Sentences with phrase «effective democracy»

Despite education officials not focusing on the subject, there are pockets of effective democracy education occurring.
He said the proposals do not reflect the party's stance on effective democracy.
Moreover, even imminent danger can not justify resort to prohibition of these functions essential to effective democracy unless the evil apprehended is relatively serious.
We employ investigative research and journalism to provide critical information on corporate malfeasance and profiteering around the world to foster a more informed public and an effective democracy.
«Effective democracy, substantive human rights and liberty are intractably linked to the Bible and the Christian faith.
It is even more vulnerable to fraud, and like postal voting it destroys the guarantee of the secret ballot — a cornerstone of all effective democracies and one achieved in our country in 1872 after years of hard campaigning.
He said: «A free press is part of any effective democracy... but there is a responsibility on politicians and sentencers not to overreact in such circumstances.»
It is fundamental for the operation of an effective democracy that the executive and the legislature work together in partnership to create good legislation.
Where does the future of the EU lie, and what challenges are preventing the EU securing a future as an effective democracy?
An effective democracy is essential to stabilizing our climate.
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