Sentences with phrase «educational results»

The letter said children who entered school at six or seven «consistently achieve better educational results as well as higher levels of well - being».
It is no surprise, then, that we are getting poor educational results.
Today, many school systems across the country are seeing dismal educational results from these same communities.
Research shows that schools using these new practices get better educational results.
Improving educational results for children with disabilities requires a continued focus on the full implementation of IDEA to ensure that each student's educational placement and services are determined on an individual basis, according to the unique needs of each child, and are provided in the least restrictive environment.
The creation of Safe Spaces, and regulating at least some of the expression that occurs on campuses, is directly related to educational results of students.
The Choose to Succeed movement was born in 2011 when local foundations and community members undertook to improve educational results in San Antonio by building out a high - performing charter sector.
Accreditors base their decisions not on educational results, but on institutional inputs, whether schools do things «the right way» — «enough» books in the library, faculty members with «proper» credentials, «adequate» financial support, and so on.
Contrary to what some church leaders have assumed about educational results in the ecumenical setting, our students do not emerge as adherents of some homogenized set of lowest - common - denominator beliefs.
Since 1990, the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) has provided national leadership in designing and building educational assessments and accountability systems that appropriately monitor educational results for all students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELLs).
Homeschoolers — ever the braver and more innovative of the two sets — have traveled farther down this road, but I'm guessing that fiscal constraint and frustration with disappointing educational results may lead brick - and - mortar school leaders to start living dangerously, too, and realize that each group has something to learn from the other.
Without sufficient performance, a BYOD lesson can turn into a chaotic and uncomfortable event that will not bring expected educational results.
Testing Year 1 students for basic literacy and numeracy skills may help to discover children who need extra help and improve long - term educational results, Federal Government Education Minister Simon Birmingham has said.
Even after Brown, some schools with predominantly black enrollments have achieved outstanding educational results.
He called publicizing educational results «a rights issue for parents.»
Flanders is correct that it is hard to compare educational results between accountable and unaccountable programs.
«However, our emphasis also is on identifying processes that successfully prevent overrepresentation while providing beneficial educational results for students.»
The reality of California's unacceptable educational results and insolvent cities and counties will compel concerned citizens of all political persuasions to examine these issues over the next several years.
It does not seek to compete with but to complement the existing charters in the District and partner with its fellow charters to help each and every student get the right services leading to the best possible educational result.
This mixing of urban and suburban students appears to have produced some positive educational results.
At Common Ground, a truly diverse community of 200 students from 18 different towns experiences a mix of high academic standards, active learning and leadership opportunities, and small school supports that are producing dramatic educational results.
If it's being abused in some way that violates those rules, or if they just produce bad educational results, I'd be against them — but within those guidelines, I don't see what's not to like.
He's right that the power of the unions has produced a crazily expensive system long on bureaucracy and short on educational results.
IDEA requires the primary focus of federal and state monitoring to be on improving educational results and functional outcomes for all children with disabilities and ensuring that each state meets the program requirements under IDEA.
Parker writes, «Approved state plans should be the start of a conversation with schools and communities about how we can ultimately achieve better educational results for students.
Picky Parent Guide is the definitive action manual and reference guide that takes the stress out of these critical, yet confusing, decisions, and allows parents to obtain the best educational results for their children.
Overview The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) was established in 1990 to provide national leadership in designing and building educational assessments and accountability systems that appropriately monitor educational results for all students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELLs).
This sets the stage for asking if there is a God who exists about whom we may talk, and at this point we rely on the writings of F. S. C. Northrop, Alfred North Whitehead, and Charles Hartshorne, and then we consider the educational results of their approach.
Since the project is visited by kids from marginalized backgrounds on voluntary basis, it has a bit more emphasis on entertainment and joy than in our regular school workshops who focus more on educational results.
Engaging in quality teacher professional learning is a major contributor to improving educational results and has been widely attested.
We heard from our customers that below 3 axes the educational results are poor, and beyond 6 it becomes a little bit too complex for the learner to digest.
Students are likely to be intrinsically motivated if they attribute their educational results to factors under their own control, believe they have the skills to be effective agents in reaching their desired goals, and are interested in mastering a topic, not just in achieving good grades.
It's not the educational results themselves that matter most; instead it's the life and opportunities that a good education smooths the way for.
I glimpsed a quote from Kati Haycock yesterday, kicking off the Education Trust annual conference, saying that we can't let «bad parenting» be an excuse for poor educational results.
A new section on the U.S. Department of Education's website notes that the government is «currently rethinking its accountability system in order to shift the balance from a system focused primarily on compliance to one that puts more emphasis... on educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities.»
This revelation is the absolute truth against which experience itself must be measured, and any failure of educational practice must be due to faulty implementation of progressive principles or faulty interpretation of educational results.
CSDC is committed to creating school choice and more educational opportunities for children by developing and financing optimal yet affordable educational facilities for charter school organizations demonstrating good governance and strong accountability for academic and educational results.
To improve educational results, schools must:
«Local control really produces the best educational results
To achieve this vision, NCSI's overarching goal is to provide technical assistance that builds State Education Agency and Lead Agency capacity to develop, implement, and evaluate their State Systemic Improvement Plan and support local programs in improving educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities.
The educational results for all that money?
A Guide to the Individualized Education Program (U. S. Department of Education) Learn how to write IEPs that improve teaching, learning, and educational results.
If the critics are right, and getting rid of the influence of uncooperative or disruptive students contributes to better educational results, then the answer is not to prevent charter schools from expelling such students, but to allow other public schools to remove such students, when other students can benefit from getting a better education without them around.
But what has been constant over time has been the strong relationship between the socio - economic status of a school population and its educational results.
The educational results are truly grim.
Other studies show direct links to less stress, better educational results, and improved health for senior citizens.
Certainly that educational result will be enhanced in a thread like the current one by warmly encouraging vigorous exploration of all views of reasonably contextual topics.
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