Sentences with phrase «effect of liquid water»

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Measuring - Temperature and Thermometers Classifying Components of Mixtures Predicting - Surveying Opinion SAPA Part C, Directions for the Multiplication Game SAPA Part C and E, Multiplication Game SAPA Part D 1st Draft, c. 1972 The Whirling Dervish The Bouncing Ball The Effect of Liquid on Living Tissue Rate of Change Observing Growth from Seeds An Intro to Scales Forces on Static and Moving Objects Observations and Inferences Using Punch Cards to Record a Classification Using Maps to Describe Location A Tree Diary SAPA Part D 2nd Draft Observations and Inferences The Bouncing Ball Rate of Change A Tree Diary An Intro to Scales and Scaling Observing Growth from Seeds (The Bean - It Came Up) Forces on Static and Moving Objects Using Punch Cards to Record a Classification Relative Position and Motion Inferring - The Water Cycle Predicting 4 - The Suffocating Candle The Big Cleanup Campaign 2 - D Representation of Spatial Figures Using Maps to Describe Location SAPA Part D Tryout Draft, 1972 Observations and Inferences The Bouncing Ball Measuring Drop by Drop Rate of Change Predicting 4 - The Suffocating Candle Forces on Static and Movign Objects Observing Growth from Seeds Using Space / Time Relationships -2-D Representation of Spatial Figures Using Punch Cards to Record a Classification An Introduction to Scales and Scaling The Effect of Liquid on Living Tissue Inferring - The Water Cycle Relative Position and Motion Using Maps to Describe Location The Big Cleanup Campaign A Tree Diary SAPA II Module (s), c. 1973 1, Tentative Format Sample, Perception of Color 9, Sets and Their Members 6, Direction and Movement, Draft 34, About How Far?
Abundant liquid water newly discovered underneath the world's great ice sheets could intensify the destabilizing effects of global warming on the sheets.
Researchers say this antifreeze effect makes it possible for liquid water to be widespread just below the surface of Mars, but point out that even if it is there, it may be too salty to support life as we know it.
«The sources of this liquid water will require more observational studies; however, the research shows that the effects of relatively small amounts of water on Mars in forming features on the surface may have been widely underestimated.
Wet Earth Erin Wayman's article «Faint young sun» (SN: 5/4/13, p. 30), about how the early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water, made me wonder about the effect of the temperature of the planet itself.
Results from these and other studies are yielding important insights into the cooperativity effects in hydrogen bonding, aqueous solvation, and hydrogen - bond network rearrangement dynamics, which promise to enhance our understanding of solid and liquid water behavior.
The outer boundary is defined by the «maximum greenhouse limit,» where the greenhouse effect fails as CO2 begins to condense out of the atmosphere and the surface becomes too cold for liquid water.
Greenwald, T.J., G.L. Stephens, S.A. Christopher, and T.H.V. Haar, 1995: Observations of the global characteristics and regional radiative effects of marine cloud liquid water.
A side effect of this organized pattern is that the moon's gravitational tug pulls at Earth — but since the planet's surface is covered in liquid water, it simply sloshes over to appease that tug, creating tides.
Four and a half billion years after its birth, the shrouded planet is much too hot to support the presence of liquid water on its surface because of its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and sulfuric acid clouds, which retain too much radiative heat from the Sun through a runaway greenhouse effect.
Add liquid drops of chlorophyllin to water and drink throughout the day to proactively fight against the deleterious effects of toxins.
Daily performances based on passages in the books — including a performer drawing in water on the walls and tabletop surfaces, in Book of Liquid Pages (2016)-- are held with the intent of activating the space; but, curiously, they seem to have almost the opposite effect, signaling the inability to create the time, place and effects of Kim's original project.
In this estimate, only 4.2 mm per month of liquid water equivalent are due to the mass added by enhanced precipitation; the vast majority of the effect (72 mm per month of decreased ablation) is due to the effect of precipitation on reflectivity.
Liquid water and ice have identical compositions but the health effects of being hit with 10 gallons of water are not the same as being hit with a chunk of ice.
Similarly, we have not been able to tell how much of the aerosol is capable of interacting with liquid or ice clouds (which depends on the different aerosols» affinity for water), and that impacts our assessment of the aerosol indirect effect.
A hydrophilic surface would also be preferable for condensation (reduced surface tension effect for a given mass of liquid water in a droplet), though I've never heard of that being important in the atmosphere.
Corresponding time for surface + tropospheric equilibration: given 3 K warming (including feedbacks) per ~ 3.7 W / m2 forcing (this includes the effects of feedbacks): 10 years per heat capacity of ~ 130 m layer of ocean (~ heat capacity of 92 or 93 m of liquid water spread over the whole globe)
The latter, of course, stems from a complete lack of understanding of the effect of CO2 on the world's climate, which is derived from models that do not even consider the effect of the world's main climate control mechanism, namely the energy transfer between water in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.
Less well appreciated is that clouds (made of ice particles and / or liquid water droplets) also absorb infrared radiation and contribute to the greenhouse effect, too.
Liquid water in the ocean generates its own greenhouse effect because, you see, visible light from the sun easily penetrates to a depth of about 30 meters to warm the water.
The main difference between H2O and CO2 (apart from the numerical differences of their specific physical properites such as degree of freedom, thermal capacity, physical mass, etc) in terms of their effects on the atmosphere is that water is capable of condensing into liquid to form clouds and readily and rapidly moves between surface and atmosphere, daily, seasonally, annually and on even greater time scales, but CO2 does not liquify in the biosphere and transfers over mostly long time periods between surface (primarily oceans, seas, etc) and the atmosphere.
There is NOT a «logarithmic input of effect» by «water» as the energy inputted to Kinetic Induction is also powering Turbulence, such energy NOT being measurable as «temperature» of the mass being «moved» and this is in precedence to any measure of «temperature» especially in a Gas, but also in a liquid.
Experiment 1 demonstrates that incident LWIR on the surface of liquid water does not have the same effect on cooling rate as it does on other materials.
As said on cards n ° 1, n ° 6 and n ° 15, for an atmosphere in a gravitation field, the tropospheric lapse rate is dT / dz = — g / (Cp + Ch) where g = 9,8 m / s ², Cp = 1005 J / kg, and Ch summarizes the effect of the heating of the air (1) by absorption of the solar infrared by water vapour or liquid and (2) by the condensation of the water vapour.
Presumably the effect is much greater in liquid water since the first 30 feet of it is equal the entire weight of the atmosphere above it and the first foot of it equal to the weight of all the water vapor above it.
Depending a bit how you weight the overlapping spectral absorptions of the different greenhouse gases the contribution of CO2 to the total greenhouse effect is about 20 % (with water vapour giving 50 % and 25 % for clouds, which we are sure that Allègre realises are made of condensate (liquid water and ice) and not vapour...).
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