Sentences with phrase «effect of particular teachers»

There were multiple classrooms / teachers in each condition, making it possible to separate the effects of curriculum from the effect of particular teachers and classrooms.

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In addition to examining the effect of teacher gender on students» test - score performance, I examined teacher perceptions of a student's performance and student perceptions of the subject taught by a particular teacher.
If it takes longer than a year, in most cases you then have to account for a whole pile of new variables to do with the assignment of students and teachers to particular classes, the effects of other teachers and the effects of the curriculum.
At least in this particular setting, however, the homogeneous classes that are created by tracking seem to allow the teacher to deliver instruction at a level that reaches all students, thus offsetting the effect of having lower - performing peers.
Han also examined the causal effect of weakening unionism in four states in particular — Indiana, Idaho, Tennessee, and Wisconsin — where restricting the collective bargaining of teachers in 2011 provided «a natural experiment» for confirming her national analysis.
The effects of teacher quality were also found to persist for years after a student had a particular teacher.
We therefore use a variety of fixed effects approaches to estimate the link between student achievement and these three forms of being to new one's job assignment — new to teaching, new to school, or new to position within the same school — with a particular focus on the latter given that so many teachers experience within - school reassignments and we know so little about how students are affected by it.
Some experimental studies have found positive effects of specific professional development programs on leadership practice — or an association between particular types of professional development and improved student performance, school climate, teacher collaboration, or principal retention — but there is little expert consensus about the most effective design for professional development programs.
To gain important background for helping students with chronic illness or those who suffer from acute conditions, a teacher should learn as much as possible about the symptoms of specific illnesses and the side effects that may result from taking particular medications.
Related, and on this point we agree, «teacher pay incentives is one area that we know a good deal about, based on analysis of actual policy variation, and the results are not terribly promising... experiments generally show performance bonuses, a particular form of pay for performance, have no significant student achievement effects, whether the bonus is rewarded at the individual teacher level» (p. 89).
Value - added models generally use statistical methods to isolate the impact of a factor of interest (like being taught by a particular teacher) on an outcome (like a test score) by mathematically removing the effects of other factors (like student family income or prior performance levels).
But pension plans exert an even stronger «push» effect that encourages veteran teachers to retire, regardless of any teacher's particular interest or ability to continue teaching.
Albers» exploration of color theory at Yale University in particular would have a profound effect on his student Victor Moscoso, who would carry the lessons of his teacher to San Francisco in the 1960s and influence a whole generation of poster artists.
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