Sentences with phrase «effect of these practices on»

- A Game of Hypothesizing, Dean Interpreting Data - Quantitative Analysis of Mixtures, Schwartz Defining Operationally - Biotic Community, Menhusen Cells and Magnification, Menhusen Reading Activity - Formulating Hypothesis, Hebeisen Reading Exercise - Oersted's Experiment, Schwartz Formulating Hypotheses - Levers, Schwartz North by Compass, North by Shadow, Dennis Controlling Variables - Human Heart Rate, Phillips Effect of Practice on Memorization, Forgetting and Relearning, Mayor Learning About Line Graphs I, II and III, Dean Controlling Variables - Chemical Reactions, Livermore Chances Are, Hebeisen Interpreting Data - Animal Behavior, Menhusen Working with Solutions, Dean Defining Operationally - Inertia and Mass Stamp Out Trash, Hebeisen Interpreting Data Module - A Limited Earth: An Unlimited Population?
The effects of the practice on her mind and spirit motivated Lisa to go deeper with her own self inquiry and study of yoga.
In the following sections, I will address the effects of NCLB (2001) on educational practice and the subsequent marginalizing effect of these practices on the education of gifted children.
Furthermore, effects of practices on lifetime smoking were at least partially mediated by smoking - specific cognitions and intention to smoke.
ICRW drew on its experience in both child marriage and gender - transformative research and programming, as well as program evaluation, to advise Plan and facilitate the development of a four - country program to prevent child marriage and mitigate harmful effects of the practice on individuals, families and communities.
Background: Mothers use a range of feeding practices to limit children's intake of palatable snacks (eg, keeping snacks out of reach, not bringing snacks into the home), but less is known about the effects of these practices on children's eating and weight outcomes.

Not exact matches

SPECIAL REPORT: The effects of a Fifo lifestyle on the workforce have prompted changes in workplace practices among some of the major resources sector players.
But this isn't a sport, it's business — the Great Game of Business, as practiced by Springfield Remanufacturing Corp. (SRC), the midsize Missouri company that may be having more effect on American management than any 10 of the nation's business schools have.
However, the company responded to comments to that effect on its Facebook page, writing, «Audi has diverse hiring practices to ensure equality across our staff and we pledge to put aggressive hiring and development strategies in place to increase the number of women in our workforce, at all levels.»
Either way, the privacy rules were enacted on a limited basis in January, while a provision that would generally require ISPs to «engage in reasonable data security practices» in the event of security breaches was set to go into legal effect on March 2.
It will be some time before anyone knows the effect of these card company practices on small businesses.
However, «recent public scrutiny of data management practices at Facebook may have a tempering effect on citizens» willingness to opt - in, especially in the near - term,» the Goldman team said in a note to clients.
He said that it's impossible to not feel positive effects from practicing a particular form of meditation: one focused on compassion.
Based on the results of this assessment, Tesla does not believe that its compensation policies and practices for all employees, including non-executive officers, create risks that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on Tesla.
These gains were matched in many economies around the world, the result not just of the now widespread practice of having a central bank with instrument independence commit to an implicit or explicit goal of price stability, but also of course of the effects of global economic integration on competition and labor costs.
Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer wrote in the journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, that, «Although most of the research and public pressure concerning sustainability has been focused on the effects of business and organizational activity on the physical environment, companies and their management practices profoundly affect the human and social environment as well.»
White House officials reiterated on Wednesday that China must stop the «unfair» trading practices President Trump believes have disadvantaged American companies and workers, but they held out the possibility that tariffs on $ 50 billion worth of Chinese goods outlined on Tuesday might never go into effect.
On Wednesday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, refused to say whether the tariffs would ultimately go into effect, adding, «I would anticipate that if there are no changes to the behavior of China and they don't stop the unfair trade practices, then we would move forward.»
In practice this should allow targeting a positive yield curve against the backdrop of negative short - term rates and negative expected long - term real rates, thereby mitigating the debilitating effect of yield compression on the financial system.
Not only is the historical basis for current practice meager, says Ratzinger, it has the effect of closing the Liturgy in on itself.
But my worry is that focusing on Scripture's effect within the worshipping body of Christ obscures Scripture's position over the Church as its rule for faith and practice.
No ecumenical courtesy can change the fact that, on this reading of Luther, the two parties to the schism were, in effect, practicing different religions.
Essays on censorship, ethinic programming, pornography, popular religious practices, media criticism, effects research, ritual and transmission models of communication.
Sociological evidence on the deterrent effect of the death penalty as currently practiced is ambiguous, conflicting, and far from probative.
The values and imitative practices described in The Underside, inspiring as they may be to his character, Godefroid, are supported by only a tiny secret society whose practical effect on the marketplace of ideas of 19th - century Paris is nil.
As I saw all this, and saw too the effects of the regular practice of meditation on at least some of the men, I made a connection as a theologian — speculative, to be sure — that I had not seen before.
Sociological theology has focused on questions of justice, but as it has recognized that the effects of human beings on their environment are having seriously deleterious consequences for humanity, it has extended its concern to questions of the sustainability of human society.23 Yet in practice the difference of the amount of attention given to these two issues of justice and sustainability still leads to opposing judgements on important issues.
Pious practice should therefore be done in such a way that this relationship is expressed adequately, reflecting both the compassionate loving character of God on the one hand, and the transformative effect of knowing such a God on the other.
David Instone - Brewer examines the effects on women of some controversial Old Testament practices and unearths surprising parallels with today.
Reasonable cowardice that passes for obedience is seen in the practice of quoting the words of the text without translation or interpretation with that humble smile found only on the lips of servants who are delighted that messengers bear no responsibility for the contents or effects of the messages they deliver.
Within a local area, numbers of churches will tacitly accept an ecumenical answer by simply pointing out that «signing» for the deaf is carried on at one or more specific churches in the city, and deaf members in a church where such signing is not practiced are in effect invited to the church where it is, even though that church may be of another denomination.
Today, some Christians, because of difficulties with traditional concepts of prayer will, in practice, speak of its effect on the person who prays.
András Léderer, advocacy officer at the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, condemned the Prime Minister's stance and said: «This practice of ignoring the interim measures of the court not only breaches the convention and Hungary's obligations but has severe effects on our clients and must end immediately.»
The evidence suggests that all of these influences have indeed exercised a negative effect on traditional religious beliefs and practices.
It is difficult to measure specific effects of paid - time religious television on American religious faith and practice.
A nurse and midwife who routinely deals with AIDS in families lamented the effect of anarchic sexual practices on the spread of the epidemic.
David Instone - Brewer examines the effects on women of some controversial Old Testament practices and... More
Examining religious ideas or practices in terms of their effects on personality is one valid way of evaluating such phenomena.
Do the sacraments of the church stand for something ultimately real, or are they merely pious exercises, valuable only because of the psychological effect they have on those who practice them?
The authors, professors of psychiatry, psychology, and medicine at Duke and Southern Methodist University, readily admit that little rigorous scientific research has been done to demonstrate the effects of religious practice on health.
Consumers purchase organic foods for different reasons, including concerns about the effects of conventional farming practices on the environment, human health, and animal welfare.
«The impact of less - than - stellar supply chain safety practices can have a significant effect on the brand.
The inquiry, to begin in November, will investigate «sharing of risk along the supply chain, supply agreements and contracts, competition, bargaining and trading practices in the industry and the effect of world and retail prices on profitability».
Deryng, D., Sacks, W., Barford, C. & Ramankutty, N. Simulating the effects of climate and agricultural management practices on global crop yield.
«More than 1,400 researchers and stakeholders worldwide use the DNDC Model on over 40 agricultural crops to assess the effects of various management practices on greenhouse gas emissions,» said Allison Jordan, CSWA executive director.
However, unlike conventional agricultural practices which use large amounts of arsenic - based herbicide, insecticide and feed formulations — organic agriculture strictly prohibits their use — as well as a wide range of toxic pesticides with documented negative health and environmental effects that end up on and in our food supply on a daily basis.
An educational conference for current and aspiring vintners, Grape Day 2014 will focus on viticulture and enology issues such as the effects of the California drought on grape - growing and best practices for disease and wildlife management in the vineyards.
The Committee recognises that this trend is occurring across the majority of grocery items, not just drinking milk, and given the evidence it has heard from dairy farmers throughout this inquiry believes the effect this practice is having on other primary industries should be thoroughly investigated.
• Revising how subsidies are allotted to producers, and how different practices are taxed across the value chain; • Influence the evolution of production standards so that they guide producers toward increasingly sustainable practices; • Refining public education regarding what are best practices of production systems (and accounting for them), and how to make them more widespread; • Studying the effects different practices and production systems have on society - wide challenges such as public health (and health insurance, whether it is publicly or privately provided), climate change mitigation, job creation and family income, etc..
The comments also had a ripple effect in Houston with players on the Texans so offended that they considered walking out of practice Friday.
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