Sentences with phrase «effect relations»

The purpose of this proposal is to develop and exploit new approaches to establish an in vivo cause - and - effect relation between nuclear and mitochondrial aging processes.
The concern with intelligent design is that it explains phenomena away from cause effect relations.
A concept of natural cause - and - effect relations accords with all the presuppositions of science but seems to have an impersonality about it which is not easily fitted into a conception of God's personal care and guiding providence.
Leclerc interprets Whitehead's position to be like that of Leibniz in presenting the cause - effect relation as one of perception.
According to María Izquierdo Pulido, member of the Biomedical Research Center Red - Fisiopatología de la Obsidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn) of the Instituto Salud Carlos III «this new research doesn't establish a cause - effect relation between dietary patterns and ADHD, but it can help determining specific dietary strategies to improve the quality of life for both the affected patients and their families.»
Although no sociological gauge to determine cause - effect relations can be established, Bonhoeffer has helped the church's leadership to become critically aware of shortcomings.
Or, the whole thing was coincidence, even though the disciples wrongly assumed a cause and effect relation.
Two researchers have come up with a clever strategy to untangle one cause - and - effect relation.
Experimental clinical trials would provide the most definitive proof on any cause - and - effect relation between medical cannabis and reduced opioid use, says Mark Ware, director of clinical research at the Alan Edwards Pain Management Unit at McGill University and lead author of the Journal of Pain safety study.
Behaviorally, even more detrimental effects may exist: although a cause - and - effect relation is hard to prove, higher rates of antisocial behavior, obesity and mental health problems correlate with hours in front of the set.
Using our service, you can open the history many times, see new cause - and - effect relations and quickly understand the development process of a civilization or a state.
Writing an essay one should clearly understand the main ideas of cause and effect relations.
Drip Machine continues the main artistic strategies Jeff Shore and Jon Fisher have employed during the past 15 years of practice, the conflation of DIY aesthetics and visual technologies, the exploration of the relationship between automated and chaotic movement, and the spectator expectations about the cause - effect relation between image and sound, while moving a step forward in complexity by conflating water and electronic equipment as well as the use multiple sensors and channels.
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov — head of the space research laboratory of the Russian Academy of Science's Pulkovo Observatory and of the International Space Station's Astrometria project says «the common view that man's industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations
Due to the cross - sectional structure of our study, our results could not reveal a cause - effect relation.
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