Sentences with phrase «educator in the country»

Over the years, I have been lucky enough to work with educators in countries all over the world, both in person and virtually.
I think they are home to some of the most committed, innovative, and passionate educators in the country.
Through your blog, I finally feel that I have a voice and that my voice will truly be heard by you and other educators in this country.
Spend Five Days with some of the most successful, experienced, straight - talking real estate educators in the country.
John King is one of the most respected educators in the country and will build on his New York successes.
Wyomissing School District principal honored — October 9, 2016 A Wyomissing school district leader was recognized as one of the first educators in the country to receive NISL's advanced credentialing for principals.
I'm very pleased that some of the most effective educators in the country agree that our assessment system aligns with their teaching,» said Smarter Balanced Executive Director Tony Alpert.
My father grew up in Bedford Stuyvesant, and became the highest - ranking African - American educator in the country, as deputy superintendent of New York City schools.
«The work of courageous educators in our country's urban areas helps spur statewide reforms and ultimately bring to scale — even national scale — what we know works.
His teachers are the most highly compensated public - school educators in the country, earning minimum salaries of $ 125,000 per year.
«Michigan's charter schools are home to some of the most talented and innovative educators in the country, and these awards allow us to honor the best of the best,» said Dan Quisenberry, President of MAPSA.
Global marketplaces make the world smaller — and that fact puts a new onus on educators in every country.
Due to the paucity of software in subjects such as history, it can be difficult for teacher educators in countries with small education markets to provide a vision to trainee teachers as to how they might integrate information and communication technology (ICT) into their teaching.
ESR also collaborated with educators in countries across the world, including the Soviet Union, Poland, Israel, Japan, and Brazil.
But there's no shortage of well - trained educators in this country, so regardless of the rules that prevail in your area, you should insist on a school where teachers are not only certified, but have a bachelor's or master's degree in education as well.
Dean Feldthusen's article leaves me seriously concerned for the immediate future of Canadian law schools, if it accurately reflects the thinking and attitudes of legal educators in this country.
Founded in 1863, the California Teachers Association has become one of the strongest advocates for educators in the country.
John King is one of the most respected educators in the country and will build on his New York successes.
A Wyomissing School District leader was recognized Friday morning among the first educators in the country to receive an advanced credential for principals.
«If we are to provide a world - class public education to the residents of the District of Columbia, we must have the most effective educators in the country,» said Chancellor Kaya Henderson as she unveiled results of the second year of the system's employee evaluation system, IMPACT.
Our curriculum is an open educational resource that can be accessed by any educator in the country.
Educators in every country must ensure that their students are as prepared as possible to lead a future generation of citizens.
Our 6 +1 Trait Writing institute series is one of the premier professional development opportunities for educators in the country.
What I like about Sweden is that educators in your country have taken the whole approach seriously, realizing that it takes time to construct and must be continuously monitored and adjusted.
Despite these differences, educators in each country have discovered they have much to learn from one another.
PreK - 12th grade programs are aligned to state and national core curricula, so every educator in the country can use our tools and no student is forgotten.
Then think about this: if the 115th Congress were to adopt the recommendations NAEYC has outlined, hundreds of thousands of children, families, and educators in this country would benefit, as well as their workplaces, schools, and the economy of both today and tomorrow.
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