Sentences with phrase «effect on all of humanity»

The law and order of goodness and justice was broken by the first human beings, and this had a devastating effect on all of humanity since then.
It has a ripple - effect on all of humanity.

Not exact matches

Instead of showing all of the special effects and revealing major plot points, the video was more of a teaser that focused on the process behind the making of the movie — emphasizing the real sets and practical effects, and de-emphasizing the CGI effects which were widely criticized as removing the humanity and realism of the prequels.
Sociological theology has focused on questions of justice, but as it has recognized that the effects of human beings on their environment are having seriously deleterious consequences for humanity, it has extended its concern to questions of the sustainability of human society.23 Yet in practice the difference of the amount of attention given to these two issues of justice and sustainability still leads to opposing judgements on important issues.
It seems true that disaster coverage on media are having an effect (perhaps a disquieting effect) on vast numbers of individuals around the world and, therefore, leaving some kind of imprint on our humanity and modern culture.
Think about what we can do in all those poor communities where you still have one of the highest poverty rates in the nation and the help we could do to people and the effect you could have on humanity.
The certainty of the forecasts is particularly important as warming leads to shifts from temperate to subtropical drylands, which leads to changes in precipitation and soil moisture, which in turn has profound effects on ecological services, provided to humanity, including the viability of certain temperate agricultural systems.
Since the UN formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988, charged with documenting the effects of climate change and formulating realistic strategies for action, «neither humanity nor the planet have fared well,» argue Robin Stott co-chair of the Climate and Health Council, and colleagues.
Titled «Modeling Sustainability: Population, Inequality, Consumption, and Bidirectional Coupling of the Earth and Human Systems,» the paper describes how the rapid growth in resource use, land - use change, emissions, and pollution has made humanity the dominant driver of change in most of the Earth's natural systems, and how these changes, in turn, have critical feedback effects on humans with costly and serious consequences, including on human health and well - being, economic growth and development, and even human migration and societal conflict.
Featuring footage of Earth from the International Space Station (ISS) and narrated by actress Jennifer Lawrence, images of our magnificent blue planet demonstrate the effects humanity has had on it over time in this film captured by the astronauts aboard the ISS.
Coming short on the heels of the similarly themed, but very different, The Colony, Snowpiercer is set in a future in which efforts to reverse the effects of global warming have backfired and resulted in a new ice age that killed off most of humanity.
Laudato Si, in short, is Pope Francis» appeal to the faithful to take a closer look at how we are shaping the future of our planet, the effect of humanity on global issues such as climate change and poverty, and the protection and care for what Francis calls «our common home.»
At what point should investors question their benefit from the growth of a business or industry because the effect on humanity is questionable?
If you were at all concerned that the game would focus too much on Earth and fail to represent the entire galaxy of Mass Effect, don't worry as there's a whole lot more to this game than saving humanity's home planet.
It adds an element of humanity to the game as you learn their reasons and motivations for becoming part of the war effort, but your identity in a mission does not have any effect on the gameplay.
The jurors noted that the artist's practice explores the enduring effects of colonialism, and they stated: «Attia's passionate engagement with current affairs and with the shared fate of humanity has close links to Joan Miró's involvement in the critical episodes that marked his generation, while Attia's unique take on complex, often traumatic, human relationships across cultures resonates with Miró's universal aspirations.»
However, I have very little idea what the effects of AGW on humanity will be beyond the fact that it is an ecological disaster which can kill lots of people in the developing world (excellent reasons to do whatever it takes to get rid of it, in my opinion) and so I have a problem with responding to the argument that we need do nothing because at least as far as the DEVELOPED world is concerned AGW will be at most a nuisance.
Likewise, they prefer to debate urban heat island effects rather than to discuss the rising temperature trends, other clear signs of rising temperatures, the positive feedbacks which are beginning to kick in so that climate change will take on a life of its own independently of what we do in the future if changes are not made now (# 111, «Storm World» post, comment # 141) and what such climate change will imply for humanity as a whole (Curve manipulation, comment # 74, A Saturated Gassy Argument, comment # 116).
But it's important in respect of the resource problem, to quantify just how much, and what effects it will have on humanity, and therefore the appropriate responses.
[In many cases today, disputes concern the negative direct or indirect effects of technology on humanity or on the ecosphere.
What this leads to is that scaremongering has no effect on me other than to make me more determined to educate people to realise what would be the cost to humanity of the irrational mitigation policies proposed by the CAGW Alarmists.
The irregularity of the temperature changes within those main background trends can not have been anything to do with humanity and can adequately be catered for by varying oceanic effects on multidecadal time scales.
Readers who were previously unaware of the scope of humanity's effects on the world — on its climate, its biogeochemical cycles, the chemistry of its oceans, the colour of its sky, the flow of its rivers, the number of its species and more — may find themselves shocked by its relentless exposition.
I would probably generally state it as «human CO2 activity has a measurable warming impact on global average temperature that can be readily discerned from the background of natural climate change and other human effects that may cause cooling, and this warming impact will be, in general, neutral in impact for humanity and the biosphere».
The «unnatural» warming so far seen is however trended strongly to the alterations to the planetary surface by Humanity over the past 400 years and the rebalance towards greater kinetic induction (in its cumulative effect) is now producing observable alterations not only to the Land Surface median Temperature, but to the Ocean (vie conduction / convection) and a still unconfirmed claim of a small overall rise in Median Atmospheric Temperature, which if «true» would place the Planetary Biosphere on the «Human Population Plot» with regard to «warming».
Trillions of dollars are being proposed to be spent on boondoggle schemes which will not significantly reduction carbon dioxide increases but will have significant negative effects to the environment and to humanity.
It is also worth noting that unlike many of humanity's other effects on the planet, the remaking of the nitrogen cycle was deliberate.
However (and thankfully), abandoning old capitalistic and nationalistic get - rich - quick ideologies, collaborating on never - before - seen international levels for the purpose of achieving the greater good of humanity, and all of the adaptation strategies being adopted on local levels across the globe are among the significant positive effects of global warming on humans.
On the final episode of Star Trek the Next Generation, Picard and the Enterprise battle an anomaly that grows backwards in time, eventually effecting the future of humanity by preventing life on earth from ever startinOn the final episode of Star Trek the Next Generation, Picard and the Enterprise battle an anomaly that grows backwards in time, eventually effecting the future of humanity by preventing life on earth from ever startinon earth from ever starting.
Everything I have ever seen on this subject bangs on about the dire effect of ii) for humanity and the planet but never mentions the opposing force of iii).
Humanity Has A Significant Effect on Climate — The Scientific Community Has The Responsibility To Communicate The Current Understanding Of What is Certain And What Remains Uncertain
So why would anyone make a prediction of what effects humanity will have on the environment some two centuries from now, based on what we're doing today?
The movement to make ecocide a crime against peace under international law, led by UK - based lawyer Polly Higgins, as well as efforts to grant legal rights to Mother Earth, such as Bolivia has done, is exactly where we need to be going in terms of the highest level of environmental thinking: Recognizing that destroying whole swaths of the planet, with little to no concern for the effect on all the creatures that live upon it, is not just unethical, unacceptable behavior, but is also a crime, a crime against humanity, a crime against life itself.
Can we ever trust an estimation of the effects of anything on broad swathes of humanity by the IPCC?
Johannes Lehmann, a professor of agricultural science at Cornell University and one of the world's top experts on biochar, has calculated that if biochar were added to 10 percent of global cropland, the effect would be to sequester 29 billion tons of CO2 equivalent — roughly equal to humanity's annual greenhouse gas emissions.
If it were possible to measure effects on humanity, bitcoin would probably rank even smaller than low tenths of a percent.
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