Sentences with phrase «effect upon the mind»

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Lotze, in placing emphasis upon the disclosure of the spiritual reality in its effects, cut a path between a mechanistic science and an abstract metaphysics and thus was more immediately available to the religiously motivated mind of the period, say from 1880 to the early nineteen twenties.
Such is the sublime transformation which we may with justice foresee, and which in fact is beginning to have its effect upon a growing number of minds, freethinkers as well as believers: the idea of a spiritual evolution of the Universe.
«Sometimes, when I have come to my work empty, I have suddenly become full; ideas being in an invisible manner showered upon me, and implanted in me from on high; so that through the influence of divine inspiration, I have become greatly excited, and have known neither the place in which I was, nor those who were present, nor myself, nor what I was saying, nor what I was writing; for then I have been conscious of a richness of interpretation, an enjoyment of light, a most penetrating insight, a most manifest energy in all that was to be done; having such effect on my mind as the clearest ocular demonstration would have on the eyes.»
Unlike many kinds of music, classical songs have a calming effect upon the human mind and body.
Upon first viewing «Alice Sweet Alice» it comes across like you average Italian Gaillo / Slasher type film but as it slowly unfolds you begin to realize that it's an indictment of how religious fanaticism can effect the minds of those who are not that stable to begin with.
In a time when most movies are little more than filmed deals that can spend millions of dollars on elaborate special effects sequences that fade from the mind almost as soon as they play out, he has created some of the most bizarre, hilarious, haunting and memorable imagery that I have ever seen in a film — who could forget the sight of beer baroness Isabella Rossellini standing upon artificial legs filled with her own product in «The Saddest Music in the World,» or the horses stuck in the middle of a frozen river in «My Winnipeg»?
Experts have naturally gone on to study the effect of this quite immersive gadget upon the child and their mind.
However, there has been no question in the minds of pediatricians and psychologists for a number of years that the early nursing and feeding experiences of a child do have a profound effect upon the child's personality and his reactions to people and to life in general, as well as upon his health.
With Mass Effect: Andromeda's new mission in mind, players will embark upon a massive journey with a new galactic hero.
He is not the only contemporary artist to investigate time as a subject — Andy Goldsworthy, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and John Divola come to mind — but his approach addresses the question of what constitutes the present moment and the effects time and its contemplation have upon the individual.
«In the present times of political excitement, the exacerbation of angry and unsocial feelings might be much softened by the effects which the fine arts had ever produced upon the minds of men.»
The most likely candidate for that climatic variable force that comes to mind is solar variability (because I can think of no other force that can change or reverse in a different trend often enough, and quick enough to account for the historical climatic record) and the primary and secondary effects associated with this solar variability which I feel are a significant player in glacial / inter-glacial cycles, counter climatic trends when taken into consideration with these factors which are, land / ocean arrangements, mean land elevation, mean magnetic field strength of the earth (magnetic excursions), the mean state of the climate (average global temperature), the initial state of the earth's climate (how close to interglacial - glacial threshold condition it is) the state of random terrestrial (violent volcanic eruption, or a random atmospheric circulation / oceanic pattern that feeds upon itself possibly) / extra terrestrial events (super-nova in vicinity of earth or a random impact) along with Milankovitch Cycles.
The FCA decried the Macris decision for its likely effect on its probes, positing that the need to offer third party rights will delay settlements but when it comes down to it, the regulator must keep an open mind and determine matters upon a review of all of the relevant evidence, including the account of the relevant individuals.
«Bearing in mind the type, duration, effects and manner of implementation of the obligations in these control orders, I am left in no doubt whatsoever that the cumulative effect of the obligations has been to deprive the respondents of their liberty in breach of Article 5 of the Convention... The collective impact of the obligations... could not sensibly be described as a mere restriction upon the respondents» liberty of movement.
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