Sentences with phrase «effect sizes did»

However, these mean effect sizes did not differ significantly (Q b (2) = 3.5, p > 0.05).
Again, these mean effect sizes did not differ significantly (Q b (2) = 3.5, p > 0.05).
According to Jacobson and Truax, 39 statistically significant and large effect sizes do not necessarily translate into clinically meaningful changes (ie, an intervention effect may be statistically significant but clinically trivial).

Not exact matches

Businesses with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage will be taxed based on the size of their payrolls, but the cost will be significantly less than the cost of providing insurance benefits, and the tax is not set to go into effect until the 2014 fiscal year.
For example, Warshay worked with a pair of entrepreneurs who spent time in the prenatal vitamin section at Whole Foods, where they discovered women didn't like the large size of vitamin pills and potential side effects of nausea and constipation.
Do I think that faith has any effect on the macro sized level of the universe?
Do you think it would turn out relatively similar or would the size effect it too much?
A study done in 2008 revealed that poor sizing and incorrect use prevents compression stockings from having a proper effect in preventing blood cloth formation.
Adjustment for family history of asthma, house dust mite allergy, and hay fever did not materially change the effect sizes for the duration of exclusive breastfeeding with upper and lower respiratory tract infections.
This was a cluster - randomised trial and authors stated they did not make allowance for clustering in the sample size calculation as the cluster effect was expected to be small.
Note the distorting effect of the iPhone lens — shot from below, we get a nice Mt. Rushmore effect, but in the real world I don't really have a Hellboy - style massive left arm (in the uncropped version, my hand is about the size of my head) and David and Will are actually much closer to the same height.
Although previous research suggested that online messages do not work, it is possible that conventional sample sizes may not be large enough to detect the modest effect sizes shown here.
Most of the public will not engage in arguments about the size of the state, but public sector workers (who did not cause the current crisis) will feel its effects.
Our results don't really allow us to accurately predict the size of the effect — they're more about providing evidence that the relationship is actually causal, rather than the result of confounding or common risk factors.»
A p - value, or statistical significance, does not measure the size of an effect or the importance of a result.
«We don't know how many tree sparrows there are in China but the size of the consignment underlines the volumes of birds being sold — and it must have some effect on wild populations.»
«Our study suggests that the cumulative survival from hatchling to maturity, which may take 30 years, combined with present - day climate effects on mature females, has a greater influence on annual nesting population size than does the exclusive impact of survival during the first year of life as hatchlings,» Saba said.
Further adjustment for parity did not alter the direction or size of the effect.
Despite large family sizes, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints (Mormons) don't feel the same educational attainment effects.
When we added controls for education and NIH training in Model 2, the marginal effects did not change in size or significance.
«Many biologists would have expected to find a strong effect of group size,» Fagan said, «with input from more birds» brains leading to improved navigation, but we didn't see that effect
«Where other people have looked at effects of island size on restricted numbers of species or restricted levels in food chains, we did the full thing across four levels,» he specifies.
Although the loss of 4 1/2 pounds of intra-abdominal fat allowed Garofolo to go from a tight size 44 belt to a loose one, it didn't have the effect he so fervently desired — boosting his insulin sensitivity and lessening the severity of his diabetes — leaving him desperate enough to envy a rat.
While the study points to diet having a small effect on changes in brain size, it didn't look at the effect on risk of dementia.
Rowing can be done in a multitude of ways and it has the best effects for widening and increasing the size of your back.
When it comes down to it, the reason we strive to be healthy can't be so that we fit into the same size clothes we did in college or so we have flawless skin (though those can be great side - effects of being healthy), but so that we can have more time to enjoy the blessings of this life and the health and energy to be able to live it the best way possible.
However, the effect sizes observed do suggest that, if replicated over time, these findings would have clinical relevance.
While several benefits of HGH have been clinically proven, the «effect» on penis size can be a topic of huge debate mainly because there are no scientific studies done on it except a few like this one which was done on young boys with growth hormone deficiency.
By doing this correction, we get a more clear idea of the glycemic effect per serving size, rather than per 50g portion of carbohydrate.
On the other hand, there are also those who say that maca did not have any effect on butt and breasts size.
Endurance training has minimal effect on the size of muscle, however it does increase mitochondrial mass allowing for increased oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscle.
While the Glycemic Index (GI) of a food tells you how rapidly that type of food effects your blood glucose in the 2 - 3 hours after eating, it doesn't tell you how significant that impact is based on the serving size or amount you eat.
After doing a four day fast, I noticed my chest size became significantly bigger, (and a little TMI, I felt them getting sore during my fast) kind of amazed at this effect.
However, the level of muscle activation achieved during these variations does still seem to be too small to provide a beneficial training effect for developing strength or muscular size.
I understand that height effects a man's physical attractiveness to a woman (much like her bust size does for men), and that attraction is not consciously decided.
The only way to prove that plus size women online dating has an effect on marital outcomes — positive or negative — is to do a controlled trial in which people are randomly assigned to meet people online or in the real world.
Though much of the action remains confined to the inner sanctum of Franco's home, the biblical implications of the film dictate that they must eventually be taken out of their comfort zone, and thanks to their reasonably sized budget, they have enough to clout to develop some eye - popping special effects, and although it intends to satirise the current trend for apoca - blockbusters, it does its level best to match them in terms of scale.
«Working on set is always difficult when you're doing a project of that size, with those many special effects and CGI.
It doesn't help that, when fairy - sized, the visual effects department plopped their real heads on CGI bodies, culminating in some awful body horror - type uncanny valley effect.
Never is the irritable insurance pitchman more chafed than when his prehistoric brethren are stereotyped as mere musclebound cretins with brainpans the size of M&M s. And although the characters in the big - budget, special - effects - laden prehistoric epic «10,000 B.C.» don't exactly fall into that whole «Captain Caveman» mold — they stand upright, they speak English, they wear stylish dreadlocks — movie - goers, Neanderthal or not, likely will find the film's primitive plotting every bit as insulting.
Of all of the things that I should do to improve my teaching quality, I have to choose the one with the largest effect size, to borrow a page from Robert Marzano.
Done well, it can have a magical effect — moving, enlightening, or entertaining audiences of any size.
Obviously, scaling this impact by different standard deviations from alternative populations of students - as Krueger does - would yield different effect sizes.
Due to the relatively small sample sizes, all of the effects are imprecisely estimated and do not allow us to definitively rule out reasonably large positive effects.
• Duke researchers Charles Clotfelter, Helen Ladd, and Jacob Vigdor found that being taught by a sub for 10 days per year has a larger effect on a child's math scores than if he'd changed schools, and about half the size of the difference between students from well - to - do and poor families.
Both Greece and Iceland performed considerably below the international average on TIMSS, while the countries where class - size reduction did not have even a small effect performed above the average.
(In five countries — Australia, France, Hong Kong, Scotland, and the United States — our strategy led to inconclusive estimates that do not allow for any confident assertions about the effects of differences in class size.)
If teacher quality is a key input in education, this interpretation can explain why class - size effects exist in some countries but not in others and at the same time why the countries in our sample where we did find sizable class - size effects also exhibit poor overall performance.
And, second, smaller districts — where most Americans attend school — do not have a sufficient sample size within their own data to detect the hoped - for effects.
In using a regression - discontinuity design (comparing schools that received the SIG treatment to slightly higher performing schools that did not receive the treatment), the authors were not able to generate a sample size that would be sensitive to positive significant effects that, in my mind, could be considered a success.
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