Sentences with phrase «effect upon society»

Female leaders are viewed as better arbiters of conflict and as exerting a «mothering,» soothing effect upon society.

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By insisting in an exaggerated fashion on our dependence upon government, by overlooking the ways in which multiple sources of support in civil society and the marketplace afford us a kind of independence, President Obama would, in effect, turn the clock backward.
But the extent to which human existence depends upon a natural order of «societies, harmoniously requiring each other» has recently become all the more apparent as the accumulated effects of industry, technology, and population growth have presented major «environmental» problems (see CC).
(b) The sociologist is interested in the sociologically significant function and effect of religion upon society.
The use of punishment as a deterrent, and the effect of the penal system upon persons and society as a whole, raise issues for moral judgment.
This massive shift has had a devastating effect on the once - deep cultural values that exerted their force upon most of society's institutions — values of truth, duty, discipline, reading, beauty, family, tradition, justice, among many others.
Being a society, the effect of past occasions in his life upon the presently becoming one is, as is generally tnie in societies, a persuasive and not a coercive effect.
Since part of the practical function of reason is to effect our survival, and since in employing the second survival strategy reason becomes «the emphasis upon novelty» (FR 20), it is easy to understand how someone in a basically conserving society would value up novelty and future - oriented behavior to the seeming exclusion of order and the preservation of the past via efficient causation (feelings of «causal efficacy»).
This thoroughgoing approach to faith and reason means that, as ever, we publish pieces that reveal what we think are aspects of the effect upon our church and society of the 20th century collapse of an agreed and coherent vision of the faith to hand on to our seminarians and our people.
He advised the wealthy in the society to make it mandatory upon themselves to always assist the poor and the needy in order to cushion the effect of the recession in their social and economic lives.
Deal with the effects this problem has upon you in particular and upon the society in whole and give your evidential proofs that the problem you are discussing should be solved.
They embody either man's tragic folly or nature's wisdom and life - force, by literally embodying our throw - away society and its effects upon the natural world.
And therefore devices such as the following are used by law societies: (1) methods to control an alleged over-supply of lawyers; (2) «alternative legal services,» which are charity, simplistic services, and without the benefit of the solicitor - client relationship (pro bono services being but a very small exception, and possibly targeted legal services); and, (3) the sponsoring of «apps,» (the application of electronic technology to legal services), the effect of which upon the problem is unknown and unanalyzed, and can not solve any such access to justice problem.
To consider the one without considering the effect upon the others would be similar to a law society considering cost - cutting and reduction of its major programs without considering the resulting effect upon the reputation of that law society, and the resulting law society and legal profession that it will leave to future generations of lawyers.
In a recent judgment, Justice Lynne Smith of the British Columbia Supreme Court identified grounds upon which to reopen the question of the constitutionality of the criminal prohibition against physician - assisted dying, claiming, in effect, that while the Supreme Court had at the time of the Rodriguez been correct in stating that a blanket prohibition on physician - assisted dying would be rationally connected to the goal of protecting the most vulnerable people in Canadian society, such a prohibition is overbroad (you don't need to deny everyone the right to physician - assisted suicide in order to protect society's most vulnerable persons) and grossly disproportionate in its effects.
The ameliorative purpose or effects of the impugned law upon a more disadvantaged person or group in society.
wouldn't tell the public that the problem is not the Law Society's problem, as in effect it does; (15) LSUC's website wouldn't state that lay benchers «represent the public interest,» which is impossible now that we are well beyond the 19th century; (16) CanLII's services would be upgraded in kind and volume to be a true support service, able to have a substantial impact upon the problem, and several other developed support services, all provided at cost, would together, provide a complete solution; (17) LSUC's management would not be part - time management by amateurs - amateurs because benchers don't have the expertise to solve the problem, nor are they trying to get it, nor are they joining with Canada's other law societies to solve this national problem; (18) the Federation of Law Societies of Canada would not describe the problem as being one of mere «gaps in access to legal services» (see its Sept. 2012 text, «Inventory of Access to Legal Services Initiatives of the Law Societies of Canada» (1st paragraph), (19) LSUC would not be encouraging the use alternatives to lawyers, such as law students, self - help, and «unbundled, targeted» legal services, as a «cutting costs by cutting competence» strategy; and, (20) it would not be necessary to impose an Ontario version of the Clementi Report (UK, 2004) that would separate LSUC's regulatory functions from its representative functions, to be exercised by separate authorities.
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