Sentences with phrase «effect on young people»

But there is some data that shows that social media can have a negative effect on young people's mental health.
A 2017 report from British health researchers found that Instagram was the platform that had the worst mental health effect on young people (age 14 — 24), and caused feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and body image issues, particularly among young women.
The research is contradictory — some scientists claim violent video games, like Grand Theft Auto, have an adverse effect on young people who play them while others see no such evidence.
July 7, 2011 • Scientists have long clashed over whether violent video games have an adverse effect on young people, and recently the Supreme Court overturned a California ban on violent video games.
As cannabis legalization rapidly evolves, in both medical and recreational usage, understanding the laws» effect on young people is crucial because this group is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of marijuana and possesses an inherent elevated risk of developing a cannabis disorder.
In other words, this study looks at the effects on young people of widely published but unevidenced concerns about pornography, not the effects of pornography itself.
It must be having amazing effects on younger people, and I'm sure that it's having amazing effects on me, I'm just not sure what they are.
Students are then told they will be participating in a performance task in which they will read about the debate over the Internet's effects on young people's reading and write an argumentative essay taking a stand on the issue.
President Obama's 2012 administrative action — the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — represents an acknowledgement that the current status quo on immigration policy is having particularly disastrous effects on young people who have grown up in the U.S. but due to their undocumented status and to the inability of Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, experience turbulent transitions to adulthood rife with legal barriers and exclusions.
Whether we look at rapidly shifting demographics, constantly emerging technologies, the way we learn or the way we lead, K - 12 schools are experiencing dramatic changes that will have lasting effects on young people, and ultimately, the nation as a whole.
For those who were born outside of communism, The Bathing Women sheds light on some of the Cultural Revolution's tragedies and effects on young people, but it is not political strife that marks this work as noteworthy — it is the careful exploration of love, loss, and the challenges of friendship and sisterhood that extend across time and culture which leave a lasting impression.

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The infographic goes on to show the stark effect this debt has on young people's lives.
Prime Minister Lee Nak - yeon is worried about the effects of bitcoin on the country's young people.
Mrs. Trump convened the meeting with executives from Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft and others to discuss the effects of technology on young people.
Critics of such faiths as Christian Science and Mormonism can not but be impressed with the beneficent effect that the reality of group life has on many young people.
In a series of short essays originally published in First Things and Policy Review, Eberstadt examines the effects these changed attitudes have had on women, men, young people and children.
World Vision ACT: S, the organization's network of young people living according to the Book of Acts, now has a campaign called ACT: S to End Malaria that educates people on the far - reaching effects of the disease.
In the video Millennials in the Workplace Simon Sinek speaks passionately about the deadening effect that technology is having on young people.
Existing research on media violence in general implies a serious negative effect of violent and sexually violent music video on children and young people.
It shows that young people (18 to 24) are more informed about the effect the meat and livestock industry is having on the environment, and are more willing to amend their eating habits accordingly.
Within that context, forum members contended that while safeguarding has to be a priority the club needs to be more imaginative and creative when it comes to allowing children and young people to sit together at Anfield in the belief that such an improve could have a positive effect on the atmosphere.
«Excessive workload and attacks on teachers» working conditions are having a profoundly negative effect on women teachers» mental and physical health and wellbeing and undermining the quality of education for children and young people.
We just don't know very much about the effect of prison on young people, but the evidence we do have suggests it brutalises them, trapping them in an aggressive environment without role models at a crucial period of their development.
Basically... porn is everywhere»: A rapid evidence assessment on the effects that access and exposure to pornography has on children and young people.
Survey after survey has shown the population as a whole, and young people in particular, increasingly turning away from religious beliefs and influences entirely — and yet there has been no detrimental effect on the wellbeing of the nation.
I've always been passionate about trying to protect young people from tobacco and the dangerous effect that second - hand smoke has on us.
Judge Michael Hopmeier told the gang: «This court sees regularly the pernicious effects of the class A drugs today, particularly on young people whose lives are often destroyed as a result on their dependency on class A drugs.Leiona Townshend - Bartley, 32, Francisca Archer, 26 and Aziz Abdul, 37, had lesser roles as couriers or helpers.
«This decision is going to have an effect on our local economy and the lives of members of our community,» said Farmingdale Village Mayor Ralph Ekstrand, noting that he will seek to balance the interests of young people who want easy access to transportation with seniors who rely on traditional cabs.
The experts are especially concerned about the effect of brain drinks on young people.
The researchers measured the extent of the symptoms of intoxication and effect on memory loss and compared it to results seven days later when the young people were drug free.
A mouse study suggests marijuana may have the opposite effect on older people than it has on the young, boosting learning and memory instead of impairing it
It illustrates that growing up in a home with psychological abuse has longer - term effects on the wellbeing of young people than domestic violence.
Out of concern for the potential effects that inhaling this mixture could have on the health of young people, many states have banned their sale to minors.
They then asked similar questions about the effects of robots on young people.
Further research on the potential adverse effects of energy drinks, particularly on young people.
Although exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment for people with long - term schizophrenia, no studies have assessed its effects on psychiatric symptoms in young adults with early psychosis, until now.
«There is now compelling evidence on the growing risk of marijuana - associated adverse cardiovascular effects, especially in young people,» Jouanjus said.
On the basis of those results, at least one company is attempting to replicate the effect in humans using blood plasma from healthy young people to treat patients with Alzheimer's disease.
«I fear we may have not learned any lessons from this case and will face other and bigger public health scandals in the absence of adequate scientific and medical caution over the effects of new treatments on young people and future generations,» he says.
She said: «Eating disorders have an enormous effect on the lives of young people who suffer from them — it is important to understand the risk factors so that we can address them.
But even if clinical trials go on to prove that young human blood has rejuvenating effects, we don't yet know if these will be enough to counteract the ageing effects an older person's own blood may have on their body.
In addition to Alkahest's Alzheimer's trial, a study in South Korea is testing the effects of young blood on older people's strength and the deterioration of their chromosomes.
Thanos hopes that studying the effects of methylphenidate on those without ADHD may lead to a greater understanding of how the drug works on the brain and behavior, and can help researchers understand the impact of the drug on young people throughout development.
Each cycle of violence has a cumulative effect on children and young people
First, the effects of the first dose of PRX002 on serum AS in PD patients were similar to what was seen in young, healthy people in the first trial: up to a 97 % decline in the ratio of free to total AS at the highest dose, with the ratio remaining strongly suppressed for at least four hours (Figure 4, left).
Wyss - Coray is working on a study with his company Alkahest to find out the effects of young blood on 18 people with Alzheimer's, at no charge to participants.
One study which compared the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training on young people found that the HIIT group lost around 9 times more fat than the traditional endurance training group.
However, many cases of loose skin are found in relatively young people who have lost weight, so the effect of age on skin elasticity is not really a factor in all cases, if at all.»
There is no set level for children, although the American Academy of Pediatrics has discouraged any caffeine consumption for young people, citing concerns about «its effects on the developing neurologic and cardiovascular systems and the risk of physical dependence and addiction.»
These results suggest that Alpine skiing combined with rational strength training involves no special risk for the physical development of young people, has a positive effect on the power and the percentage of muscle mass in the legs, and helps to have a higher bone density in the lumbar spine (L2 - L4).
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