Sentences with phrase «effect someone describe»

(3) When the drug has been administered, observe your dog carefully and be alert to the appearance of any of the side effects described in the insert or sheet.
The economic effects described by the study «make expansion of the natural gas industry look less helpful than ever,» he said.
So even if it didn't have the physical effects described above, I'd still recommend it!
(4) While the drug is being administered, observe your dog carefully and be alert to the appearance of any of the side effects described in the insert.
You also don't find the atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effect described in any theoretical physics textbook.
Medici Effect Storming: The Medici Effect describes how ideas might not be obviously related upon first examination.
The tennis racket effect describes what happens when one tosses a tennis racket into the air while imparting a rotation about an axis.
I can see that the UHI is different to the microsite effects you describe.
But in the U.S. and Canada, we think things are moving along pretty conventionally, yet with these legacy effects I described before.
Yet these cardiovascular consequences are believed to be linked to the way non-O blood types coagulate, which did not seem to contribute to the cognitive effects described in the new study.
The urban heat island effect describes how the spatial configuration of cities, the materials in them (such as asphalt), lack of vegetation and waste heat can modify temperature.
When an atomic cloud becomes denser and colder, the cooling effect described above becomes dominated by other processes, which cause heating.
Purkinje is famous for explaining visual phenomena: the Purkinje effect describes how blue objects appear brighter than red objects in dimmer light.
An independent way of measuring the mass of individual galaxies and galaxy clusters uses the gravitational lensing effect described in the relativity chapter.
More specifically, the Warburg effect describes the reality that cancer cells break down sugars more rapidly than most other types of cells.
The Flynn effect describes the trend that saw IQ scores rise steadily throughout the 20th century — in some places it continues to do so.
Generally, if it appears that a Roth conversion may be beneficial prior to taking the Medicare Part B premium into account, the potential for a negative effect isn't likely to turn that strategy into a loser, although it may make sense to reduce the conversion amount to avoid the cliff effect described above.
Also known as the human - animal bond, The Pet Effect describes the scientifically documented, mutually beneficial relationship between pets and people.
The recency effect describes how it's often easier for us to recall more information (and more salient information) about things that have happened more recently or items towards the end of a list.
It seems like we won't experience any mind - illuminating effects described by French expressionists that night but we can check out the brand - new gallery in the basement of the bar.
«Jim gets many of these kinds of responses — a change whose effect we described as well within the margin of error has become an «astonishing change»....
This is reflected journalistically in the whiplash effect described by Revkin.
I also haven't find any proof that an increase of GHGs in the atmosphere do not reduce the thermodynamic effect described above.
If this is the case, these clouds would reflect more light, which could counteract the slight warming effect described by Grise and his colleagues, said Dennis Hartmann, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle who was not involved with the new study.
Given that the cosmic ray effect described by Svensmark would be more than sufficient to account for the net estimated temperature change since the Industrial Revolution, the key question becomes: Has human activity actually warmed, cooled or had no net impact on the planet?
The edge effects describe the changes in species diversity that occur at habitat boundaries, and can be pronounced when habitat structure alters abruptly between two different types of ecosystem.
The researchers were especially concerned by the failure of programme providers to take seriously the sometimes severe side effects described by women using Norplant.
I'm with you on the promiscuous artist thing... All these effects you described, by natural logic have causes, with effects leading to cause other things, and so on.
And, obviously, letting one book or expert hold dominion over our own gut feelings has the effect you describe so well in your post, and that's not right either.
«We still don't understand exactly how the corona is produced or why it changes its shape, but we see it lighting up material around the black hole, enabling us to study the regions so close in that effects described by Einstein's theory of general relativity become prominent,» said NuSTAR Principal Investigator Fiona Harrison of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena.
«We still don't understand exactly how the corona is produced or why it changes its shape, but we see it lighting up material around the black hole, enabling us to study the regions so close in that effects described by Einstein's theory of general relativity become prominent,» said co-author and NuSTAR principal investigator Fiona Harrison, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Many of the effects we describe here also happen because DHEA activates the androgen and estrogen receptors and acts to increase nitric - oxide (NO) production and cardiovascular health.
These forces are normal, but they do have the effect you describe on the steering / ignition locking mechanism which cause it to bind slighlty, this is the resistance in the lock you are feeling.
The Super Mushroom made its debut in the Super Smash Bros. series in Melee, with the effects described above.
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