Sentences with phrase «educational disaster»

Knowing the rhythm of the songs is key to success, so if you haven't heard one, expect your first play to be a very educational disaster.
«With the mayor apparently determined to push through layoffs no matter what — the city has a $ 3.2 billion surplus and tax receipts are up 69 percent from last year — it is up to the City Council to intervene and avert educational disaster
UFT members throughout the five boroughs participated in events in March and April to push back against City Hall's destructive policies and alert the public that the threatened teacher layoffs are totally unnecessary and would be an educational disaster.
UFT members throughout the five boroughs participated in events in April to push back against City Hall's destructive policies and alert the public that the threatened teacher layoffs are totally unnecessary and would be an educational disaster.
The longtime Democratic lawmaker John Vasconcellos is resting in peace since his death in 2014, but the educational disaster he laid on California in the 1980s is far from gone.
In one study, the Network for Public Education calls charter schools a «fiscal and educational disaster
Adult interests are attacking with a campaign that uses desperate families to deflect the responsibility of this educational disaster.
The charter school industry's unregulated, taxpayer - funded business model of education is a «fiscal and educational disaster,» concluded a report that is the result of investigations, visits and interviews over the course of a year.
Putting Rachel into a normal first grade without paying special attention to her differences is a recipe for social, emotional and educational disaster.
We must make it clear, that it is not the unique ideals of this institution that are built to fail, but the educational disasters that run rampant everywhere else in this country.»
United Nations University, just another educational disaster area.
Try these five proactive tips to prepare for your career and prevent an educational disaster.
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