Sentences with phrase «effect sizes within»

Number multiple effect sizes within a study sequentially (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4...)
This allowed for assessing relatively small effect sizes within a narrow confidence interval.
Effect sizes within this group of studies were not homogeneous (Q = 103.06, P <.001, I2 = 77.7 %).
Assign each effect size within a study a unique #.

Not exact matches

Grow More Food Festival, which offers many entertainment options for Guyanese residents, encourages all sizes of businesses within the agriculture industry to grow more food, and engages families to plant kitchen gardens and other small - scale gardens to help offset the effects of higher food prices.
A prospective, controlled study of the effect of breast milk on infection among low birth weight infants was conducted in India in 1981.18 Although the sample size was small, 62 infants, the study design was a randomized block design in which feeding schedules for breast milk or formula were randomly allocated within groups of infants that were determined to be relatively homogeneous with respect to factors predisposing to infection.
However, effect sizes tend to be small, with care experiences in both groups being very much within the normal range.
Despite the overall conclusions of the study, within a narrow range of sizes, the way an animal is put together can indeed have a huge effect on a creature's top running speed, Holtz notes.
But a seismologist in Southern California has set up a system that, within minutes of a tremor, provides organisations such as railway companies with estimates of the size, location and likely effects of the earthquake.
Differences in brain size within a species, such as humans, are relatively small, making it difficult to tease out the effects of brain size and the effects of other factors.
The list of accomplishments is far too large to fit within one article, but they include: the first search for extraterrestrial intelligence; creation of the Drake equation; discovery of flat galactic rotation curves; first pulsar discovered in a supernova remnant; first organic polyatomic molecule detected in interstellar space; black hole detected at the center of the Milky Way; determination of the Tully - Fisher relationship; detection of the first interstellar anion; measurement of the most massive neutron star known; first high angular resolution image of the Sunyaev - Zel» Dovich Effect; discovery of only known millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system; discovery of pebble - sized proto - planets in Orion, and the first detection of a chiral molecule in space.
Nevertheless, the more subtle effects on body size that we observe in Drosophila body size at 25 °C may be because the level of GBP expressed is within the range where it begins to suppress growth, even if the effects in insulin secretion are below our level of detection.
Hence the training effect is compartmented within selected muscle fibers and strength improves without size becoming an issue for the athlete.
Post hoc t - tests determined that there were significant increases in hip extension within session 2 (p ≤ 0.05; effect size: r = − 0.11) for the intervention group.
Shimmering iridescent needles are mixed within creating the perfect winter wonderland effect Product Features: Pre-lit with 50 fro... sted pure white LED lights Bulb size: mini 110 tapered tips No assembly required, wreath comes in 1 section 30» white lead... read more
Noting the low level of evidence security, it is calculated that using learning styles within the classroom (for example, to match teaching style to learning style) has a low impact with an effect size of 0.13 or two months» worth of learning progress.
This is greater than the two - point gain we found in Iceland and Greece, but it is within the standard error of these estimates, suggesting that the actual effect of reducing class size in Iceland and Greece could be as large as Krueger found in the United States.
And, second, smaller districts — where most Americans attend school — do not have a sufficient sample size within their own data to detect the hoped - for effects.
-LSB-...] The work of John Hattie (above) suggests that feedback (with an effect size of 0.73) is well within «the zone of desired effects» i.e. it makes a significant difference to student learning.
The effects of within - class grouping on student achievement and other outcomes were quantitatively integrated using one set of 145 effect sizes exploring grouping versus no grouping and a set of 20 effect sizes related to homogeneous versus heterogeneous ability grouping.
Research showed student motivation and self - concept within the effect size range for positively influencing student's academic achievement.
Additional supply has had an effect on pricing, though the effect of oil prices and the size of the energy sector within this market should not be forgotten.
That Australian work looked at the possible effect of heterosis (contribution to health or size, sometimes referred to as «hybrid vigor» even though matings within a species perhaps do not really produce hybrids in the usual semantic sense).
An a priori power analysis for looking time in experiment 2 indicated that to find a similar effect size based on partial η2 of 0.56, with power of 0.80 and an alpha level of 0.05 for the within - subject comparison of speech type, 6 participants would have been needed, which we exceeded with our 29 participants in experiment 2.
An a priori power analysis for proximity duration in experiment 2 indicated that to find a similar effect size based on partial η2 of 0.16, with power of 0.80 and an alpha level of 0.05 for the within - subject comparison of speech type, 24 participants would have been needed, which we exceeded with our 30 participants in experiment 2.
Unfortunately, not all articles within a given field of science will contain statistical estimates required for meta - analysis (e.g., estimate of effect size, error, sample size).
Finally, the number of published articles about climate change and the magnitude of effect sizes therein both increased within 2 years of the seminal report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007.
Effect size for the adjusted mean difference between each treatment was calculated by dividing the mean difference in test score by the square root of the within mean square error for the adjusted post-test score.
ANOVA of IH score by the relative frequency of condom use with non-steady partners, with covariates, the number of non-steady partners that they had unprotected anal intercourse within the past year and perceived control over sexual risk - taking, demonstrated a small - to - moderate effect size (η2 = 0.03).
Assuming a drop - out rate from the trial of approximately 20 %; this sample size was sufficient to detect a standardised effect size of 0.4 at 85 % power and α of 0.05 in the primary outcome measure if there was no clustering and a standardised effect size of 0.6 allowing for clustering by course with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.178 or less; for this sample size calculation, we conservatively imagined clustering within control families as well as intervention families.
Pooled within - group SDs were used to calculate effect sizes, and values of.2,.5, and.8 were used to define small, medium, and large effects, respectively.25 Table 4 presents the study findings.
Table 2 shows least - squares mean scores on primary and secondary outcome measures by condition, mean change scores from pretreatment to posttreatment, and within - group effect sizes for each group.
We inflated this sample size by a design effect of 1.18 to 210 infants per trial arm to allow for correlation between responses within the same cluster (that is, maternal and child health centre), 28 assuming an average cluster size of seven (the number of eligible mothers attending each centre) and an intracluster correlation coefficient of 0.03.
The standardized (z - transformed) regression coefficients, βs, were taken as within - conditions (or within - groups) effect - size estimates, and the differences between the unstandardized regression coefficients, bs, were tested according to Cohen [29]: z = (b1 − b2) / -LSB-(SE12 + SE22) 1/2].
Within - group effect sizes were determined for each study using Cohen d statistic (baseline standard deviations were pooled where there was more than one patient group).
The major problem is the reliance on within - group comparisons to calculate effects sizes, on which rests the major conclusion that STPP is «an effective treatment in psychiatric disorders».
Within group effect sizes were calculated (Cohen's d), with positive effect size indicating improvement.
Effect sizes for combining results are within treatment and therefore inflated by sources of bias (eg, type I error of diagnosis, regression to the mean, and improvements not from therapy).
To estimate effect sizes, Cohen d was computed by dividing the unstandardized coefficients for intervention effects (accounting for level 1 and level 2 covariates) by the within - group standard deviation.40, 41 Estimates of within - group standard deviation were computed using the raw data for waking cortisol level (to examine the intervention effect on the intercept) and raw data for waking to bedtime change in cortisol level (to examine the intervention effect on the slope).
Fact: «Using data from subsets ranging in size from 777 to 1,501 children from the child supplement to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), a series of multivariate regression models were tested to determine whether the effects of nonresident father involvement on child well - being vary by race, mother's education, or whether the child was born within or outside of marriage.
We acknowledge that the variance estimate of the average synthetic effect sizes that are calculated should appropriately account for the correlation between the two outcomes, and we intend to report the correlation value, and the source / means of arriving at such a correlation if it is not reported within the primary study / studies.
The magnitude of mean effect sizes varied considerably within the parenting dimension behavioral control (Table 2).
Within the remaining parenting dimensions (i.e., authoritative, authoritarian and psychological control), mean effect sizes of discrete parenting behaviors were relatively similar (Table 2).
Power analyses (Cohen, 1988) showed good power (1 - β = 0.87) for within couples and interactions effects but limited power (1 - β = 0.5) for between group effects to detect medium effect sizes with a sample of 62 couples.
RC = reference category, # studies = number of independent studies; # ES = number of effect sizes, Z = difference in mean r with reference category, mean r = mean effect size (r), heterogeneity = within class heterogeneity (Z), Δfit = difference with model without moderators (χ2)
Age Attachment = Age at attachment measurement, Age Delinquency = Age at delinquency measurement, # ES = number of effect sizes, Z = significance of moderator, heterogeneity = within class heterogeneity (Z), Δfit = difference with model without moderators (χ2)
A multilevel random effects model accounts for the hierarchical structure of the data, in which the effect sizes or study results (the lowest level) are nested within studies (the highest level).
In our meta - analytic model, three forms of variance were taken into account: random sampling variation of observed effect sizes (level 1), variance within studies (level 2), and variance between studies (level 3)(Cheung 2014; Hox 2002; Van den Noortgate et al. 2013, 2014).
The effect size estimation revealed large between - group program effects on Competence and Confidence and moderate effects on Character as well as moderate within - group time effects on all Five Cs.
Effect sizes indicated that parenting changed first within 12 months, followed by changes in boy behaviors and finally changes in maternal depression within 30 months.
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