Sentences with phrase «effect on cocaine»

Massage effects on cocaine exposed preterm neonates.

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«Over time, the effect on the reward centre in the brain is similar to what makes drug addicts go back for another line of cocaine
The finding was an incidental one when the effects of cocaine and tobacco on fetuses were being studied in pregnant women.
«The next step is to increase our sample size, and to examine the effects of isradipine on cocaine craving,» DeMet adds.
The effects of cocaine on peripheral nerves — due to rapid uptake through the skin and gills — thus appear to override any potential effects on the brain.
On the other side of the cocaine high is the cocaine crash, and understanding how one follows the other can provide insight into the physiological effects of drug abuse.
For decades, brain research has focused on the pleasurable effects of cocaine largely by studying the dopamine pathway.
A comparison of the dopamine receptors in the coke caterpillar with those of the silkworm, which doesn't feed on cocaine plants, revealed that E. noyesi has evolved resistance to the effects of the drug.
Snyder says the team hopes its work will eventually lead to treatments that protect adults and infants from the devastating effects of cocaine on the brain.
«There's not a strong effect of cocaine on misconduct or behavior problems in these children,» says Eyler.
Conversely, prior cocaine use has no effect on alcohol preference.
As lead researcher, Dr Kim Kuypers (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) said: «This is the first study to look at the short - term effect of cocaine on emotions.
Prior studies show that exposure to both cues and stress can have an additive effect on the propensity to cause craving and relapse in both people and in rats, and that females trained to respond for cocaine may be more sensitive to this effect.
«This is the first biological evidence I've seen that cocaine abuse may have an aging effect on the brain,» says social scientist Caryl Beynon of Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom.
«Only higher doses of cocaine led to similar responses in adult mice, proving that adolescents have a lower threshold for the effects of cocaine on these neurons.»
L - isocorypalmine reduces behavioral sensitization and rewarding effects of cocaine in mice by acting on dopamine receptors.
May 3, 2011 Nicotine and cocaine leave similar mark on brain after first contact The effects of nicotine upon brain regions involved in addiction mirror those of cocaine, according to new neuroscience research.
While the subjective effects of nicotine and cocaine are very different in humans, the overlapping effects of the two drugs on the reward system of the brain may explain why both are highly addictive substances, the researchers said.
The lasting effect of cocaine use on intraocular pressure, which is the only modifiable glaucoma risk factor, requires further study.
In each case, the effects of sucrose, saccharin or cocaine consumption on extracellular dopamine levels in the ventral striatum were estimated from the figures.
Although they may directly and indirectly have effects on a user's mood, they do not produce a euphoric high, which makes APEDs distinct from other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.
It has the same effect on the brain as taking cocaine!
Dogs, in particular, are drawn to chocolate even though it is comprised of theobromine, a chemical compound with a cocaine - like effect on the dog's system, which can lead to heart attacks and death.
Chocolate is comprised of theobromine, a chemical which has a cocaine - like effect on our dogs» systems.
The game is fun, addictive and incredible well put together, it is like a well oiled machine on cocaine without the side effects both of those would add to anything.
Participants were drawn from the Maternal Lifestyle Study (MLS), an investigation of the effects of prenatal cocaine or opiate exposure on child outcome in a longitudinal follow - up from 1 month to 11 years in 1,388 children divided into an exposed group and a comparison group (Lester, 1998).
There was some evidence for an effect of exposure status (i.e., maternal cocaine or opiate use during pregnancy) on parenting stress, although this effect was not significant after controlling for maternal psychopathology (BSI scores).
The analysis with the 3 - group exposure severity score also revealed a significant effect of prenatal cocaine exposure on SES scores, F (2,957) = 6.97, p =.001.
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