Sentences with phrase «effect relationship between»

The 1997 study by Seltzer provides strong evidence for a cause and effect relationship between joint legal custody and the benefits associated with it.
(Would you also be implying that there is some kind of cause - and - effect relationship between skin color and proclivity for law - breaking?
The most difficult thing is to prove is the cause - and - effect relationship between act or omission by a health care provider and prove it caused harm, injury, or death to a patient.
With over two decades of experience under her belt in business development, professional and personal life strategy and accountability coaching, Pamela has gained key insights into the cause - and - effect relationship between office morale, physical, mental and emotional health AND lawyer and law firm productivity, profits and growth.
If you suddenly start to experience lower back immediately after a car accident, the cause and effect relationship between the 2 might seem obvious.
He said that ``... the global warming is now large enough that we can describe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and the observed warming.»
Moreover, thus far, the environmental scientists have yet to demonstrate empirically any cause and effect relationship between human activity and global warming.
-- The two way cause - effect relationship between temperature and CO2 is not properly recognized.
In order to establish a cause - and - effect relationship between acidification and decreased calcification, a team led by Carnegie's Ken Caldeira and including Jacob Silverman (the lead author) and Kenneth Schneider, formerly of Carnegie, compared measurements of the rate of calcification in one segment of Australia's Great Barrier Reef called Bird Island that were taken in between 1975 and 1979 to those made at the neighboring Lizard Island in 2008 and 2009.
This indicates a possible cause and effect relationship between the gas pedal and the car's speed.
The courts have recognized a cause - and - effect relationship between highway constructions, nitrogen dioxide emissions, and respiratory ailments.
I have to think more about your response — but my quick response is that it isn't clear to me whether there is a clearly discernible cause and effect relationship between the economy, oil prices, and food prices, and whether either of those three variables are a mediator or moderator of the relationship between the other two.
There is a cause and effect relationship between these two terms that are used interchangeably.
If empirical evidence, based on raw data, tested and verified by skeptical scientists, using the same code, algorithms and methods used by Michael Mann, Phil Jones, the IPCC or anyone else showed a cause and effect relationship between rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions followed by rising global temperatures, the amount of which could be quantified and measured, I would have to accept that catastrophic AGW was the likely cause.
To elaborate slightly on my above point, the cause / effect relationship between CO2 and temperature derived from data spanning more than 400 million years, and operating within uncertainty margins that can be quantified with reasonable probability requires the existence of a prominent CO2 signal in the record of the past half century.
For over 20 years there has been no physical evidence provided by advocates to demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between man - made CO2 and global warming.
One such premise revolved around a cause and effect relationship between urbanization causing difficulties in absorbing poor from rural areas, increased squatter settlements and poor infrastructure, and leading to a hotbed of political activity and a fertile ground for communist organizing.
I am skeptical that there is sufficient evidence based on rigorous scientific inquiry that indicates a clear cause and effect relationship between any human activity and the earth's climate.
So, a «signal» A may cause predicted response «B» in some cases, but not others; as a result, it can be difficult to see any correlation (the two events appear to occur randomly), though there is a well - understood cause and effect relationship between the two.
Yes, the cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse gas effect and global temperature has been established by the laws of physics, just as these other cause and effect relationships have been established by the laws of physics.
Your illogic is to think that this somehow would be some sort of legitimate argument that the (inverse) cause and effect relationship between albedo and global temperature established by the laws of physics is false.
160, 1972), which indicate no direct cause / effect relationship between severity of HD and sex of the dog.
Some people may mistakenly apply a cause and effect relationship between using a long term strategy and the potential of incurring large loss.
What is important is the mechanism, the cause - and - effect relationship between prices and earnings.
This had the effect of decoupling the strict cause and effect relationship between a book's actual sales and its sales rank.
With a focus on developing teachers in the classroom, the new Marzano Causal Teacher Evaluation Model establishes the direct cause and effect relationship between teaching strategies and student achievement that helps teachers and leaders make the most informed decisions that yield the greatest benefits to students.
The author who analyzed the PISA scores felt there wasn't necessarily a direct cause - and - effect relationship between reading and science — that reading comprehension did not directly cause science proficiency, nor did science proficiency cause reading comprehension.
Thus, although our report notes the encouraging news that truancy has declined in D.C., we did not infer a cause - and - effect relationship between that change and academic achievement.
But some researchers insist there is a cause - effect relationship between activities and academic success, not just the other way around.
You're simply more likely to see a clear cause - and - effect relationship between effort and outcome in sports than in school.
The Nobel prize in economic science was awarded Monday to Thomas J. Sargent at New York University and Christopher A. Sims at Princeton University for their research looking at the cause - and - effect relationship between economic policy and the broader economy.
For one, it was an observational study, meaning it shows an association and does not establish a cause - and - effect relationship between the various health behaviors and outcomes.
«It doesn't prove a cause - and - effect relationship between chocolate and reduced risk of heart disease and stroke,» says JoAnn Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.
In various studies, in general, plant protein was associated with less health risk than animal protein [53,62], but the direct cause - effect relationship between plant protein and health risks has not been proven.
... Caution must be employed in drawing a cause - effect relationship between treatment and clinical outcome.
Identifying a cause - effect relationship between ingestion of specific foods and development of symptoms is said to be further complicated by the tendency of people to become addicted to the foods to which they are sensitive.
If there's some kind of cause - effect relationship between all starches and grains and obesity, independent of calories and activity / training level, how do you
Keeping a food journal is a good way to find a cause and effect relationship between your food consumption and digestive health.
Another study suggested a cause and effect relationship between GI inflammatory / intestinal permeability and the pathogenesis of alcoholism.
(20) The dose - effect relationship between «unopposed» oestrogens and endometrial mitotic rate: its central role in explaining and predicting endometrial cancer risk.Key TJ, Pike MC.
Evidence continues to point toward a cause and effect relationship between Candida and chronic disease.
I am not aware of any specific tests that can prove a definite cause and effect relationship between food and ileitis (with the exception of Celiac disease, which you were probably tested for and were told you don't have).
The study couldn't prove a cause - and - effect relationship between seasons and gestational diabetes rates.
This particular study was not designed to prove a cause - and - effect relationship between optimism and recovery from a heart attack.
The researchers also did not prove a cause - and - effect relationship between long hours at work and increased heart disease risk.
But the review did not prove a cause - and - effect relationship between these medications and sudden cardiac death.
And because it was observational, it was not able to determine a cause - and - effect relationship between alcohol (and white wine specifically) and melanoma rates.
Although the study couldn't prove a cause - and - effect relationship between gallstones and heart disease, Qi suggested that changes in the gut's «microbiome» may play a role.
The study doesn't establish a direct cause - and - effect relationship between time outdoors and better sleep.
«The best way to establish a cause - and - effect relationship between the MIND diet and reductions in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease is to conduct a large - scale randomized trial like this one,» Morris says.
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