified into usable knowledge to change practice runs right up against the capacities of the teachers, principals, administrators, and education leaders to truly understand the nature and content of their specific practices, to understand the actual evidence provided, and to understand the data in the context of their practice.
In following the recommendations to infuse technology into its content teaching methods courses by providing faculty models for effective technology integration (Handler & Marshall, 1992; ISTE, 1999; NCATE, 1997; PCAST, 1997; U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Wetzel, 1993; Willis & Mehlinger, 1996), the Education School is well on its way to producing teachers who are effective at integrating technology into specific content.
«LearningField is like the «Spotify» for secondary education, allowing teachers to tailor exactly the content they want to the specific needs of their students, as they can select any chapter of any text in the catalogue,» explained Ben Heuston, director of LearningField.
Kindle FreeTime is a feature introduced last September that restricts content on Kindle Fire software to specific titles to try to get kids to focus on learning, which means we'll presumably see it lock down Paperwhite access in a similar, education - focused manner.
In selecting these apps, the team looked for apps that integrate well with Google Apps for Education, are flexible and not content / subject specific, promote thinking and doing aimed at the highest levels of Bloom's, are easy to use, and can output easily for publication to the world.
That may be the name of a specific attorney in their town, or supporting content such as legal news, advice or education about the law.
Most importantly, while I recognize the Federation's legitimate concern with the education we provide to law society applicants, having that concern extend to reviewing the content and delivery of specific courses seems fundamentally wrong.
All state - approved OK drivers education programs contain the same curriculum content, which includes instruction on state - specific road signs and highway markings, information about state traffic laws, tips on sharing the road with motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians, and training for basic driving maneuvers.
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