Sentences with phrase «effect observed»

There have been very few side effects observed in dogs taking joint supplements.
It remains unclear whether the same quantum effects observed in tightly controlled lab conditions really do occur outdoors in our gardens.
The different effect observed depending on the fat content of the yogurt encourages further prospective studies to clarify these matters.
Problem behaviors exhibited by pet store dogs read like answers to a shelter surrender questionnaire, with the strongest effects observed in relation to aggressive behavior.
But, the possible mechanisms and effects observed still call for caution.
The presence of dark matter, which physicists estimate accounts for 23 percent of the universe's mass, explains gravitational effects observed throughout space.
Positive effect observed for different types of intervention, e.g. explicit direct skills instruction, or embedded in curriculum, or peer mediation
«The adverse health effects observed here add support to concerns over the adequacy of the 10 ppb recommendation,» he says.
Although the indirect effect was small, Abelson (1985) argued that a small indirect effect observed from cross-sectional data can be quite influential if it represents a phenomenon that occurs over time.
«What's interesting,» Brockmole says, «is that our new «armed bias to look at faces» findings essentially canceled out the weapon focus effect observed with the unarmed participants.
«The adverse health effects observed here add support to concerns over the adequacy of the 10 ppb recommendation.»
However, despite these migratory defects, RacN17 expressing hemocytes were completely resistant to the effects of Mcf1 and injection of Mcf1 into these embryos failed to cause the freezing effect observed when administered to wildtype cells (Figure 6A and Video S9).
However, the multitude of effects observed in response to the anthelminthics can not be explained by specific and defined intracellular targets.
Although this was our previous explanation for the differences between AFB1 - induced toxic and carcinogenic responses to protein intake, it would not appear to account for the greater toxic effects observed in the animals fed 20 % casein during initiation (when AFB1 metabolism occurs) but 5 % casein after initiation.
He emphasizes the synergetic effect he observed first - hand throughout the collaboration.
Notable among the findings were the observation of ancestry - specific effect for several variants in the LPL gene among these admixed individuals, with a greater effect observed among those with European ancestry in this region.
Neil Harrison at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School at the University of Sussex, UK, says that finding pupil mimicry for the first time in chimps is extremely significant, especially the accentuated effect observed in the three chimp mothers, as this suggests they are more sensitive empathetically.
In the debate among clinics and researchers on SSRIs, it has been argued that SSRIs may lack specific therapeutic properties and that their beneficial effects observed in clinical trials, could be explained by different expectancies in the drug and placebo groups.
Physicists of the Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics (PDI) have now drastically increased the yield of gallium oxide with a catalytic effect observed for the first time during crystal growth.
What's more, the cooling effect observed between 1998 and 2013 «exactly follows a slightly larger pre-pause warming event, from 1992 to 1998,» so that the natural cooling during the «pause» is no more than a return to the longer term natural variability, Lovejoy concludes.
The fact that PETN had no effect on blood pressure in the parent rats, but reduced blood pressure in the female offspring, suggests that PETN is not directly responsible for the blood pressure lowering effect observed in the study.
Ya'ara Leibovici - Weissman from Tel Aviv University said: «In treating cholera a quick and accurate diagnosis remains key, but it is clear from the results that antimicrobials result in substantial improvements in clinical and microbiological outcomes, with similar effects observed in severely and non-severely ill patients.
Whereas electrons usually have a mass, in the case of topological insulators the conducting electrons on the surface have no mass and are automatically «spin polarized,» leading to the unique half - integer quantum Hall effect observed and also making the material promising for various potential applications.
Consequently, these codes are not able to reproduce important physical effects observed in the experiments, hindering progress in research.
However, delivering growth factors to the brain has proved difficult and risky for patients with significant side effects observed [120], such as sprouting of sensory and sympathetic neurons [121], and neuropathic pain [120].
This provided an a priori indication of their potential to influence host cells in a paracrine manner, a mechanism postulated to underlie protective effects observed in previous cell transplant studies [29], [39], [42], [43].
Since expression patterns of gal4, and gbp1 or gbp2 only overlap in the fat body, these observations suggest that the growth effects we observed are mainly derived from the fat body.
At five months, when tumors had already began to form, there was little inhibitory effect observed when comparing tumor numbers or sizes to control groups.
Other side effects observed included kidney problems, abdominal pain, hypertension and hypotension.
Acne, Oily skin, aggressiveness, male baldness is some of other common side effects observed even in low dosages.
Anti-wrinkling, anti-redness, and anti-aging are just a few of the profound effects observed.
For example, the Promise is estimated to boost the number of low - income students attending a 4 - year college by over 50 %, over twice the percentage effect observed for middle - income students.
There is no sufficient evidence that the biological effects observed at the level below 40 dBLnight, outside are harmful to health...»
Profiles of risk / protective temperament factors varied across the two countries, with fewer significant temperament effects observed for the Russian, relative to the U.S. children.
ment effects observed for the Russian, relative to the U.S. children.
Iranian women scored higher than Iranian men on guilt, replicating a consistent effect observed in the West (Tangney & Dearing, 2002).
The sustained effects observed both for children and their mothers suggest long - term benefits of IY.
Teasing out the answers is difficult, in part because early exposure can have effects observed only much later in life.
There were no significant differences on teachers» ratings of externalizing behavior, but there were some significant effects observed on teachers» ratings of internalizing behavior.
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