Sentences with phrase «education tax breaks»

There are also various education tax breaks, which are discussed in the chapter devoted to college.
For example, your parents and you can not claim the same education tax break on the same item.
He's called for raising the top capital gains rate on some wealthy couples and consolidating education tax breaks, although some of those ideas have already faced intense opposition.
Your MAGI is used to determine your eligibility for various Federal tax benefits — including education tax breaks, the adoption tax credit, the retirement savings contribution credit, and many more.
Keep in mind, the majority of education tax breaks are designed for taxpayers who are single filers or who use the «married filing jointly» filing status on their Federal return.
Regardless, the higher education tax breaks on I bonds provide an extra advantage for investors who may some day decide to redeem the bonds for educational costs in the future while offering the flexibility of redeeming the bonds for other reasons instead.
Your MAGI is used to determine your eligibility for various Federal tax benefits — including education tax breaks, the adoption tax credit, the retirement savings contribution credit, and many more.
The burden of saving for college can be made much lighter if you take advantage of «free» financial assistance, such as grants, scholarships, and the various education tax breaks that are out there.
Earlier versions of the tax bill called for reducing or eliminating some education tax breaks, but the final version does not.
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