Sentences with phrase «effective early diagnosis of cancer»

``... these cuts will disenfranchise a segment of the population and lead to increased non-compliance with their doctor's requests for pathology testing due to the requirement of a co-payment... including: delaying the effective early diagnosis of cancer leading to premature deaths; compromising the effective treatment of diabetes and chronic diseases; and threatening the services of rural pathology» (Dr Michael Harrison RCPA).

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Earlier diagnosis of cancer increases the likelihood of effective treatment, benefitting patients and the health service.
UPV / EHU researchers have developed a method for the diagnosis and prognosis of cutaneous melanoma, the type of skin cancer with the highest mortality rate.This method will help not only in the more effective early detection of this cancer, but also in the development of more personalized treatments.
This is the result of increases in cancer diagnoses driven by the aging and growth of the population, as well as the fact that people are living longer with cancer because of earlier cancer detection and more effective treatments.
There are known and cost - effective ways to address these common noncommunicable diseases, including prevention, early diagnosis and management of high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol and screening and treatment for cancers.
is a translational program whose goal is to integrate prevention, screening, early diagnosis and effective treatment of oral cancer and its precursor lesions into a province - wide seamless network.
In the majority of cancer cases early diagnosis can lead to quicker and more effective treatment and in some cases entirely prevent the need for invasive or debilitating surgery.
The Foundation funds initiatives that support and advocate for: relevant and innovative research; meaningful education and awareness programs; early diagnosis and effective treatment; and a positive quality of life for those living with breast cancer.
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