Sentences with phrase «effect systemic change»

Clinic work often involves trying to effect systemic change on behalf of the broader community.
Within Ontario's human rights framework, the OHRC has unique powers to effect systemic change.
Learn more about how we have partnered with Education Pioneers to effect systemic change in urban education.
Although education - related giving accounts for a significant share of philanthropic giving, philanthropic funds amount to less than 1 percent of total public K - 12 funding, which poses a challenge for foundations seeking to effect systemic change in public education.
Systemic Change Great Expectations can effect a systemic change in a classroom, in a school, in fact, in a whole school district.

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These factors — many of which are beyond our control and the effects of which can be difficult to predict — include: credit, market, liquidity and funding, insurance, operational, regulatory compliance, strategic, reputation, legal and regulatory environment, competitive and systemic risks and other risks discussed in the risk sections of our 2017 Annual Report; including global uncertainty and volatility, elevated Canadian housing prices and household indebtedness, information technology and cyber risk, regulatory change, technological innovation and new entrants, global environmental policy and climate change, changes in consumer behavior, the end of quantitative easing, the business and economic conditions in the geographic regions in which we operate, the effects of changes in government fiscal, monetary and other policies, tax risk and transparency and environmental and social risk.
Implemented in 2015, the strategic plan has been the guiding document for a systemic change that will have long - lasting effects beyond 2020.
Coursework explores strategies for driving systemic change that has a lasting positive effect on individuals and organizations.
The most powerful strategy school systems have to impact the quality of instruction in classrooms is professional development that promotes the kind of systemic change that has a positive and permanent effect throughout an organization.
It suggests the systemic changes scientists say are necessary to avoid the worst effects of warming temperatures will require massive government spending and regulation.»
It is hard to take any Global Change Research Program seriously given the systemic corruption of the land - based record due to UHI effects, which is something that have easily been addressed long before.
Maybe then we can start to effect real systemic change, but I'm not holding my breath on that one for now.
Drawing on a team of feisty international lawyers, the equality effect supports its regional legal partners by initiating creative legal advocacy projects to achieve systemic change.
I don't know if this approach would guarantee a happy ending for access to justice, but I know that simply working in our own small backyards to effect broad systemic change hasn't been effective.
The world of an adolescent is now so powerfully defined by systemic forces other than home that working with the family alone is rarely powerful enough to effect change in the life of a troubled teenager.
According to these commenters, the new forms impose several significant changes to how real estate closings are handled, causing dramatic systemic effects on the nature of the relationship among the parties.
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