Sentences with phrase «effect someone want»

A: They are both amazingly healthy choices, so just think about what kind of effect you want to have.
When coming up with an outfit for the day, decide what effect you want to achieve then apply the right emphasis to your outfit.
If you shut her away in a quiet room, she may feel excluded and even punished, which is the opposite effect you want to create.
With the upcoming holiday season in full effect we want to do a giveaway of some of the review units.
She has been in my care only 2 years and now that I am aware of how bad dental disease effects them I want to do something about it.
They use the lighting to get the photo effect they want.
Step # 5: Now is the time to select the bubble effect you want to send message with.
There's a new menu to select the lighting effect you want to use.
The team will also discuss how they are looking to build upon the demo and what effects they want to add in the final game, before answering your questions about the mechanics.
The somewhat full skirt will give me the ballgown effect I want without being too heavy for the summer heat.
But when I was working on TWEEZER, I wanted to have a lot more visual polish, and was frankly getting bogged down on a lot of stuff that was Not Writing; while I knew I absolutely refuse to make another game in Twine Default Color Scheme, because TDCS is ugly as shit, and while I knew certain effects I wanted in the text, I don't have a great color sense and I wasn't sure how to use certain macros like < > and stuff.
Sunscreen goes without saying, but to dodge the sun's ageing effects you want a crack team of integrative potions.
Here I'll give you specific recommendations for the set / rep schemes, rest periods and time under tension protocols you'll want to use to make sure you're getting the training effect you want.
60 Minutes after exercise (when my body can actually use the protein to benefit muscles — before that there's a blunting effect you want to be aware of!)
In almost all cases, getting the recompositioning effect you want depends much more on your diet than the kind of exercise you do.
You can push it faster but it means that it will come at a greater loss of lean body mass and also a great amount of all those side effects we want to try to minimize from before.
Using strategically place clusters of beads, we were able to weigh down the lift of the organza and create the draping effect we wanted.
This elegant pair still has the fur - trimmed effect you want in a slipper — versatile enough for everything from date - night to office meetings.
If the EEOS had wanted to draw conclusions about the effects of families, schools, peers, and neighborhoods, it would have needed to conduct or locate experiments for each variable whose effect it wanted to identify.
You can specify what page turn effect you want, the page turn duration, change font sizes by pinching and spreading your fingers, and also choose what the left screen tap and right sreen tap do.
Maybe this was a mistake but is part of the Art House effect we wanted to give to Past Cure
Although my 1986 bathroom is probably quite a bit older than yours, I have no desire to spend thousands of dollars doing an update that will shout out «new» but that won't be in keeping with the country / cottage effect I want and that I think can easily be achieved by working around my current pale yellow faux marble countertops by painting the oak cabinets (as I plan to do in the kitchen) and the walls and changing out sink and lighting fixtures.
Namrata, try shoot images out door, for the kind of effects you want be as close to the subject and then tap the area on the screen you want it focused rest will be blur then click image.
Note 2: I used a 5 - point star nozzle, but feel free to experiment with star nozzles with different numbers of points to get the effect you want.
But I think I understand it well enough to get the effect I want even if it doesn't conform to the specific recipe you provided.
And that's the effect you want from any new signing.
The lotion is also safer for your skin, since you can get the effects you want without having to expose yourself to the sun's harmful rays.
Its a very versatile medium and very fine detail or very thick texture can be achieved depending on the effect you want.
At what point did you feel that the coaches training program was having the effect you wanted to see?
Keep on layering until you have the effect you want.
Filed at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, November 23, Mr Woyome's writ in effect wants a stay of execution in the ruling, pronounced by Anin Yeboah, JSC.
It apparently didn't have the effect we wanted it to have, but it was a little known part of the effort that people who worked at Los Alamos put into trying to get a rational decisions made about where we go from here.
Hard work is crucial to getting the effect you want and nothing falls out of the sky, he says.
I definitely bought into all the claims of how they would make your skin softer / tighter / smell great / acne free / etc and had several that I mixed and matched to get the scent and effect I wanted (chemical cocktail anyone?)
The tea mixture clearly blocked the body from absorbing all the available carbohydrate — exactly the effect we want for weight loss and type 2 diabetes.
The effect you want to have on your r neurotransmitters and hormones will dictate the amount and type you should eat.
It holds a great shape, oozes class and can be tightened or loosened according to the effect you want to create.
It requires too many coats to get the effect I want.
But you can certainly spray paint your hardware black or any other color to get the effect you want.
I like that they are highly pigmented so you don't have to use a lot to achieve the effect you want.
Square pillows come in different sizes ranging from 18 inches to 24 inches, so you can stack smaller pillows on top of larger ones to create the effect you want.
These arrangements were simple to put together and will have the effect I want once they start to grow.
That would cancel out the effects you want from your makeup.
There are abounding bodies who are annoyed of dating afterwards accepting the after - effects they want.
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