Sentences with phrase «effective education policy»

How do we develop the most effective education policies and programs?
One of the most difficult aspects of shaping effective education policy is boiling complex research results down into concepts that can be easily understood by practitioners, parents and policy - makers.
Through their programs and services, policymakers gain the insight and experience needed to create effective education policy.
Report after report shows that not only is this policy working, but it is the most successful and effective education policy delivered over the last five years.
Additionally, the department believes that making effective education policy that leads students to higher levels of achievement is based on data and analysis.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) presents an opportunity to create more effective education policies by ensuring that parents, educators, and other leaders are all at the table to develop state and local policies and practices.
Similar efforts are underway in states and districts from Maine to Mississippi, New Mexico to Wyoming, often led by networks of NBCTs that recruit and support candidates for certification and advocate on behalf of effective education policy that benefits students.
He was unequivocal in his findings: «The D.C. voucher program has proven to be the most effective education policy evaluated by the federal government's official education research arm so far.
The National Board works with NBCT Networks across the country to connect Board - certified teachers to state legislators and other leaders in their area to shape effective education policy.
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